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Allie the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Allie, 27 y.o.


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Allie on-line sex chat

Date: November 27, 2022

25 thoughts on “Allie the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. That's not really true.

    Go meet a girl in a club, take her home, have sex. Let it be that she's a minor, you're still shit out of luck, whether you knew her age or not

  2. well that's just a matter of perspective. maybe the husband doesn't have to ask how she's eating because he lives with her and probably knows that in a general sense she's fine?

  3. You sound like therapy would benefit your insecure nature.

    like sure, look, but why like it?

    Because that's literally the point of social media? Post content, like content. Do you literally not understand how social media works?

  4. If you truly feel that way tell your wife see how she feels let her take part in this lifestyle. Unless you're a hypocrite but that surely can't be the case you seem like such a catch.

  5. She lied by omission. She was you MOH and said nothing? How is that the honorable thing to do? Hiding it from you-her best friend-ask these years? And she gets an out? And then come to find out she kept the text-the one she hid from you all these years? She is a horrendous friend. She's betrayed your trust. Best friends look out for each other. She is an AH. But so is you husband. He was emotionally cheating, up to your wedding day. F both of them. I don't see how I could ever trust either of them ever again. And once trust is gone, it's almost impossible to get it back. I couldn't trust them to be honest with their feelings, trust them to look out for my best interest-my feelings, trust them not to have an emotional affair (or more), trust that they are honest… So much trust gone. Ya, i feel really really sorry for you. The fairytale you had in your head has been squashed. Maybe move out and separate for a while so you can focus on yourself and figuring out what you want and what you can do emotionally. Maybe you'll miss him enough you'll be able to work through things, maybe not despite hope much you miss him. What a sad shitty situation.

  6. Can’t see the other comment who just posted about “sometimes I forget you’re no one of my gf’s” got the notification but comment won’t load

  7. Dude I would hate this. Manager said it was ok, but what about her? Maybe she had plans for her work, now she has to do the task that was left unfinished and the work of the next day.

  8. GPS errors/glitches are momentary and then they correct themselves. If her position was at his address all day long then that's where she was.

    Even if her location was at his house for a short time, it would be an incredible coincidence and she world probably be cheating on you.

    In this case, she's definitely cheating on you. 100%.

  9. Yeah, as long as you're being very straightforward and honest about naming the issue and not sugarcoating it, some gentleness is fine – your reply gave me the impression that you were planning to still dance around it a little to save his feelings, which imo is too gentle, since you already tried it previously to no avail.

    Good luck.

  10. Thank you, yeah that’s what’s bothering me. I remember being 22 and I was so lost and different. She’s in a tough spot too and I don’t want to, even if it’s without bad intent, “use” someone who might be looking for a “grown up” maybe I’m projecting but when I was that age I longed for an adult and often mistook this to be romantic feelings. I’ll definitely let her take the lead in all of this, I’m not going to ask her out. I’m perfectly fine to be friends with her even if it never works out. And if she asks me I’ll have an honest conversation with her about all of this.

  11. “If we aren’t going to have sex, I’m out of this relationship” isn’t a threat, it’s a statement of fact.

  12. Do YOU have problems with your tummy?! If not, stay how you are but drop this guy. Actually, whatever you decide, end it. He is with a mother of two children and ask for a surgery?! Hell no! As if his body is perfect. You are not even together for one year and he criticize your body, wants you to change it. What will ge demand next?! And every surgery has its risk. Then the pain afterwards. And did he offered to pay for it? You are not a doll, but a human and we get older, our body shows our life. This is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide it.

    Don't change just for a man. Ask yourself if you would do it if he isn't there. If the answer is “no”…

  13. I dunno if it’s necessarily you being insecure, it might just be a difference in how you’ve bonded in the past. Some people flat out don’t like texting and that’s ok. Seeing you once every two weeks is a bit lacking though. What reasons did he give you for why he was hurt you didn’t find him interested?

  14. I don't know, it sounds to me like he did explain himself rather well: “Sharing my relationship on social media brought a lot of pain to me in the past, so I don't want to do it again.”

    If it's bothering you, you can talk to him about deleting the content about his ex so people at the very least don't misconstrue who's with. But as far as keeping his romantic life separated from his social profiles, there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

    Does he stop you from tagging him on pictures you post or try to make you hide your relationship? Because to me that would be a bit more suspicious.

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