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Ana Sofia Ponce live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

60 thoughts on “Ana Sofia Ponce live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I red your old posts too. You are such a wife material. Please respect and love yourself. Leave this guy.

  2. I don’t think you were too rude. I think the in love thing was probably her overreacting and being funny.

    It’s natural to not get along with all of a partners friends. I don’t think you’re in the wrong there. It sounds like it’s totally innocent on all sides though so hopefully you can find some comfort in that

  3. My wife and I were broke together. Everything we've built, we've done so as a team. No way in hell I'd throw that away…for what? Status? Clout? A piece of ass?

    I know my wife has my back, and did so when I was broke. I'm 6 figures now, and she's been 100% on my team to get there. No way I'm letting any other person have access to that.

    I think men who do this, chasing an idea versus appreciation for an amazing woman, always end up regretting it.

  4. Your dad and his wife are…something else. Geeze. And then for her to call you up and preemptively proclaim that you’re not being replaced? Guilty conscious much? She knows exactly what’s going on and your father is going along with it. Not even in an oblivious way, in a way that he’s trying to justify it with you by saying two people can have the same name. Not siblings. Sorry.

    You move on with your life as if they weren’t there. Sounds like they certainly are.

  5. If you don’t feel good about it this early into a relationship, why would it improve? Not to mention you both agreed not to associate or entertain people you have had history with, but that apparently only applies to you. Cut bait and move on, find a relationship you’re more comfortable with instead of continuing to invest a bunch of time and emotional equity into something that gives the impression it won’t last.

  6. I'm curious, how are expenses split up? Is it an even 3 way split? It seems if you were splitting things proportional to income you wouldn't be worried about not saving as much money.

    You don't have to get married if you don't want to. And why get married to Harriet and not Adam? Why does this feel like a way for Adam to extricate himself under the guise of saving on taxes?

  7. I'm curious, how are expenses split up? Is it an even 3 way split? It seems if you were splitting things proportional to income you wouldn't be worried about not saving as much money.

    You don't have to get married if you don't want to. And why get married to Harriet and not Adam? Why does this feel like a way for Adam to extricate himself under the guise of saving on taxes?

  8. Hello /u/Tee-hee-hee03,

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  10. Take it easy. It seems she spilled the beans to her nosy friend who then said he’s taking advantage of you.

  11. I'd ask him to make some time so you guys can talk face to face. Then explain to him that you miss spending quality time together and want to work on making an effort to spend time together on a regular basis.

  12. Thank you for the congratulations!! I fully agree with everything you’re saying, I’ve tried to tell myself this as well. But for some reason it continues to hurt. I’m at a loss, I’m starting to think I’ll simply not manage to be happy with him. It sucks because he’s perfect apart from that and I want us to be happy together.

  13. Well I can’t speak for anyone else but I lost my wife in November. We had been estranged from each other since 2016 but recently made some inroads to being friends again. But the one that I didn’t get over was the one after her. She died two years ago, and I have had two girlfriends since then. Recently I resolved to just be by myself for the rest of my life, enjoy my grandchildren, things like that.

  14. She didn't accuse, she asked. That right there should show him that she didn't encourage it or put ideas into the neighbor's head. People in relationships have misunderstandings all of the time. That's a fact of life. This, however, had been going on for too long and she is concerned. Maybe YOU should pay attention to the posts.

  15. Girls are never going to tell you the truth, and what do you have in common with a female to be friends with her? The friendship will always be one-sided her side.

  16. There are a few different tangents here, so please bear with me.

    I totally respect your stance as your own. Requiring your current partner to share your stance is possible going forward, but it can't be applied retroactively. If you have only been with one person, you need it NOT to be your last. It will cause problems later in life if you do. (It will also cause problems if you marry someone who has similarly limited experience. It's not just a “wild oats” thing. But I digress.) Saying “I will never find a woman who…has views on sex similar to mine” is predicting the future (a thinking error that is understandable, but not logical) and also incorrect. Most of the girls where I on-line think that way. Up to a certain age, anyway. It's naive to expect women to wait when society says age 26 is past her expiration date, and dating 19 year olds when you're 24 is a recipe for disaster. Prioritize. Is it her past you care about? Or the values you share in the future? With love and respect, I recommend therapy. Being bullied in childhood teaches kids a LOT of negativity toward self and life and everything. But simply telling someone to ignore that information invalidates all the very real experiences that led to that conclusion. It's good to have a professional who can help you shift perspective. You deserve to feel joy and contentment and peace — which will only enrich your partnered relationships.

  17. Firstly, Stop with the hinting! Communicate!

    Secondly, stop dating stupid boys! Raise your expectations!

    You should learn to communicate properly and be open and clear with your intentions and expectations. Trust me, you will be a lot less disappointed.

  18. By staying, you're teaching your kids that his behavior is acceptable. If you can't bear to do it just for yourself, do it for them. Your kids aren't dumb, they will realize this was not your fault.

  19. Like I said, he's done nothing wrong; we just need and want different things, so I want to make this as painless as possible.

    Thank you and take care!

  20. H makes it very obvious he is still actively in love with me.

    I’m in a kind of friendship type polyamory with my kind of ex girlfriend

    He has convinced himself youbare still in a relationship. He has been disrespecting your relationship G has been seeing it, but you're blowing it off as G being jealous.

    You don't see that THIS is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics people are concerned about when they accuse people of grooming. You're too afraid to cut him out when he is actively disrespecting your relationship.

    G, understandably, is not a fan of H (who really likes their partner’s exes?)

    Certainly not someone who can tell their ex still wants to be with them.

  21. You need to talk to him about this. It’s unfair to enter a relationship with him while he thinks you’re attracted to him.

    If he’s not your type, that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to have a type. But he should also be entitled to know he doesn’t fit the type you’re typically attracted to so he can make a decision on whether to stay or not.

  22. I know you're young but you can't be that naive. He assaulted you. I'd report him to the police. Screw your friendship! He could end up raping you next time round. The man is obviously delusional so why would you want to be friends?

  23. Did this start to get bad during the time your son was born? Could be untreated postpartum depression. However, if she cannot be reasoned with it's probably going to take a family intervention to get her to actually address the problem.

    In any case, I don't think you can get back from this feeling of no longer liking her as a person. Her behavior is abusive. The fact she's a SAHM also worries me; what kind of shit from her does your son get exposed to when you're not around?

    What I would do is start recording her behavior and get in touch with an attorney about getting all your ducks in a row for divorce plus custody of your kid.


  24. The self-control he displayed by stopping and talking to the man leads me to believe two things; he's either practiced martial arts or served in the military, and get father had committed a lot more abuse that had been glossed over in this story.

    This guy was looking for an excuse to take a walk down to the Wisha-motherfucker-woods and daddy gave it to him.

  25. GOOD FOR YOU. It always cracks me up when someone acts shady and then has the gall to act like the wronged party. Very narcissistic vibes.

  26. Yeah he's always very apologetic, he looked into the sleep disorder, etc but he's really scared of the doctors so hasn't really moved much past that point.

    He says it's worse when he's sleep deprived, so will try to fix his sleep schedule when it happens and sometimes we'll go weeks without it happening but then one night of disrupted sleep and it will start again

  27. We'll all be cheering for you virtually! This is an amazing accomplishment and milestone, way to go you!

  28. As satisfying as this may have felt short-term, this is now something that for every after, if you meet a good, decent person and want to be with them long term, you'll have to tell them you did this insane, petty revenge thing and take whatever telling them does to their opinion of you.

    Or, you lie and don't tell them, and get to on-line with that elephant in the room.

    Either way, while it might have sounded good as a revenge fic, I feel like having it as the reality is going to cause you more grief than anything, in the long run.

  29. A lot of artists make good money painting weird furry porn. They hate doing it, but . .. $$$$s.

    Could be same for writers. There are more consumers of rough sex than there are creators.

    You have to find out who is your boyfriend's stories consumer: He himself, or others.

  30. Part of the problem is that HPV is not an STI test for women, it’s detected in pap smears. Also there’s no test for HPV in men. So I don’t get what he thinks is going go happen.

  31. Break up with this psycho – you don’t need this. Losing a jacket doesn’t send a normal adult over the edge. And the “love me/give me attention or I’ll kill myself” is a pathetic trope played out by immature people who need serious psychological help. MISS ME with this. You don’t need this so young.

  32. Yeah cuz she doesnt have to tiptoe around you and be uncomfortable in her own home, she can relax and just co-parent with you

  33. At this point, all anyone on here could do is just speculate and I don’t think that’s going to help.

  34. Of course, her friend is dating her brother, and there is 8 years difference she is an adult while you are learning to become one.

  35. People don't just decide to stop taking care of themselves. Something is going on.

    I say this as someone in a happy, healthy long-term relationship and as a relationship coach: what you're doing is not “tackling the difficult conversations.” Calling your partner lazy and disgusting will never fix the issue. You can approach difficult conversations with compassion and care, which from your post and replies, you clearly have not done.

    You can try to understand what's going on with your partner and be there to support her, or you can choose to think of her as lazy and disgusting. Which one do you think is going to give you the results you're hoping for?

  36. I always thought it would be harder or take more time to rape someone. I thought tight jeans would take some time to get out of the way and there would be opportunities to escape or hurt one's assailant in the struggle. An angry about to be ex boyfriend showed me it takes about 20 seconds for a man to get a woman's clothes out of the way and be ready to start raping. My ex decided to stop, thank goodness. It was quite a lesson to me. (I did not agree to anything, everything was a surprise and against my will). I think OP's girlfriend was incredibly ignorant, inconsiderate and insulting in her ridiculously stupid attitude prior to the tussle. They both consented to a wrestle. They very very naively did not discuss any what if. I think that's on both of them. The girlfriend knew all she had to do was tap out, to concede. She chose not to. After all her insults, ego and insistence she didn't want to lose. OP could have realized the gravity of holding her down sooner. They both made serious mistakes. OP clearly has regrets about his.

  37. Like I said he is a good guy but he doesn't think and he's not going to stop making the kinds of jokes he does.

    A “good guy” would make the effort to start thinking before he speaks once this was brought up to him.

    Sounds like it's time for you to take the blinders off regarding your best friend, and stop making excuses for him just because the offensive things he says aren't directed at you personally.

  38. normal adult growth experience

    Because all adults are socialized in the same culture as you and there are no alternative concepts for relationships?

    What you are criticizing was completely fine last century and is still completely fine in many cultures and you are calling it unnormal?

  39. You guys need marriage counseling.

    First, I don't understand why you needed any particular scheduling for her to go out with friends. Does it require you to clear your schedule so you can be the responsible parent? Or what? Is that just you being controlling?

    Second, accusing you of not making her feel loved is not a specific or actionable issue. So vague as to be meaningless. I do understand that it's just possible that you're a cold and unaffectionate person (don't agree or disagree, that's not relevant). It's also possible that “I don't feel loved” is just manipulation in a game you two play for power in the relationship.

    See why I say you need counseling? Mostly, I don't want to try to offer you the solution myself.

  40. Your religious beliefs aren't worth respecting. They're based in discrimination, oppression and hypocrisy, there is no love in the hearts of the religious.

    But luckily your ex friend has ridded himself of a worthless homophobe!

  41. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and honesty. And I tend to think he knows that he’s pressuring me, but in the midst of it all he’s always talking about how he would giving up something he wants and how it’s not fair. It’s very hot to hear :/

  42. I can see why she skipped to it being an insult, if you look at the post history it doesn't sound like they've had a healthy relationship

  43. You're friends with the dumbest, most toxic person on earth.

    You don't have to stay friends with her. In fact, I recommend you don't remain friends after all this bullshit.

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