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Amy and Laura the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Amy and Laura, 20 y.o.

Location: New York, United States

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Amy and Laura

Amy and Laura live sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

29 thoughts on “Amy and Laura the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. so because he is reacting differently to a cold hes a baby? you know everyone has a different immuno response to a cold right? Just because it may not have put you in bed for two days doesnt mean it wouldnt for him. clearly your looking for a reason to be resentful of him and you found the dumbest reason possible, especially because it doesnt even effect you

  2. It shouldn't bother you that he enjoyed sex with other women. I'd be more bothered if he DIDN'T enjoy sex with other women. Just have sex with him and enjoy sex with each other. Don't worry about what either one of you did in the past with other people.

  3. It’s more about tone than what’s actually said to be honest. For me I love moans and that’s usually enough or tell them how they’re making you/your kitty feel “oh my god you’re making me so wet” etc.

  4. It’s posts like this that make me glad that Reddit collects info, and can (and is legally mandated to) pass that on to local law enforcement.

    They’ll hopefully be able to find OP through IP and ensure the BF (ex BF I hope) gets the help they need. (It also helps flag people who lie about posts like this “for the clicks”, as shouting this out in a crowded street or posting it live are both seen as the same thing, and can both land jail time if they’re found to be lying about a life threatening situation)

  5. Do you know what his porn/masturbation habits are? I battled porn addiction for a long time and at one point I chose it over sex. I was in denial and became defensive over it too.

    Something to consider.

  6. You're the other woman. Time to move on.

    Once, I was the other guy without knowing it as she claimed she was getting a divorce. It hurt, but I ended it asap.

  7. It likely won’t, if he’s been the “father” all this kid’s life. Depending on where he lives, the court may determine that he is still legally the father, and is thus liable for child support. Happens all the time. Finding the actual father, and getting him to take responsibility might be a way to get out of it, but even then not 100%.

  8. Why do you want to make it work with someone that makes you feel emotionally unsafe and invalidated. With out emotional safety, relationships rarely work.

  9. Lol yes your are. Cheating is not just physical for you information maybe look up emotionally cheating because that what you doing to your BF

  10. if you can’t rely on the people who love you to tell you the truth, then who will?

    You, OP. The answer is you. You need to figure out a way to catch these things yourself. You embarrassed yourself and now you’re projecting those feelings of shame onto your boyfriend as emotional mistrust, instead of recognizing that you were the untrustworthy one in that interaction.

    You need to work on developing your self awareness and ability to own your behaviour. You also don’t sound happy in your relationship, so maybe it’s time to move on anyways.

  11. Girl, take him up on the offer of divorce. Yes, shared custody sucks, but living with his vile treatment sucks more.

  12. For real though, I had to double take at the ages…. I was expecting a 19 year old women and 30 year old man….

  13. Fuck bob your ex is a horrible person I’m so proud of you for how you have handled everything. Perfectly done???

  14. Bob stinks. Good he stays away. He was bullying you without consequenzes for him. He had this one coming.

  15. My petty ass would do whatever I possibly could to serve her at the conference. Maybe not quite Jason Sudeikis/Olivia Wilde style, but close!

  16. I’m honestly shocked that no one pointed this out but I’m confused why she wouldn’t even try the exam? She’s just jumping right to going back to school for something she’s already been to school for? On top of literally every sentence having a red flag, that’s the one that stood out the most to me. There’s no harm in trying but she just refuses and would rather go to another country for 4 years. That’s so strange.

  17. Your children are growing up learning that a normal family is one where Mommy treats Daddy like shit. Is that what you want?

  18. No need to get defensive, people are asking questions about the situation, which is basically the opposite of making assumptions.

    You came here to ask for advice, and now you’re getting offended and refusing to answer really basic questions that most people would have no problem addressing, such as “Do you do your share of the chores at home?”

  19. He's a wishy-washy 30-year-old with commitment issues who still lives at home and shares a bedroom with his sister!

    Girl, how low is the bar? Come on

  20. I know I can’t. I just had my world shattered in 12 hours. It’s hot to make my brain and heart actually agree right now. I’m basically just trying to survive

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