This is true, I been with my BF almost 11 years, he has been desperately wanting me to accept his marriage proposals and I refuse! We recently got a house together and honestly I am happy. I don’t need to get married to be happy. If OP really wants a marriage I think it’s time to move on. Some people just don’t want to get married but are happy staying as how they are.
Right. Not denying that. But do you see the point I'm making? Although my parents didn't go to court, I'm sure if they did, my dad would've been the one to get custody.
Meaning that is it really in favor of women, or are women truly just the primary caregivers by default, so unless a father goes out of his way to prove that he's the main source of not only financial, but emotional, social, health, stability, and whatever other forms of support for the child, they're going to give it to the woman?
When kids are involved, they are (in a usual, good faith court case) thinking about the wellbeing of the kids. If there is a shared house, but dad pays 80+% of the bills, but mom is the primary caregiver of the children, yeah it sucks.. but for the stability of the children, it makes sense that mom would get the kids and the house. It's not about making it unfair to the adults. It's about making and already traumatic situation easier on the kids. Because what's the alternative? Mom has to move into a $2000/mo, 2 bedroom apartment while barely qualifying for government assistance while dad gets the kids every other weekend and keeps/sells his 4 bdrm 3 bth house? I totally feel for men that it would feel AWFUL, and you'd absolutely feel like the system was fucking you over if you worked your ass off for this house and whatnot, just for it to get given to your ex wife. But it's about the kids in most situations, truly. They want the kids supported and comfortable, because parents divorcing can be traumatic enough. An adult has a developed enough brain to understand the reasoning and logic behind unfair situations like this, but a child having not only their parents divorce, but going from probably somewhat comfortable living situations to poverty isn't something you can explain away to a child or make them understand. It can still be very traumatic, and they might not be able to see the situation for what is was until well into their 20s.
She’s probably been physically twice with me in the relationship, she’s never hit me in the face. But the suicidal behavior has happened several times. And I always thought she was being manipulated with this behavior I just never have talked to anyone about it so never knew for certain.
This just sounds like somebody made this up. How do you go five years and never know the other person doesn't believe in marriage. If this is real, they have more problems than this.
I absolutely understand where you're coming from and I appreciate that. As I said in my post I had heard of the problems. However I didn't know the full extent of the problem. Maybe he didn't come to me immediately, and who knows, maybe he never would have. The fact of the matter is, this is where we are, and as I said, I have proof of what happened between both parties involved. There's nothing the police would be able to do. Most he could have done was gotten a restraining order.
He is foul. I dated a guy once who boasted about having a threesome with 2×18 year old girls. I was repulsed and after he dropped me home I declined to meet him again. He was close to 30 and no amount of explaining ever made me change my mind over how disgusting I found it. It certainly has the ick factor considering they were only teens and he thought he was hot stuff. If I were you I'd see this as a red flag. He likes young girls, likely had relations with her even though she was barely old enough, and used the excuse she came onto him.
I wouldn't really call this a resolution, you made literally zero progress. You still have no idea what is going on and the entire situation is littered with red flags. As a fellow queer person, this will only end in hurt if you continue how you are. You need to actually communicate and get to the bottom of your issues, not just talk about communicating.
Don’t know how many times it has to be said – only you can set boundaries for yourself. If you’re setting them for someone else, they’re not boundaries, they’re rules, and yes, they are controlling. He can set boundaries to not be hurt by her, such as breaking up or not asking questions. He can’t tell her what to do.
No, not everyone is going to be like your ex, but it will probably take a stronger, more understanding person to see you for who you are and not for the crap your family has put you through. Take this time to work on you. Get into therapy if you’re not already, and learn to depend on yourself. Do it for YOU, and nobody else.
Agree… Comes to this sub & Wants advice. Excuses his predatory manipulative behavior, an ongoing pattern & his outright lying about past “relationships” with children.
OP using EXTREMELY POOR judgment. This man is no dream catch. He’s a total nightmare & she needs to break up and move on. It’s going to get worse… after the marriage.
Oh I am so stupid I meant to post it on AITA. If this gets deleted, I don't need to wonder xD
Thank you for your advice. He does have a habit to interfere with our business (or that of his other children) but I am positive that he only means we'll. He just cannot be not 'productive' in that sense. They need to feel needed. We will try to stand our ground. Thanks again.
I mean, it's up to you if you think it's worth reacting so dramatically that there will probably be a huge rift in the family (which would cause your parents to chose loyalty) and you might not be in your niece/ nephew's life. Being uninvited to your sister's wedding is a huge deal.
You could take the high road and just enjoy your time together as a family celebrating and ask your parents to help ensure the focus is on your wedding rather than your brother's.
Only you know how important your family and your parents are. Personally having the attention all on me for a whole week would not be my priority and I would like everyone to just enjoy themselves, but I'm more of an introvert and don't like attention anyway.
I’m surprised everyone was harping on OP when her husband is being a complete dick. She has a little something for herself whilst she accommodated everyone he shits ALLLLL over it and people are glossing over this. I mean when people treat their spouses like this and I’m supposed to believe they respect each other. I feel so sad for OP
By all means get a prenup with clear guidelines for divorce. Dude sounds creepy so add in a clause if you divorce him because of criminal behavior no payout as well.
At your age, you should know how to Google the definition of “temporary.” More than a year doesn’t qualify. But I think you know that. I’ll say it again – the benefit to adulting is that you can pee and change in peace.??? Maybe try it?
She is definitely acting inappropriately and CLEARLY pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable in a relationship. Here’s your problem. You think you have control over you. Unfortunately, you do not. Not a single word or action can make her change. She has to want to change. She clearly does not. She has no empathy for your feelings and seeks determined to head down this path. It’s best you start protecting yourself and child as best as possible because she clearly isn’t willing to work with you. Couples counseling is a last ditch effort but without a true desire on her part to be a mutually respectful partner and recognize your suffering, it will not end well. I think you’ve got to prepare yourself that she’s too far down a path without any desire to change and begin preparing yourself accordingly. The more you try to draw her in, the more she will pull away.
Your insecurities are yours to deal with in healthy ways. If you were concerned, you could have talked to your GF about it. Or your therapist. Or your own friends and family. All of that would have been fine.
A key component to healthy relationships though is trust. If you don’t trust her and are constantly questioning her or thinking badly of her then maybe it’s time to take a break from dating and just focus on you. It’s exhausting to be with someone who is always thinking or accusing you of screwing around and you always have to be on defense and probe yourself.
Does his mother work? Or has anything else to do with her time? Does she do this to anyone else? Your BF is the one who needs to put his foot down and talk to his own mother. I mean if after this happening over and over again she doesn’t get the message then there is something wrong with her
Does his mother work? Or has anything else to do with her time? Does she do this to anyone else? Your BF is the one who needs to put his foot down and talk to his own mother. I mean if after this happening over and over again she doesn’t get the message then there is something wrong with her
Sit with him and tell him you need to talk about something serious because you're at your wit's end and seriously considering if your relationship can continue. Then explain to him that you have your own mental health issues but the huge difference is that you are dealing with them with professional help, but you still don't have enough energy to deal with your issues, his issues, and the issues his dad has. Explain to him that you love him and that you can support him but what you can't do, is to carry him. He has to carry himself. He can rely on you to support himself, but not to drag him and you feel that you're being forced to drag him and that he just doesn't want to even try to walk. Tell him that you want to have a relationship with him, not with him and your father. Tell him that you understand that people have families of origin and you're not telling him to forget about his family, but that you're feeling that you're his last priority and that his dad is top priority and you can't continue like that. Tell him that his father is ultimately responsible for his own life, your fiancé is not, if your fiancé feels that he is responsible for the life of his father, he's choosing and the person being chosen is not you, so you'll walk. Make it clear and serious, write it down if you feel that this way he will take it more seriously. And if he promises that things will change, give him a timeline and firmly stick to it, because if you don't, he will drag this for your entire life.
Ideally your fiancé should seek therapy, but rarely does it work when people go to therapy under the command of other people. They just lie to their therapist and they don't do any of the things recommended by their therapist. So, your fiancé has to choose here, who will he choose, his dad, or you? Yes it's an ultimatum and yes they are valid and not a form of manipulation if you're actually willing to leave if the answer is “I choose my dad”. So say it and mean it. Good luck!
For your bedroom, you can get an interior fingerprint door lock in the $60 range. It’s not ideal to have to do this, but it would allow you to keep the door locked against her, while you and your bf would always have easy access to your bedroom room.
For the bathroom, you might need to take the old-school route of coordinating bathroom occupancy with the rest of the house. “I’m going to take a shower in 5 minutes and will be locking the door. Does anyone need to use the bathroom?”
Another major red flag. He’s trying to make you give up your friends and replace them with himself as your only support system. Don’t let him. You are too young to deal with this kind of bullshit. My suggestion is to break it off over the phone and move on.
I say it over the phone so he doesn’t have a chance to try and convince you to change your mind being there in person.
Its funny to me that a generation that was handed everything, had a world custom tailored for their happiness, then ruined it all out of greed and spite, has the nerve to give advice.
she gives me some type of attitude or she gives me the silent treatment and doesn’t talk or want anything to do with me. i can’t go talk to my friends because then she acts some way but yet she could tell all her friends about our problems and what not and i can’t act anyway about it because then she throws it back on me. i used to play video games and tbh i only play it for an hour at the most and i could rarely get into some of them but the other day she got mad and said i’m on it way too much so now i don’t bother playing it. oh yeah i have to do everything she plans or wants to do but yet any plan i make or stuff i want to do gets put down and i have no say in it or her plans. idk if calling me names or doing shit to me that i don’t like or am comfortable with counts as verbal abuse but she does call me shit and belittles me over simple or meaningless shit. i mean she used to be physically abusive towards me but that was some years ago and she hasn’t been like that for awhile. and two of the dogs are actually mine because i was the one to get them and i’m the only one who feeds them and takes care of them. i untie them for awhile when i feed them and i also make sure their dog houses are good and make sure they have water and i even buy toys and treats for them if my girlfriend doesn’t shoot it down. some days i want to chill and want her to feed or take care or our dogs but i don’t wanna ask because them she cries around about it so i do it anyway. she tells me she’s used to feeding that much dogs yet she acts ugly when i ask her to help me with them
The moment he said your perfectly reasonable travel plan was the definition of hoeish activities, my brain screamed “YOU ARE DATING A CHILD” and “LEAVE”.
Yep – home life should be your safe haven, and source of joy and love. Yours sounds like the opposite. I’m only slightly older (just turned 30) and I only just met my soulmate – saying that to say you have plenty of time to find someone that’s a better fit, and if you don’t have kids then divorce should be fairly straightforward. Family and friends will understand once you say “we literally never spent time together, even at home”. Good luck ❤️
Anyone who tells you that you have to prove your love for them is someone you don't want to be with. Pay attention to the giant, red flag waving in front of you.
It sounds like you have the right plan to leave. You no longer have a relationship due to his addiction. It's sad. You deserve someone who pays attention to you and meets you half way.
There is some middleground here. Throwing away every relationship at the slightest inconvenience will instill a set of habits that are hot to get rid of and will lead to problems when you hit your later years and want that kid/marriage/longterm relationship. There's a lot of space between marrying your highschool sweetheart and having only one partner for life come hell or heaven or leaving a relationship because someone looked at you wrong or sent a slightly disrespectful text.
I unfortunately can't move out due to her being pm a caretaker for me wrt my disabilities, as well as not making enough money to on-line on my own. If I don't apologize to her, it will cause an even bigger issue, and she might retaliate by taking my phone and laptop away and even breaking them. I have to online by her rules, or I will be evicted and end up homeless.
I online only a fifteen minute walk from work, so I only need her to drive me if there is like a storm or if I'm having a really bad pain day, but that day was really nice and my pain was only moderate. She likes to know my schedule every week, and if I leave the house, she needs to know every detail of where I'm going. Until about five years ago, she needed the full name and phone number of anyone I was going with too. She treats me like a child, but gets mad that I don't act like what she sees as “adult.”
Wow. Who'd have thought that a man who married someone 14 years his junior would start creeping on an even younger woman after rating her a 10/10? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. ?
I’m going to assume you know that this is a bad idea. So my advice to you is how to approach the situation.
I think you give him two options for him to choose. First, he doesn’t go on this trip, at least not with her. Second would be, him going on this trip means you two are no longer in a relationship.
Depending on what he does with this information tells a lot about him, his character, and also takes responsibility out of your hands. The responsibility is on him.
Let the past go. Period. You owe it to your fiancée to give him your undivided affections, attention, love and headspace. That is what you are committing to by marrying him. “…to the exclusion of all others.”
If you don’t think you can do that then you shouldn’t be getting married.
Frankly, the fact you’re obsessing about an ex is a red flag.
You did intentionally slap him. Like it or not, it was an emotionally charged situation but you did mean to slap him. It wasn't like you went to reach for something and accidentally caught him, you moved your hand with the expression task of hitting him.
Now, my advice, break up.
He betrayed you and now even after he did all he could to regain your trust you feel the urge to constantly betray him in kind even. He hurt you and now you are hurting him just as he did you. What does that gain either of you? He knows he messed up and tried to make it right. You know you are messing up but are still choosing to mess up.
You two either need to have a real sit down and chat through all your issues and not stop until everything has been properly vented, addressed and dealt with. Or you need to realise it's too broken to be fixed properly and part ways. Slapping someone out of an emotionally charged situation isn't justifiable in a relationship because relationships have intense emotions and there is every chance that they will get charged up over and over again.
Either deal with your past and stop ignoring it, or go your separate ways and stop hurting one another.
If you tell someone that their behavior negatively effects you and they keep doing it over and over. They. Don’t. Respect. You. As someone who stayed with a slob way too long I can say it will not get better.
If you tell someone that their behavior negatively effects you and they keep doing it over and over. They. Don’t. Respect. You. As someone who stayed with a slob way too long I can say it will not get better.
You're being downvoted but honestly, CPS/DCFS needs to be involved because she is not a safe placement for these children. I'm sorry, but being a victim does not give you a pass to put your multiple kids in harm's way — in fact, you are liable if you know abuse is occurring and do not leave. Which had to, based on her timelines, be the case at multiple points. If she cannot put her kids safety above herself then she is not a fit parent. I know people think that's “mean” for her to potentially read. Imagine being one of the kids and knowing mommy didn't give a shit and it was more important for her to get rawed!
They're being disingenuous about what the author “probably” wants. I personally don't care, but I think lying is dumb. Why not just say “the good outweighs the bad” instead of speculating on someone's intent with a book written for profit? I'm pretty sure that one guy is the only person who remotely cares about book pirating. So again, why lie?
Also how you describe the relationship is very unbalanced, it is more likely that your brother was bullied/guilted/ coerced into the “poly” relationship – as how you describe it he isn’t poly, he is monogamous, but his wife is poly.
But he likely will not do anything about it as he is too enamoured with his wife.
No, it's not. I have a healthy relationship. I'm 32 and I bought very new, stylish pants that “the kids these days” are wearing. My boyfriend HATES them. Calls them my little girl pants. Will 100% bust my balls if I wear them saying he's not dating a 12 year old and I look like I'm 12 in them.
But at the end of the day he's not going to leave me or genuinely argue with me over pants that I like but he doesn't. He's not suddenly completely unattracted to me when I wear something he doesn't like.
As far as my BF, he's completely bald because his hairline is honestly, terrible. He's very attractive IMO and his hairline when he had hair was so distracting. I also bust his balls about how bad it is, saying I can't believe he got chicks. Again, if he decided to stop shaving and grow his hair back out, I wouldn't be utterly disgusted by him.
As someone else pointed out, you grow a much deeper connection in a committed relationship. If I had worn those pants on a first date or met him with a terrible hairline, then yeah, maybe one or both of us would have passed on a second date. Maybe. Maybe not. But now? Absolutely not.
She is bitter and jealous of you having a relationship when she does not, so she's projecting her negativity onto you and hoping to spread her misery. It sounds like she's always seen you as a competitor, comparing your life to hers and relies on making herself feel better about herself by either “doing better” than you, or by trying to make you unhappy/uncomfortable whenever she thinks you're “doing better” than her.
She is absolutely NOT a friend. How do you proceed? Block her completely. Your other friends are insane to keep encouraging you to be in contact with her and I question whether they're worth much of your time & effort either.
As for friends…. You don't owe people friendship if they're no longer good ingredients in your life, no matter how long that friendship has existed or how good it was at one point in time.
Friendship is only valuable when it is mutually beneficial, when you feel better for the time you spend with your friend, when you support each other in ways that make you both feel good. Otherwise you're just being used by someone who knows how to manipulate your good nature to keep you feeling obligated or guilty enough to keep giving them what they want no matter how much it's a negative to you.
Also, she doesn't have a “dark sense of humor”, she's just mean and inappropriate. The “it's just a joke” is the excuse assholes use to just be assholes out loud. I have a dark sense of humor, I find movies like Triangle of Sadness hilarious. But I'm not an asshole, so I don't joke at my friends in ways that are mean or make them uncomfortable. If I make a joke that upsets someone, I say “I'm sorry, I didn't intend to upset you, I will do my best not to do it again” and maybe ask more questions to learn more about what I can do to not come over in ways I don't want to.
If he hasn’t been willing to propose what makes you think he’d accept a proposal? And why would you want to propose to someone who won’t propose to you?
Never understood strip clubs or the lure of sitting in a dark, smelly money to women who pretend to like you….until your money runs out. Frankly, a fool who wastes that kind of time giving away his money for basically nothing, says volumes about his maturity.
A boundary would be “I won’t let my husband impede on my alone time”. A rule would be “my wife can’t have alone time”. The husband didn’t establish a boundary. You can’t make boundaries for other people.
You say you’re not wounded by your ex but you so very clearly are. If you think people shouldn’t be able to go on trips or hang out with people solo because they’re in a relationship then you’re better off being single and not putting a woman through that.
Gonna hop onto this one too. Bipolar and in therapy and on meds here.
I am and have been strictly monogamous.even before treatment. Yes i was out of control sexually but i took that energy to my bf or had to entertain myself.
Even during my very very manic issues i was a fucking mess and would honestly just tell my then bf who is my husband now that i just needed space to avoid hurting him because i honestly didn't want him around me at all.
Opening up your relationship isn't gonna help shit OP. It never does. If you are monogamous you can't force yourself to be okay watching your partner fuck other people.
That's not gonna help her condition or mental health it's just gonna open her up to more issues.
If she doesn't want to get on medication you need to leave honestly. I broke up with my bf because i just needed to focus on fixing myself and getting into therapy! You can't make her get help.
This isn't gonna get better, EVER! but sleeping with other people isn't gonna heal your relationship.
What a weird post to humble brag about the modest luxury you are afforded by not having kids on. This girl has lost everyone she loves. Imagine that you’re 10. Your mom is dead. You are a product of a crooked cop statutory raping your dead mother. You have a grandmother who is too old to continue caring for you. You have a loving uncle, who maybe you don’t even know isn’t your real uncle (who cares bc you’re literally 10.) Your only options are the foster system and abuse now. Definitely setting you up for failure later if you weren’t already headed there.
Let’s have some statistics on former foster kids. One in five become homeless by age 20. Only 50% are employed by age 24.
I appreciates everyone's insight. After a talk with my ex, it turns out he views people in a pyramid scheme with him on the top and under him those he cares about, his example and only example was “they can do favors for me and I do favors for them granted we have time to”. And it's a sliding scale that he has no problem pushing someone down a level below someone else in terms of who's important in his in life based on my understanding, what he gets from the relationship of the person.
honestly, if I were you, I'd consider not being with him. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't believe you are their peace? You should both be each other's peace and it sounds like it has been chaos for a while. It also sounds like you both need to work on your communication skills. He may be wonderful – but is he wonderful for you? And are you wonderful for him?
You asked what we would advise you to do. I would advise you to stay NC until he reaches out. When he reaches out, go from there. But I'd also be considering looking inward and learning how you can grow on your own without him as well.
If you want to have healthy relationships stop worrying about what’s right or wrong for women or men in general and focus on what is right for you and your partner. We are all individuals with different wants and needs – the idea that there is some one-size-fits-all playbook for males and another one for females is ludicrous.
Do males feel as though they can’t confide in their female partners because they won’t be heard? Yes, and no. Yes – SOME men feel like they can’t confide in their partners. But also No – because plenty of men do feel like they can. But all those other relationships are irrelevant to yours because they’re not you.
Figure out what you specifically want, and discuss that with your partner. Ask your partner to do the same. Work out agreements where you match and compromises where you don’t. Be open, honest, and patient with each other. And stop worrying about how other people do it.
This is just abuse. I don’t even know what he’s talking about. He continues a relationship that makes him so unhappy. And makes you miserable. That’s not love. Leaving is healthy,not defeatist! Call it whatever you want,this relationship does not work.
Why don't you just tell her, next time she makes fun of your car, “ok, you've made it clear you don't like my car, I get it.” If she doesn't stop after that I would move on, because the more serious you get with someone like that, the more she will make those comments – about you, your family, how much money you make, your friends etc. Do you really want to be with someone who gives a fuck what you drive?
I'm so sorry, I think it would be best for you to just go no contact with them permanently.
my exact words every day when I’m wake up
This is true, I been with my BF almost 11 years, he has been desperately wanting me to accept his marriage proposals and I refuse! We recently got a house together and honestly I am happy. I don’t need to get married to be happy. If OP really wants a marriage I think it’s time to move on. Some people just don’t want to get married but are happy staying as how they are.
Right. Not denying that. But do you see the point I'm making? Although my parents didn't go to court, I'm sure if they did, my dad would've been the one to get custody.
Meaning that is it really in favor of women, or are women truly just the primary caregivers by default, so unless a father goes out of his way to prove that he's the main source of not only financial, but emotional, social, health, stability, and whatever other forms of support for the child, they're going to give it to the woman?
When kids are involved, they are (in a usual, good faith court case) thinking about the wellbeing of the kids. If there is a shared house, but dad pays 80+% of the bills, but mom is the primary caregiver of the children, yeah it sucks.. but for the stability of the children, it makes sense that mom would get the kids and the house. It's not about making it unfair to the adults. It's about making and already traumatic situation easier on the kids. Because what's the alternative? Mom has to move into a $2000/mo, 2 bedroom apartment while barely qualifying for government assistance while dad gets the kids every other weekend and keeps/sells his 4 bdrm 3 bth house? I totally feel for men that it would feel AWFUL, and you'd absolutely feel like the system was fucking you over if you worked your ass off for this house and whatnot, just for it to get given to your ex wife. But it's about the kids in most situations, truly. They want the kids supported and comfortable, because parents divorcing can be traumatic enough. An adult has a developed enough brain to understand the reasoning and logic behind unfair situations like this, but a child having not only their parents divorce, but going from probably somewhat comfortable living situations to poverty isn't something you can explain away to a child or make them understand. It can still be very traumatic, and they might not be able to see the situation for what is was until well into their 20s.
She’s probably been physically twice with me in the relationship, she’s never hit me in the face. But the suicidal behavior has happened several times. And I always thought she was being manipulated with this behavior I just never have talked to anyone about it so never knew for certain.
This just sounds like somebody made this up. How do you go five years and never know the other person doesn't believe in marriage. If this is real, they have more problems than this.
You should do exactly what you want to do. Go to school out of state and don’t look back.
I absolutely understand where you're coming from and I appreciate that. As I said in my post I had heard of the problems. However I didn't know the full extent of the problem. Maybe he didn't come to me immediately, and who knows, maybe he never would have. The fact of the matter is, this is where we are, and as I said, I have proof of what happened between both parties involved. There's nothing the police would be able to do. Most he could have done was gotten a restraining order.
Na she invited me privately and the others in a group chat on discord where I‘m not in, since I don’t play video games.
I would have known a couple of people there.
He is foul. I dated a guy once who boasted about having a threesome with 2×18 year old girls. I was repulsed and after he dropped me home I declined to meet him again. He was close to 30 and no amount of explaining ever made me change my mind over how disgusting I found it. It certainly has the ick factor considering they were only teens and he thought he was hot stuff. If I were you I'd see this as a red flag. He likes young girls, likely had relations with her even though she was barely old enough, and used the excuse she came onto him.
I wouldn't really call this a resolution, you made literally zero progress. You still have no idea what is going on and the entire situation is littered with red flags. As a fellow queer person, this will only end in hurt if you continue how you are. You need to actually communicate and get to the bottom of your issues, not just talk about communicating.
Don’t know how many times it has to be said – only you can set boundaries for yourself. If you’re setting them for someone else, they’re not boundaries, they’re rules, and yes, they are controlling. He can set boundaries to not be hurt by her, such as breaking up or not asking questions. He can’t tell her what to do.
“Ring goes down to the eldest daughter”
says it all.
OP, stick to your guns!
That ring was never hers to take. So she is being bratty for no reason.
Are you invited?
No, not everyone is going to be like your ex, but it will probably take a stronger, more understanding person to see you for who you are and not for the crap your family has put you through. Take this time to work on you. Get into therapy if you’re not already, and learn to depend on yourself. Do it for YOU, and nobody else.
Agree… Comes to this sub & Wants advice. Excuses his predatory manipulative behavior, an ongoing pattern & his outright lying about past “relationships” with children.
OP using EXTREMELY POOR judgment. This man is no dream catch. He’s a total nightmare & she needs to break up and move on. It’s going to get worse… after the marriage.
Leave her. She is clearly disrespecting you.
Oh I am so stupid I meant to post it on AITA. If this gets deleted, I don't need to wonder xD
Thank you for your advice. He does have a habit to interfere with our business (or that of his other children) but I am positive that he only means we'll. He just cannot be not 'productive' in that sense. They need to feel needed. We will try to stand our ground. Thanks again.
If you are smart you will say “ Go right ahead and fuck all the guys you want. I don’t date selfish cheaters like yourself”
He'll dump her way before she turns 40.
Are you actually for real????? WTF is wrong with you
This was said perfectly.
I mean, it's up to you if you think it's worth reacting so dramatically that there will probably be a huge rift in the family (which would cause your parents to chose loyalty) and you might not be in your niece/ nephew's life. Being uninvited to your sister's wedding is a huge deal.
You could take the high road and just enjoy your time together as a family celebrating and ask your parents to help ensure the focus is on your wedding rather than your brother's.
Only you know how important your family and your parents are. Personally having the attention all on me for a whole week would not be my priority and I would like everyone to just enjoy themselves, but I'm more of an introvert and don't like attention anyway.
He’s told me this coworker is more attractive than I am.
Sit down and think about that, OP. Who in their right mind says that to their partner?
Yes. ?♀️
She just wants to have an evening to do a hobby of her own. She has repeatedly commented that she likes having a job outside of the home.
You don’t understand how serious this is, it’s a criminal offence.
What I do know and you know is that you can’t love someone you don’t know. The reddish flag is that he doesn’t know that.
100% untrue. Women absolutely experience pleasure from anal. It’s WILD that you actually think they don’t.
Some women can. This is absolutely untrue for a lot of women.
If op says she likes it, there's no reason to think she's lying. But it's equally as silly to blanket statement women enjoy and feel pleasure from it.
Anecdotally, only one woman I know actually feels pleasure from it. Everyone else finds it either uncomfortable or just unpleasant.
I’m surprised everyone was harping on OP when her husband is being a complete dick. She has a little something for herself whilst she accommodated everyone he shits ALLLLL over it and people are glossing over this. I mean when people treat their spouses like this and I’m supposed to believe they respect each other. I feel so sad for OP
By all means get a prenup with clear guidelines for divorce. Dude sounds creepy so add in a clause if you divorce him because of criminal behavior no payout as well.
And how exactly is it mooching when I pay rent?
At your age, you should know how to Google the definition of “temporary.” More than a year doesn’t qualify. But I think you know that. I’ll say it again – the benefit to adulting is that you can pee and change in peace.??? Maybe try it?
Not people who are twice my age but people who are my age. People who are 18-21
Yes, one more thing:
For a thirty year old woman being housed by a boyfriend's relative, you certainly have quite the attitude. Entitlement isn't cute.
Why second thoughts?
Why second thoughts?
She is definitely acting inappropriately and CLEARLY pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable in a relationship. Here’s your problem. You think you have control over you. Unfortunately, you do not. Not a single word or action can make her change. She has to want to change. She clearly does not. She has no empathy for your feelings and seeks determined to head down this path. It’s best you start protecting yourself and child as best as possible because she clearly isn’t willing to work with you. Couples counseling is a last ditch effort but without a true desire on her part to be a mutually respectful partner and recognize your suffering, it will not end well. I think you’ve got to prepare yourself that she’s too far down a path without any desire to change and begin preparing yourself accordingly. The more you try to draw her in, the more she will pull away.
Your insecurities are yours to deal with in healthy ways. If you were concerned, you could have talked to your GF about it. Or your therapist. Or your own friends and family. All of that would have been fine.
A key component to healthy relationships though is trust. If you don’t trust her and are constantly questioning her or thinking badly of her then maybe it’s time to take a break from dating and just focus on you. It’s exhausting to be with someone who is always thinking or accusing you of screwing around and you always have to be on defense and probe yourself.
Does his mother work? Or has anything else to do with her time? Does she do this to anyone else? Your BF is the one who needs to put his foot down and talk to his own mother. I mean if after this happening over and over again she doesn’t get the message then there is something wrong with her
Does his mother work? Or has anything else to do with her time? Does she do this to anyone else? Your BF is the one who needs to put his foot down and talk to his own mother. I mean if after this happening over and over again she doesn’t get the message then there is something wrong with her
She told you she isn't stopping.
Either deal with it, or dump her. You are entitled to change your mind about dating a sex worker.
She told you she isn't stopping.
Either deal with it, or dump her. You are entitled to change your mind about dating a sex worker.
Sit with him and tell him you need to talk about something serious because you're at your wit's end and seriously considering if your relationship can continue. Then explain to him that you have your own mental health issues but the huge difference is that you are dealing with them with professional help, but you still don't have enough energy to deal with your issues, his issues, and the issues his dad has. Explain to him that you love him and that you can support him but what you can't do, is to carry him. He has to carry himself. He can rely on you to support himself, but not to drag him and you feel that you're being forced to drag him and that he just doesn't want to even try to walk. Tell him that you want to have a relationship with him, not with him and your father. Tell him that you understand that people have families of origin and you're not telling him to forget about his family, but that you're feeling that you're his last priority and that his dad is top priority and you can't continue like that. Tell him that his father is ultimately responsible for his own life, your fiancé is not, if your fiancé feels that he is responsible for the life of his father, he's choosing and the person being chosen is not you, so you'll walk. Make it clear and serious, write it down if you feel that this way he will take it more seriously. And if he promises that things will change, give him a timeline and firmly stick to it, because if you don't, he will drag this for your entire life.
Ideally your fiancé should seek therapy, but rarely does it work when people go to therapy under the command of other people. They just lie to their therapist and they don't do any of the things recommended by their therapist. So, your fiancé has to choose here, who will he choose, his dad, or you? Yes it's an ultimatum and yes they are valid and not a form of manipulation if you're actually willing to leave if the answer is “I choose my dad”. So say it and mean it. Good luck!
For your bedroom, you can get an interior fingerprint door lock in the $60 range. It’s not ideal to have to do this, but it would allow you to keep the door locked against her, while you and your bf would always have easy access to your bedroom room.
For the bathroom, you might need to take the old-school route of coordinating bathroom occupancy with the rest of the house. “I’m going to take a shower in 5 minutes and will be locking the door. Does anyone need to use the bathroom?”
Another major red flag. He’s trying to make you give up your friends and replace them with himself as your only support system. Don’t let him. You are too young to deal with this kind of bullshit. My suggestion is to break it off over the phone and move on.
I say it over the phone so he doesn’t have a chance to try and convince you to change your mind being there in person.
paragraph breaks, bro. paragraph breaks.
He didn't go no contact, you still talk to him. Leave the poor man alone, he's living his life.
Its funny to me that a generation that was handed everything, had a world custom tailored for their happiness, then ruined it all out of greed and spite, has the nerve to give advice.
Father is gone, mom already rents out to other family
Why do you say that?
she gives me some type of attitude or she gives me the silent treatment and doesn’t talk or want anything to do with me. i can’t go talk to my friends because then she acts some way but yet she could tell all her friends about our problems and what not and i can’t act anyway about it because then she throws it back on me. i used to play video games and tbh i only play it for an hour at the most and i could rarely get into some of them but the other day she got mad and said i’m on it way too much so now i don’t bother playing it. oh yeah i have to do everything she plans or wants to do but yet any plan i make or stuff i want to do gets put down and i have no say in it or her plans. idk if calling me names or doing shit to me that i don’t like or am comfortable with counts as verbal abuse but she does call me shit and belittles me over simple or meaningless shit. i mean she used to be physically abusive towards me but that was some years ago and she hasn’t been like that for awhile. and two of the dogs are actually mine because i was the one to get them and i’m the only one who feeds them and takes care of them. i untie them for awhile when i feed them and i also make sure their dog houses are good and make sure they have water and i even buy toys and treats for them if my girlfriend doesn’t shoot it down. some days i want to chill and want her to feed or take care or our dogs but i don’t wanna ask because them she cries around about it so i do it anyway. she tells me she’s used to feeding that much dogs yet she acts ugly when i ask her to help me with them
The moment he said your perfectly reasonable travel plan was the definition of hoeish activities, my brain screamed “YOU ARE DATING A CHILD” and “LEAVE”.
Yep – home life should be your safe haven, and source of joy and love. Yours sounds like the opposite. I’m only slightly older (just turned 30) and I only just met my soulmate – saying that to say you have plenty of time to find someone that’s a better fit, and if you don’t have kids then divorce should be fairly straightforward. Family and friends will understand once you say “we literally never spent time together, even at home”. Good luck ❤️
Anyone who tells you that you have to prove your love for them is someone you don't want to be with. Pay attention to the giant, red flag waving in front of you.
It sounds like you have the right plan to leave. You no longer have a relationship due to his addiction. It's sad. You deserve someone who pays attention to you and meets you half way.
Be strong, you can do this.
There is some middleground here. Throwing away every relationship at the slightest inconvenience will instill a set of habits that are hot to get rid of and will lead to problems when you hit your later years and want that kid/marriage/longterm relationship. There's a lot of space between marrying your highschool sweetheart and having only one partner for life come hell or heaven or leaving a relationship because someone looked at you wrong or sent a slightly disrespectful text.
That’s barely an adult
You really couldn’t have gone for someone at least in their late 20s
Predatory behaviour
It sounds like she has ADD. Medication might help
Lather, rinse, repeat.
It works, but it's also freaking tedious.
I unfortunately can't move out due to her being pm a caretaker for me wrt my disabilities, as well as not making enough money to on-line on my own. If I don't apologize to her, it will cause an even bigger issue, and she might retaliate by taking my phone and laptop away and even breaking them. I have to online by her rules, or I will be evicted and end up homeless.
I online only a fifteen minute walk from work, so I only need her to drive me if there is like a storm or if I'm having a really bad pain day, but that day was really nice and my pain was only moderate. She likes to know my schedule every week, and if I leave the house, she needs to know every detail of where I'm going. Until about five years ago, she needed the full name and phone number of anyone I was going with too. She treats me like a child, but gets mad that I don't act like what she sees as “adult.”
So for 5 years he said he had the money…… now closer to marriage and settling down he doesn’t. Yea I am mad.
You aren't married with kids and a SAHM with your partner supporting you financially while he pays al the bills. Why are you acting as a bangmaid?
Wow. Who'd have thought that a man who married someone 14 years his junior would start creeping on an even younger woman after rating her a 10/10? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. ?
Your husband is a pig. File for divorce.
I’m going to assume you know that this is a bad idea. So my advice to you is how to approach the situation.
I think you give him two options for him to choose. First, he doesn’t go on this trip, at least not with her. Second would be, him going on this trip means you two are no longer in a relationship.
Depending on what he does with this information tells a lot about him, his character, and also takes responsibility out of your hands. The responsibility is on him.
Let the past go. Period. You owe it to your fiancée to give him your undivided affections, attention, love and headspace. That is what you are committing to by marrying him. “…to the exclusion of all others.”
If you don’t think you can do that then you shouldn’t be getting married.
Frankly, the fact you’re obsessing about an ex is a red flag.
You did intentionally slap him. Like it or not, it was an emotionally charged situation but you did mean to slap him. It wasn't like you went to reach for something and accidentally caught him, you moved your hand with the expression task of hitting him.
Now, my advice, break up.
He betrayed you and now even after he did all he could to regain your trust you feel the urge to constantly betray him in kind even. He hurt you and now you are hurting him just as he did you. What does that gain either of you? He knows he messed up and tried to make it right. You know you are messing up but are still choosing to mess up.
You two either need to have a real sit down and chat through all your issues and not stop until everything has been properly vented, addressed and dealt with. Or you need to realise it's too broken to be fixed properly and part ways. Slapping someone out of an emotionally charged situation isn't justifiable in a relationship because relationships have intense emotions and there is every chance that they will get charged up over and over again.
Either deal with your past and stop ignoring it, or go your separate ways and stop hurting one another.
If you tell someone that their behavior negatively effects you and they keep doing it over and over. They. Don’t. Respect. You. As someone who stayed with a slob way too long I can say it will not get better.
If you tell someone that their behavior negatively effects you and they keep doing it over and over. They. Don’t. Respect. You. As someone who stayed with a slob way too long I can say it will not get better.
7 – 6 is not a long day. It is a normal day for many working adults. I sense there is more to the story.
You're being downvoted but honestly, CPS/DCFS needs to be involved because she is not a safe placement for these children. I'm sorry, but being a victim does not give you a pass to put your multiple kids in harm's way — in fact, you are liable if you know abuse is occurring and do not leave. Which had to, based on her timelines, be the case at multiple points. If she cannot put her kids safety above herself then she is not a fit parent. I know people think that's “mean” for her to potentially read. Imagine being one of the kids and knowing mommy didn't give a shit and it was more important for her to get rawed!
They're being disingenuous about what the author “probably” wants. I personally don't care, but I think lying is dumb. Why not just say “the good outweighs the bad” instead of speculating on someone's intent with a book written for profit? I'm pretty sure that one guy is the only person who remotely cares about book pirating. So again, why lie?
Neither Sancho or the child are your family.
You do not have to have anything to do with them.
Also how you describe the relationship is very unbalanced, it is more likely that your brother was bullied/guilted/ coerced into the “poly” relationship – as how you describe it he isn’t poly, he is monogamous, but his wife is poly.
But he likely will not do anything about it as he is too enamoured with his wife.
Or leave
Help what? Your relationship is a mess, you've both lost each other's trust by cheating, and you let your criminal of a cousin move in?
Go get counseling for yourself. You can't make him go, but that doesn't matter. Get help. Make better decisions.
If she just loves you for you and your appearance choices don't matter at all, why would she get sad when you shave?
No, it's not. I have a healthy relationship. I'm 32 and I bought very new, stylish pants that “the kids these days” are wearing. My boyfriend HATES them. Calls them my little girl pants. Will 100% bust my balls if I wear them saying he's not dating a 12 year old and I look like I'm 12 in them.
But at the end of the day he's not going to leave me or genuinely argue with me over pants that I like but he doesn't. He's not suddenly completely unattracted to me when I wear something he doesn't like.
As far as my BF, he's completely bald because his hairline is honestly, terrible. He's very attractive IMO and his hairline when he had hair was so distracting. I also bust his balls about how bad it is, saying I can't believe he got chicks. Again, if he decided to stop shaving and grow his hair back out, I wouldn't be utterly disgusted by him.
As someone else pointed out, you grow a much deeper connection in a committed relationship. If I had worn those pants on a first date or met him with a terrible hairline, then yeah, maybe one or both of us would have passed on a second date. Maybe. Maybe not. But now? Absolutely not.
She is bitter and jealous of you having a relationship when she does not, so she's projecting her negativity onto you and hoping to spread her misery. It sounds like she's always seen you as a competitor, comparing your life to hers and relies on making herself feel better about herself by either “doing better” than you, or by trying to make you unhappy/uncomfortable whenever she thinks you're “doing better” than her.
She is absolutely NOT a friend. How do you proceed? Block her completely. Your other friends are insane to keep encouraging you to be in contact with her and I question whether they're worth much of your time & effort either.
As for friends…. You don't owe people friendship if they're no longer good ingredients in your life, no matter how long that friendship has existed or how good it was at one point in time.
Friendship is only valuable when it is mutually beneficial, when you feel better for the time you spend with your friend, when you support each other in ways that make you both feel good. Otherwise you're just being used by someone who knows how to manipulate your good nature to keep you feeling obligated or guilty enough to keep giving them what they want no matter how much it's a negative to you.
Also, she doesn't have a “dark sense of humor”, she's just mean and inappropriate. The “it's just a joke” is the excuse assholes use to just be assholes out loud. I have a dark sense of humor, I find movies like Triangle of Sadness hilarious. But I'm not an asshole, so I don't joke at my friends in ways that are mean or make them uncomfortable. If I make a joke that upsets someone, I say “I'm sorry, I didn't intend to upset you, I will do my best not to do it again” and maybe ask more questions to learn more about what I can do to not come over in ways I don't want to.
You just sound insecure. He's with you! It's just fantasy. Everyone is allowed that.
If he hasn’t been willing to propose what makes you think he’d accept a proposal? And why would you want to propose to someone who won’t propose to you?
You’re right in a way—my issue is with their relationship, the word just reminded me and aggravated me.
INFO Did your daughter pay anything towards bills or rent? Did she put in the bathroom on her dime?
When about is it a good idea? I’ve never asked someone to on-line with me (not counting roommates obviously)
Never understood strip clubs or the lure of sitting in a dark, smelly money to women who pretend to like you….until your money runs out. Frankly, a fool who wastes that kind of time giving away his money for basically nothing, says volumes about his maturity.
A boundary would be “I won’t let my husband impede on my alone time”. A rule would be “my wife can’t have alone time”. The husband didn’t establish a boundary. You can’t make boundaries for other people.
You say you’re not wounded by your ex but you so very clearly are. If you think people shouldn’t be able to go on trips or hang out with people solo because they’re in a relationship then you’re better off being single and not putting a woman through that.
Gonna hop onto this one too. Bipolar and in therapy and on meds here.
I am and have been strictly monogamous.even before treatment. Yes i was out of control sexually but i took that energy to my bf or had to entertain myself.
Even during my very very manic issues i was a fucking mess and would honestly just tell my then bf who is my husband now that i just needed space to avoid hurting him because i honestly didn't want him around me at all.
Opening up your relationship isn't gonna help shit OP. It never does. If you are monogamous you can't force yourself to be okay watching your partner fuck other people.
That's not gonna help her condition or mental health it's just gonna open her up to more issues.
If she doesn't want to get on medication you need to leave honestly. I broke up with my bf because i just needed to focus on fixing myself and getting into therapy! You can't make her get help.
This isn't gonna get better, EVER! but sleeping with other people isn't gonna heal your relationship.
He gets …. Mad???? When you ask for your own dang phone back?!?? What the heck!!!!!!
Stop letting him borrow your phone, period. Change the codes on it. He no longer gets to use it.
What a weird post to humble brag about the modest luxury you are afforded by not having kids on. This girl has lost everyone she loves. Imagine that you’re 10. Your mom is dead. You are a product of a crooked cop statutory raping your dead mother. You have a grandmother who is too old to continue caring for you. You have a loving uncle, who maybe you don’t even know isn’t your real uncle (who cares bc you’re literally 10.) Your only options are the foster system and abuse now. Definitely setting you up for failure later if you weren’t already headed there.
Let’s have some statistics on former foster kids. One in five become homeless by age 20. Only 50% are employed by age 24.
Well then quit being hesitant and make that shit happen lol
what kind of an idiot stores cash in the house in large enough quantities to worry about in case of a fire and not in some form of fireproof safe?
If only there were places where you could safely store your money, like some kind of a sperm bank, but for money.
I appreciates everyone's insight. After a talk with my ex, it turns out he views people in a pyramid scheme with him on the top and under him those he cares about, his example and only example was “they can do favors for me and I do favors for them granted we have time to”. And it's a sliding scale that he has no problem pushing someone down a level below someone else in terms of who's important in his in life based on my understanding, what he gets from the relationship of the person.
Oh no?
honestly, if I were you, I'd consider not being with him. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't believe you are their peace? You should both be each other's peace and it sounds like it has been chaos for a while. It also sounds like you both need to work on your communication skills. He may be wonderful – but is he wonderful for you? And are you wonderful for him?
You asked what we would advise you to do. I would advise you to stay NC until he reaches out. When he reaches out, go from there. But I'd also be considering looking inward and learning how you can grow on your own without him as well.
If you want to have healthy relationships stop worrying about what’s right or wrong for women or men in general and focus on what is right for you and your partner. We are all individuals with different wants and needs – the idea that there is some one-size-fits-all playbook for males and another one for females is ludicrous.
Do males feel as though they can’t confide in their female partners because they won’t be heard? Yes, and no. Yes – SOME men feel like they can’t confide in their partners. But also No – because plenty of men do feel like they can. But all those other relationships are irrelevant to yours because they’re not you.
Figure out what you specifically want, and discuss that with your partner. Ask your partner to do the same. Work out agreements where you match and compromises where you don’t. Be open, honest, and patient with each other. And stop worrying about how other people do it.
This is just abuse. I don’t even know what he’s talking about. He continues a relationship that makes him so unhappy. And makes you miserable. That’s not love. Leaving is healthy,not defeatist! Call it whatever you want,this relationship does not work.
It's been two months. You're clearly not compatible.
Cops, Christian’s, and conservatives are 3 of the most materially illiterate people you can come across
He's immature and cheated on you. Why would you want to fix this? Break up for good.
Why don't you just tell her, next time she makes fun of your car, “ok, you've made it clear you don't like my car, I get it.” If she doesn't stop after that I would move on, because the more serious you get with someone like that, the more she will make those comments – about you, your family, how much money you make, your friends etc. Do you really want to be with someone who gives a fuck what you drive?
Maybe I’m coming from a different angle but I think this is so cute I’d my bf told me that I’d be like awwww