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AlissaCain live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

6 thoughts on “AlissaCain live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He also just had his grandfather die, watched his sister get badly injured, stayed with her half the night at the hospital, got no sleep, and had to deal with the kids being a handful. He still noticed that his partner was being snappy and was asking her if she is okay. He noticed her bad mood and it bothered him enough to ask about it. After he snapped he came in and apologized a bunch. I’m not excusing his actions, but he is showing some consideration for her feelings. But in her post she doesn’t acknowledge how tough the experience was on him. They both had a god-awful 24 hours and were both suffering from it. I’m not discounting how rough the experience was for her.

  2. Oh mate, all being well one day you'll look back to this and realise how much you grown. Jake has nothing to do with your relationship or the end of it, ask yourself if maybe you feel a bit insecure and that's why you are focused on the end. See if you can't relax , have fun and treat your partner as a person not a history

  3. Have you been to his house and/or met his family?

    Do you know for a fact that they are sleeping in separate rooms?

  4. The employees of your office are normal human beings. Of course there is gossip and speculation about you and this 25-year-old woman from admin sharing rides and enjoying the company of one another.

    I am not saying the gossipers are justified or what they are whispering is accurate.

    I am not saying that anything you report here is false. I believe you when you say there's nothing improper going on.

    You are making the argument, “But I'm not doing anything wrong!”

    Your wife understands while that may be true, appearances matter in ways that may not be immediately apparent to you, or that you are willfully ignoring because you feel like you are unjustly being accused of something.

    The fact that your wife is upset about the choice you are making should be enough reason for you to stop, but you are using the “I'm doing nothing wrong” excuse to ignore her warning.

    She may have had a friend or colleague ask her about your new friendship with the young lady from admin. She may have had to deal with sly insinuations about the solidity of her marriage to you.

    Your actions are being noted by people in your organization who may use that information in ways that are not to your benefit.

    Is that right/fair/just? Doesn't matter. Your reputation is how others see you.

    Be careful. Stop acting indignant and attacked. Try to see this how your wife and others see it.

  5. I mean, she's 34 and has ostensibly been in bands for quite a while. If she sucked as badly as you are describing her here, what bands would play with her and who would join her band? You sound like you're jealous.

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