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Annacute1 online webcams for YOU!


annacute1 Public Chat Channel

Date: March 22, 2023

16 thoughts on “Annacute1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Keep the baby if you want to keep the baby

    Be prepared to be a single parent as he has already made it clear he is going to bail.

    Think if you want to be tied to him and his mother, who will probably either be very adamant about seeing the baby/etc or very against him being involved in any way.

    Sorry you are in such a tough position during what should be a wonderful time in your life as you have wanted kids. I hope you are able to make a choice that best supports you.

  2. Do you have any self-respect? This action can NEVER be forgiven by any woman with true self-respect. Your boyfriend is trash. Throw him out and find a decent man.

  3. I think so. I certainly would just in case. I've never had a black eye myself, but eyes are sensitive and I'd at least want the assurance that it is just a normal black eye, if that's what it is. How's your pain? Do you have any light-headedness or fatigue or anything?

  4. Yea I’ll bring this up. I don’t like talking about leaving each other cuz what happens if he agrees? I’m not mentally prepared for that. He’s also my first serious relationship.

  5. Okay so I’m assuming she might have Vaginismus which I’ve heard is actually excruciating to treat. If the only problem on your marriage was the lack of penetrative sex, I’d say there are ways to work around that.

    But jfc it seems like a completely miserable life. I think if you’re willing to truly commit to counseling, give yourself a timeframe from which you need to see real commitment to change from her (maybe 6 months) then move on.

  6. Your bf is trying to control who you see and what you do when you’re not together.

    This is a red flag. He has absolutely no right to do this.

    You should go, and tell him to stop trying to dictate your life. If he says anything else you need to dump him because this will only get worse especially if you move in together.

  7. This is great in practice and what I want. Except: forced sale with take about a year. He can't afford the house payment and won't move out. I can't afford both payments. He doesn't want to sell. The house is most likely going to go to collections. So while the condescension in your post was wildly unnecessary, this isn't a story about me screwing my ex. This is about trying to be FAIR but not let him screw me, which is what he has made clear are his intentions.

  8. You keep repeating yourself as though if you say it enough times it will make sense.

    I'm in a near 4 year relationship now where I've always made more money and our finances are still our own beyond what we each contribute for mutual living costs.

  9. You have dated/talked to 100 men at 24??

    And this guy, who you fooled around with for two months (and who LEFT, by the way) was the best?

    You've built up an impossible fantasy guy and you're comparing everyone you meet against someone who never existed. You were a fling for two months, a year ago. And then he left. Sounds pretty textbook to me.

    Stop thinking about him. Definitely stop talking to him! You're never going to move on if you keep perpetuating this fantasy in your head. Nobody will ever be able to compete with that.

  10. It's a lot of honesty and respect. He likes waking up and seeing me laying on the porch with the dogs reading a book. He just does his own thing for a while so I can continue doing that. I think some of our initial convos were like “you don't want to hang out with people all the time?!” “You sound like a crazy person, of course not!” ?

    There's also a lot of things he wants us to do that he knows he can't just spring on me day of, but if he wants to do something Friday, he'll bring it up Monday and be like, “I don't need an answer now, just think about it” its SUPER helpful and the larger the commitment the earlier he brings it up.

    He also respects the “no” and the “honestly, this week has been too much (and we had talked the whole week about what I've been going through) would you mind doing this without me?”

    Generally speaking I don't limit our social calendar, just mine. Anytime I'm limiting “ours” is valid and he 100% knows/understands (like if a death in my family occurs he's not “how DARE you”)

  11. I had ex’s that were like this. They werent keepers, habits like that with cleanliness often reflect their living habits as well. No grown up has an excuse to not shower properly. Also how bad do his balls smell?!?! Every time im down there with my fiancee, I have never ever been near his balls and been grossed out by a pungent smell.

    I would set very firm boundaries if you want this relationship to last. Explain to him it is a turn off, unhygienic, and absolutely a deal breaker. Also Id have a talk about showering properly as well.

  12. From my personal experience, exercise for the sake of exercise just sucks. Rather than hitting the gym my wife and I will take long hikes, go play disc golf, or other activities. Way more fun than a cardio machine at a some gym.

  13. fear, culpability. Therapy taught me how feeling guilty masks your feelings and you ignore them. I felt guilty because I am in an absurd way making money and loving my job while she struggles so much to do hers. I have to deal with this choice for at least a month living with her.

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