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Ann_Caseylive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “Ann_Caseylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your husband sounds very immature. If counseling isn't an option because you have tried then divorce is the only option. Don't be guilty about making your daughter live in a “split family environment” view it as she is growing up in an environment in which her mother and father aren't fighting all the time.

    Him slamming the door to me would be the final straw. Having sex is about connection not about just relieving stress. If he wants that tell him to go for a run and exercise.

  2. I just don't get it. Why break off a 2 year serious relationship (I made a series of mistakes he couldn't deal with) and say we're never getting back together, to lose his number…and then get mad when I'm not trying to get back together?? I'm so confused

  3. Yeah, I'm a 32 yr old male and I know I don't speak for every guy who's 30÷ but holy hell, when I see groups of 18yr olds to early 20 yr olds I just automatically think babies.

    Op, youre not excluding your boyfriend. He's trying to make you question yourself and trying to get you to stay home with him instead of going out with your friends. Seriously Op, please look at your situation. No 32 yr old should be dating an 18 yr old. Typically it means that they aren't capable of getting someone around their age to date them. I think your boyfriend is starting to show why.

  4. Yes but during those 18 months she’s been dealing with medical issues- including her endometriosis, dealing with a hysterectomy, a possible addiction to painkillers, and obvious depression. This woman clearly needs therapy and some good specialists. Instead of focusing on helping her you’re focusing solely on how this impacting you. I get it- life has thrown a huge curveball and you wish things would just return to normal. If you value your relationship and your family you should be willing to try to save the marriage before just walking away. Sit down with her and talk about your concerns in a calm nonjudgmental manner. Go to marriage counseling and encourage her to go to individual counseling. Divorce should be a last resort.

  5. There is probably still evidence if you didn't use bleach. You and your sister could also make a police report without evidence just to make a record of the incident. The fact that it's both of you will make it more compelling. Sit down in a quiet place to write down dates and important observations before you go so you don't get nervous and forget something.

  6. OPs issue is not necessarily to do with him being a nerd, it's specifically doing it late at night. I am a nerd but I go to bed at the same time as my girlfriend (who is not) and we chat or whatever.

  7. If I were you, I’d really just say this, “Look, I’m sorry for what I said, that was out of line. But the reality is, if you don’t want kids, we can’t get married.” And go from there. Maybe she can’t get over what you said, and then that’s easy too, but the reality is, she’s going to try to focus on what you said and I think you need to be firm, “I am sorry for what I said and I’m happy to work through that with you, but first and foremost, we need to focus on what you said, is it true you don’t want kids? Because if so, there’s nothing else to work through.” And keep things on track. The first order of business is, does she really not want kids? The second order of business, if you even get that far, is making up for your comment. But the reality is, you’re unlikely to get that far.

    Do not let her steer the conversation towards your comment until you two understand if there is even a relationship to save.

  8. If I’ve already been sexually active for a while, should I bother getting the vaccine now? (To clarify – am woman) I feel like it’s moot if you wait too long

  9. Are you assuming I have anger issues for using the word bitch after being called an asshole? Funny that.

  10. It probably didn't happen here either. Sex workers know that they can get a lot more money for providing a girlfriend experience or as a sugar baby than with one-off encounters. She probably has a sense that OP has money and is susceptible to this sort of emotional manipulation.

    That's why he needs to be wary. It's not impossible for a sex worker to genuinely develop feelings for a client twice her age just because the sex was good, but it is extremely unlikely so he should be prepared for it to be a more elaborate financial arrangement.

  11. Then you said “well rapists have a high repeat rate, so yes the past matters now”. Now we have gotten to the point where predatory behavior from the past matters, regardless if it’s illegal.

    And you don’t think the fact that she has porn of herself out in the world can have lasting consequences? Come on now.

    That's a fair point. But I'm not OP.

  12. He gets in touch with you, at his convenience, when he wants sex, and he doesn't give you anything in return. He's not open to actual dating. I personally would find this arrangement to be WAY too confining.

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