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Ariana-mars live sex chats for YOU!


To a big day and a big show <3 #new #curvy #bigass #spitshow #bigboobs [GOAL MET]

Date: January 17, 2023

34 thoughts on “Ariana-mars live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’d find it extremely odd that someone was in my bedroom when there was no legitimate reason to be. The husband’s reaction would make me really suspicious. If she’s gone to get something or he didn’t know then he’d have answered. So there’s another reason and it’s one he doesn’t want to share with the OP. I’d be asking my mum and getting a camera.

  2. Oh this guy sucks, you don't have to talk to him about anything you don't want to. He knows you're relying on him for the visa and the “nothing has to change” part is him looking for easy access to you. This situation seems like a huge catalyst for change in your life and I know he seems like a really big deal in your life right now but at the end of the day he's not the one for you. Make choices that are going to benefit you and move on from this dude. He's not worth the headache. When you have to be around him you can remain neutral and don't let him pressure you into anything you don't feel comfortable with or aren't ready to talk about. It's okay to say “I need my space please, I'm currently manifesting and protecting my peace”

  3. Aged out and became a real mom and human being that he cant manipulate and control anymore because real life gets in the way.

    He's not being a partner at all op.

  4. Hey I really appreciate that, honestly. Things are still kinda in flux but I’m happy with their trajectory ☺️ I wouldn’t call it smooth but I think it all worked out as best it could’ve.

  5. Hey I really appreciate that, honestly. Things are still kinda in flux but I’m happy with their trajectory ☺️ I wouldn’t call it smooth but I think it all worked out as best it could’ve.

  6. You are 100% in the right! Hygiene is important and you’re also taking good preventative measures against a UTI. If he can’t shower before sex he’ll just have to handle not getting any. Since you’ve stated why you won’t have sex with him it’s not on you anymore. He can change his ways or accept his fate.

  7. If you think his dad will stab him that's all the more reason to cut him out. I'm not changing my mind about reccomending defending one's self. Also I am very calm, I think you are the only not calm.

    We are not going change eachother's minds so lets agree to disagree, you can have the last word.

  8. This is what you should be saying:

    I love her and I want things to work out but I can never forgive her.

    The relationship is as good as over. Things like this are really hard to comeback from.

  9. It sounds like she doesn't really want you to be a part of her life, just an occasional distraction.

    I would stop arranging dates with her. Consider yourself single and go and find someone who actually wants you.

  10. I have to just let you know that you changed a life and saved a mind. Your advice really changed my perspective on the situation and gave me a mental boost. Thank you so much for sharing your advice, I sincerely appreciate it. Thank you thank you thank you. You’re so right. I’ve gotten some advice from my parents and bf but this advice really put me in a better place. I cannot thank you enough. ♥️

  11. It’s just so hard to let go, we were planning on getting married once he finished school in a year. He was so kind up until this point.. I really can’t tell if he is cheating on me or not. I don’t know if it’s my intuition or if I am lacking a trust in him. Do you think he is cheating?

  12. That's a NOPE. That kind of attitude is gonna make people around him continue thinking he is the biggest pussy there is. All some people do is tell, don't fight ignore… when that's not an option you gotta fight back bite the bitch life in the ass and let everybody know that he won't bear that attitude. He's gotta earn respect. Nobody respects a man with a fictional pussy

  13. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Really need help on my situation. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years. And from the beginning he was really fit and kept himself groomed. Mainly because the military was forcing him to. After he got out however he's been on a straight decline since. I used to have to remind him to brush his teeth, he's gotten better at that part. He's gained over 60 pounds and wears the same clothes everyday unless I pick out his outfit. Im a really flamboyant young lady and we get a lot of stares when we are out in public because we just look like total opposites. I've told him multiple times how I wish that he took care of himself. We've had serious conversations but nothing ever improves. I love him for him but I'm at a breaking point where I crave physical attention but not from him in his current state. Besides physical attraction he's a wonderful partner who always has my back…I feel like I would be a bitch if I broke things off for these reasons.

    Edit: I just wanted to mention that he was never active duty and went straight into the reserves after training.

  14. I guess I'm only 1/3 white, since skiing is all I like on that list. Wonder what the rest of me is, im so confused.

  15. I don’t listen to punk or mountain bike but I’ve seen the bare hard ladies in concert 5x and once I cried because I spilled wine on my yoga pants. Am I still white?

  16. She wants you to acknowledge her feelings or the grievance.

    If you can adapt to that style then try to do so.

    If not then it is time to go.

  17. Absolutely. It's sexual coercion. She keeps bringing it up because she is hoping he will give in with enough pestering. If this was a man posting about not getting blowjobs, people would wipe the floor with his ass.

  18. He’s refused any professional help. I feel like he’s too “man” to ask for help. But even when I offer he just gets upset and won’t discuss it.

  19. I agree these are both deal breakers IF she had no intention on working on them. Had you tried to address these issues throughout the relationship? It’s possible you just recently found out about the debt but does she have a plan to pay it down or cut back? The cleanliness thing could definitely be worked on. I’m much cleaner now at almost 40 than I was at her age. It sucks to spend a year with someone and get attached like it seems you both are, then end it over things that could presumably be fixed with some honest conversations.

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