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ArielMelodylive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “ArielMelodylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. As a man I have been ina relationship with someone who turned out to be asexual, only wanting to do it every few months and yes it was frustrating. I am now with someone who I can't keep up with and some times she is frustrated, but were close enough and its not often.

    But what you described here is complete BS. you just explained that you are very ill at the moment and that is his concern? That is super inconsiderate and I can't figure out why he is not mroe worried, trying to take care of you, but instead trying to tell you to suck it up while “he does all the work”.

    It does not sound like he loves you, or if he does, not a whole lot. And as you said connection is the point of sex, so why would he even suggest something like that if you both can't enjoy it.

  2. I'm curious, how are expenses split up? Is it an even 3 way split? It seems if you were splitting things proportional to income you wouldn't be worried about not saving as much money.

    You don't have to get married if you don't want to. And why get married to Harriet and not Adam? Why does this feel like a way for Adam to extricate himself under the guise of saving on taxes?

  3. It's what I've been thinking of doing most rather than endlessly asking her. At least that way if she's that upset with me it would be her ending things and not me looking petty and impatient

  4. As a kid of divorce, sixteen is not old enough to orchestrate your visits with another parent.

    I’m older now, but a when I was younger my parents decided I would plan everything because they didn’t want to talk to each other. It was a lot of stress, and I ended up having a breakdown.

    Now my parents keep contact and plan things because even if I was old enough to contact them myself, I shouldn’t have been in charge of that. They worked together to make me, and they need to work together when things involve me. They are parents, and that is their job. The same goes for you and your ex wife

    Your kids are still kids. Don’t put that responsibility on them. Your younger kids are not going to be confused, and honestly your wife seems jealous that you are trying to be a good dad. You need to have a conversation with her and put your kids first.

  5. Yikes. She has issues letting go. That stuff should have been gone WELL before she started dating you. Does not bode well for the relationship, that's for sure…

  6. True, the way he attacked me with his words, really hurt. He was like u arent friends because of who i am but friends with me cuz of my age.

    Like yes I dont really become friends with guys older because I thought they’d have interest compared to younger ones.

    Will he ever realize and apologize? I have to see him everyday in class now…

  7. You’re not doing anything wrong. Your BF is obviously having a deep depressive/anxiety episode and he’s projecting on you. He’s most likely angry at himself and he’s trying to find a culprit.

    He needs to see a therapist and even maybe to be medicated. Is he already following therapy?

  8. Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for being against someone going through your private stuff. Reddit is weird.

  9. He met someone else. He needs to find something to blame you for in order to feel better about himself. Don’t buy it. It’s rubbish. This is a Narc play if ever I saw one. It’s your fault he cheated, because you disrespected him a million years ago. What a coward. Good riddance to that guy. You will meet someone spectacular. Watch for the Hoover attempt. He’ll try to get in contact with you. You need to cut him out of your life like a cancer.

  10. If her opinion blatantly undermines and disrespects him, he is under no obligation to give two shits.

    What's unfortunate is good men do give a shit. Even when it negatively impacts them, we still feel pressure to make our partner happy and fulfilled. Even when they clearly don't reciprocate. And that absolutely seems to be the case here when it comes to OP's career/finances. His partner seems to have zero problem with sacrificing OP's mental health and overall happiness for her own fulfillment.

    OP needs to look out for himself, not just his partner. It took me a long time to realize this, but there is nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to self health.

  11. So I don't know how he was okay with it for a year

    He wasn't. He was waiting for you to get attached enough that he could start fucking other women without risking losing you. A woman his age wouldn't put up with that kind of dumbshit, that's why he has to date teenagers.

  12. He’s stringing you along. And probably stringing the other girl along too because I bet she doesn’t know you and him are having sex.

    Move on. Block him. He doesn’t want what you want he’s just saying what he thinks you want to hear. Having babies with you in some nebulous future when you’re not even exclusively in a relationship? He’s an idiot.

  13. Thankyou for such a level headed comment. Your absolutey right and I 100% agree with what you have said. He never takes us out anywhere and at this point I just know he doesn't care for us. Its just trying to muster up the courage to leave. I poured everything into this relationship for the last 10 years. He gambled away my life savings too. I suppose I just kept feeling like it would get better.

  14. Marriage counseling should be a priority, if you can do it. Beyond that, open up to her about your thoughts just as you did here and why you want to keep some things private. Remind her that you both had a big fight previously about this and agreed to not look through each other phones. Ask her what exactly changed. Is there anything you can do or explain that would make her feel more comfortable? Is there a recent change in behavior of yours or something of that nature that's been bothering her? Are there some actions that you both agree to (so not combing through your phone) that would make her feel more comfortable?

  15. These comments lol. “F your parents!” “Racist pigs just don’t introduce him to them ever!” “Who cares what they think screw them!”

    Family matters. Respecting cultures matters. Having a partner be able to communicate with your family matters. Your parents’ thoughts and feelings matter. Otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for advice. Family is important to you. If your partner loves you, they’ll be important to him as well.

    Talk to your parents. Listen to their concerns, ask them what they want, and most importantly why. Then tell them your thoughts and feelings and how you believe it can work. Tell them stories about him and how he shares similar values. Teach him your culture and customs. Effort matters. EFFORT MATTERS! Ask your family to give him an chance and make sure you and your partner both show initiative and connect by him being mindful of your traditions, teach him phrases and words to say, how to act when with family, etc.

    Lastly, stop listening to Redditors that tell your own family to F off. They don’t share the same values as you.

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