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AnaKarinlive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “AnaKarinlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Literally should not be getting married to someone that you have to ask Reddit about or have feelings for someone else. It should not be this confusing or complicated. Just let it go and save yourself the headache. Getting married isn’t going to fix anything it’s just gonna complicate it

  2. Life is too short to spend it with someone who doesn't like you much. Some problems in a relationship are worth the effort to try and fix, but you can only fix yourself, not someone else. She doesn't acknowledge that her behavior is an issue, so it will never change. You can find someone who appreciates you and won't tear you down

  3. Leaving someone over HSV1 would be unhinged. The vast majority of the world has it. Standard STD screens don’t even test for it. And as you know, it’s not only transmitted sexually, so there’s no reason to believe she’s cheated.

    I seriously doubt that your whole life you’ve been asking people to get tested for HSV1 before you kiss or share a beverage. Or that you’d do so if you left your wife.

    It’s cold sores. Most people get them. Chill tf out.

  4. Incredible. He’s literally giving you the “I know you are but what am I” treatment. Very mature, seems like every gentle & reasonable suggestion you make is taken as an insult and a hit to his ego

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