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allineedisf_ckingu7live sex stripping with hd cam


2 thoughts on “allineedisf_ckingu7live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’m heavy but short. I look a little chubby but I’m quite muscular so I’m way heavier than people expect. It scares the crap out of me when people suddenly pick me up because I think I’m going to get dropped or they’re going to injure themselves. I used to travel with a large, heavy backpack and I had two guy do long term injury to their shoulders by trying to sling my bag while making assumptions about what kind of weight I was carrying and not bracing themselves. So to me, a guy assuming he’s strong enough without doing the work looks foolish. If a guy was going to pick me up and throw me around I’d want him to do it with good form and a realistic evaluation of my weight.

    I think you should be honest. It’s incredibly cute that you put in the effort. She’s probably well aware of her size and weight. Lots of people like to “feel small” in intimacy but that doesn’t mean they want a complex scheme to try and fool them into thinking they’re literally smaller. It’s like a reverse of those realistic foam boulders they used to have actors pick up in superhero movies, it’s silly lol. And the other half of dynamic, the one she doesn’t want to say to hurt your feelings, is she wants you to feel big and strong COMPARED to you. It’s about a dynamic, it’s a cousin of the dom/sub dynamic people find erotic but usually in a way that has clear boundaries beyond the bedroom.

    So maybe tread lightly on how you say it but be honest. Don’t be like “I had to get buff because you’re so tall and heavy.” And more “I know you like being tossed around so I worked out to get better at it for you.” Trust me, that’s hot.

    Browsing the comments so far it seems like the people saying not to tell her are dudes and it’s honestly insulting. It’s true that body-image stuff is very common and cuts really deep for so many women that it must seem unapproachable to a lot of men. But that doesn’t mean every woman with an issue with her body (almost all of us) are fragile and delusional.

  2. I met them before marrying him, but I think I didn’t know them well enough. They on-line very far away so we don’t see them often, and they hid their bigoted ways for a very long time. For example I didn’t realize my FIL was homophobic until the day of the wedding when I saw how he treated our wedding coordinator who is gay. I wouldn’t have married my husband if I knew of all these issues.

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