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Andie-Baker online webcams for YOU!


Andie-Baker Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

27 thoughts on “Andie-Baker online webcams for YOU!

  1. So based on your last post, you've already spoken to Ryan about why Jake hates him and Ryan understood. Now if you manage to dig up some evidence that Ryan was meant to be a donor (which sounds unlikely for several reasons), how does that help Ryan? What additional clarity can you offer him? The facts are already pretty clear: Jake has some issues that he's taken out on Ryan, and your parents are enabling this. It doesn't matter WHY Ryan was conceived, he just WAS and that is the one thing Jake hates him for.

    If you love Ryan which it seems like you do, protect him. Part of that protection means making him feel loved and valued. Giving him more reasons why people hate him doesn't feel like age-appropriate information for a 12 year old. Please consider this may cause him more lasting damage than help him at his age.

  2. I am so sorry you are going through this. I do think you need to allow yourself some space for some serious self care in all of this. You are healing as well. It's so hard to be supportive of someone else when you are overwhelmed like this. In the end it will enable you to be the support system for your wife in the ways you want to. I would also say, keep taking the action steps you are already taking. Keep seeing the therapist. Keep trying to hold her and comfort her. When she's hysterical and screaming, tune into her and just listen. You will begin to understand what she really needs and then you can support her in those ways.

  3. Bottom line after reading that, Leave his ass. Just “earn the ring” is off I couldn't see myself being that way towards a woman I love. As well as he acting basically like a shitty human. You 110% deserve better.

  4. That's incredibly controlling. Has this ever been an issue before?

    I say you need to set boundaries with her. FIRM boundaries. If she doesn't like it or threatens to leave you, do her one better and end it yourself. This is very unhealthy.

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  6. I got drunk lots, and never cheated. She cheated and is acting like a small child. She could have said no, and gotten out of the way. Do not buy this.

  7. Nope she's not your friend. That friendship died along with the secrecy and betrayal. You should tell her that you have closed the chapter in your life where she is concerned. This is the results of her actions. How can you trust her around any of your partners? Smh

  8. Ask her what it is about your use that bothers her. Does she not like who you are when you’re high? Has your ambition plummeted? Have you gained weight? Grown man-boobs? Ask her what she objects to other than the fact of it.

    Also, “hey, Babe, at least it’s not heroine” isn’t the best possible argument for daily pot use.

  9. Oh honey, please leave him. Set the right example for your girls.

    When you leave him, tell him it’s because you don’t want your daughters to end up like a man like their father.

  10. It's fiction, I clicked on his profile and his age is wildly different on every post. 8 hours ago he was a 42 year old woman.

  11. She is blaming others for her intentional choices.

    She has not changed and in fact the manipulation is now more apparent. You seem to see this and yet are being drawn back in.

    They all knew and did nothing. They watched as you engaged with Mark and Emily unawares. Bad friends who chose to protect her wrongdoing. You cannot trust them or rely on them. Advances will be coming from a place of guilt and to ‘even a score’. Transactional people are best avoided. The immaturity of the group has been laid bare and you yourself are showing the foundational soap opera drama that seems to be part of everything.

    Wake up from this groggy dream. You are still being manipulated. The release of truth is slow and probably has not finished. Marks attachment is very strong for a single kiss and limited encouragement. More happened. He was given the impression, even if only sometimes, that she wanted more than you could give and so his drive to fight to win her was amped over time. Even now she is still reading his letters even if she claims she bins them, and feeding off his desire for her.

    Walk away from this drama. The only thing she has learned so far is to use faux misery as a shield against opprobrium. Her true feelings come out when she senses you will break under her pressure.

  12. Maybe I can put it into perspective.

    Your GF is:

    high on weed 24/7

    ventures into hard drugs

    fiscally irresponsible

    not too much into dating (whatever that means)

    … but hey, at least she’s vegan!

    Dude. Wake up. You’re her wallet, not her boyfriend.

  13. And believe me, he’s going to either leave eventually, or this could ramp up into emotional abuse if it isn’t already

  14. I do think it is a more vulnerable side to me. I also do express love in different ways and am not shy of it. I just want to normalise it and can just say it without getting awkward/shy of saying it

  15. Why are you with him??

    On all your posts you have not said one nice word about him at all

    But made sure everyone knew his bad points

  16. He knows your ex did this and now he’s doing it? Catch him off guard at breakfast the day after he jerks off and, even though it’s hard and it hurts and you don’t want to, look him in the eye and say “I told you how much this hurts. Why are you doing this instead of making love to me.” You are owed honesty for every time you bared your soul.

    If you don’t feel like you can confront him, your best option is to move on, because he won’t change “just because”. Start with friends, then expand out.

  17. Not exactly the most normal of beginning of friendships. Hopefully you can see its not something that you usually boast about.

    I get you are unhappy about the lie, and I think a heart to heart talk about it expressing your disappointment, and wanting an apology is reasonable. Due to the circumstances I wouldn't leave over it, and if the “you have to tell me warts and all” conversation goes reasonably well, I think you should completely drop it.

  18. I am sorry, but you don't know what to do? Excuse me. Why are you lying to us all and yourself too? You know exactly what to do and wrote it at the end of your post. You need to leave him. He is stealing and manipulating you. He doesn't contribute to anything. Why do you hate yourself so much? I think you need to pause for a second and think this through. You are a strong and intelligent women who can afford to take care of yourself. There isn't any need from you from somebody else. It's time to worry less about others and treat yourself the way you deserve. LEAVE HIM!

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