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Asashimizuno live! webcams for YOU!


asashimizuno Public Chat Channel

Date: November 5, 2022

53 thoughts on “Asashimizuno live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He didn’t know her slippers were damaged and I explained why I didn’t clean it up in an earlier comment.

  2. I think what this post has told me is this is something I need to talk to my psychologist about. I’ve been sexually assaulted during a relationship in the past and opened up about it. It ended up with me feeling guilty for “putting myself in that position” when I was with family.

    Thank you for your edit.

  3. She’s your girlfriend. You know her better than they do. Trust your gut and make financially sound decisions.

  4. I'm not trying to be. But it's becoming very weird, and I'm confused and I just don't understand.

    I feel played with

  5. If someone can’t wipe their ass properly, it’s unlikely they’re going to make a good life partner. You shouldn’t have to mother your partner

  6. Fair enough. It was still wrong, though. I get wanting to have your friend's back. Hope you two can work it out.

  7. The issue doesn't sound so much about the things you may or may not want long term. It sounds like the issue lies with the fact that your partner doesn't show interest in providing you with those things, or seem excited to do things with you. Honestly, you sound way more serious about him than he does about you. Just because he's done these things with someone else should in no way impact whether he's excited to do them with you. He either hasn't worked through his commitment issues (which sounds likely, since you describe him as “scarred”) or is not that interested in you. Either way, you have to ask yourself why you continue to pour your energy into someone who isn't pouring it back into you.

    It sounds like he's been telling you for a while that he doesn't want what you want, and only you can decide if he is worth settling for. But make no mistake, you will be settling. Some amount of settling is inevitable in any relationship, because nobody is perfect and not every unmet need is a deal breaker, but only you can decide how much is too much. Love is not enough to sustain a relationship, compatibility is not enough, shared interests is not enough. It takes work and interest on both sides, and from your description, it sounds very one sided.

    I think you two need to have an honest discussion about how you fit into each other's lives long term. If this is the partnership you want to be in for the rest of your life, then do you. If you know, deep down, that you want a different kind of partner, you need to tell him what it will take for him to stay in that role. If he wants to meet those needs, and takes action to change, then great. If he doesn't, then you probably need to let him go. Because you may love him a lot, but you need to love yourself more. You only get one life, and you need to be very selective who you spend it with. You are worth being excited over.

  8. Yes, I am aware of the definition of the term gaslighting. I've already explained this repeatedly, but deflecting the blame of his actions onto her and manipulating the events and severity are part of gaslighting.

  9. “He also says he’s straight and not interested in men.”

    LMFAO, there is no such thing as straight man using GRINDR. OP come on, you weren't born yesterday. We all know why your husband is on that app and it NOT to get drugs for sure.

  10. You were the only one uncomfortable, literally no one else would care. Esp since this was at a wedding event, you don't need to care about this

  11. Her words and actions do not line up. I’ve told her all this same stuff and she just denies it and says she hates that I feel that way. She just doesn’t feel the need to post us as everyone important already knows about me and she doesn’t care about social media. But also doesn’t want to take pictures down of her ex? It’s completely bizarre

  12. In high-school I had a “friend” who did this same thing. He had folder with downloaded/screen grabbed photos of SO MANY girls, that he knew and didn't know. I didn't think much of it when he told me, I thought it's the usual horny behavior of a teenager. Then later he was the one of the guys actively participating in spreading around my underage nudes that my abusive ex leaked. This man might be dangerous, maybe I'm projecting because I had trauma around similar thing, but when I read about his behavior it made me feel unsafe.

  13. Take the kids rto a professional photographer, add the pictures together with some drawings or other things in to a large picture frame. Prepare to let her sleep in by taking the kids for a walk early. Add some flowers you got together with the kids and done.

  14. dude's in his twenties getting with a minor

    prepays for a cosmetic surgery solely for HIS OWN physical gratification

    where do yall find these men?

  15. “didn’t think about it”

    I call BS. It seemed to me like you made your feelings and boundaries very clear multiple times and he lies and just disregards your feelings and boundaries. What kind of husband does that? He's clearly continually prioritizing his friendship with this gaming flirt over you. She also clearly doesn't respect her own marriage so why would she respect yours? Cuddling with people who is not her husband is messed up. I think therapy is a good idea because your husband is not getting it or he just doesn't care.

  16. Please leave this relationship. This is not normal. This is not healthy. That is manipulative and will lead to abuse.

  17. “Don’t hate in other women to score points with men” honey this isn’t a competition I hate on all humans equally mwah

  18. Fair enough. I also had strict parents. So go to a laundry mat? Or hand wash that stuff out before throwing it in the wash?

    Like literally hand wash in the bathroom sink with hand soap. Rinse it out fully. Let it dry and throw it in the regular wash.

  19. Don’t give her that ring man. Whatever happens, do not propose. Do not buy a house for you two.

    She let these people get into her head that she could do better than you. She broke up with you because she felt that she could find a better man then you. That ain’t love.

    If I were you, I would stay broken up. Things will never be the same. You’ll always think about how she will drop you if a better guy comes along.

    Stay broken up and find someone who treats you as their first choice man. Good luck

  20. She cheated and is a shitty person. Btw: what makes you think she changed? I don't think she did because the way she behaved shows it's deeply a part of her personality. Your sex life still isn't up to what you would like and she never even mentioned problems on her part. So you can be more or less sure she still takes up opportunities to cheat when they come up. Call yourself lucky you found all of this out, count your losses and then get out. This is not wife material by any measure

  21. As others have said – pick your graduation over pleasing others. For a start, you will regret it if you dont. Believe me. You have worked so very nude, and your graduation day is one of celebration, excitement and reward for all that you have suffered through. I only got to do an online graduation, with a wave at my webcam thanks to covid. That was nowhere as near as satisfying as being there physically (although a lot less scary lol), but i was still a fun time..and my cat got to join in (she even walked across my table unprompted as my name was read out..pretty impressive)

    There may also be the opportunity for networking whilst you are there; you could get your career off to a great start.

    You graduation will mean everything to you. You attending the wedding just means another bum on a seat. And who knows, maybe he'll get married again later on in life… just because hes getting married now, it doesnt mean the marriage will last. Imagine how you would feel then, missing out on your graduation for nothing.

    Also, boundaries and self-worth. If you always keep giving in and letting him get his/ you families own way, you're in for a stressful, disappointing time. You can think of it as training/developing skills for use in your career – there will be times when you have to upset people or go against wishes, especially so in the medical field.

    In time, you will go on to have your own family, be it with a partner, children, pets or even just close friends. If your family are filling to take issue with you attending your own bloody graduation, thats on them.

  22. I read them. You are delusional and an enabler – you let him abuse his dog an you do nothing about. Soon he will hit you or your child, and you will be sooooo suprised, because underneath all the bad, he is a good boy, just a little angry. Get a grip woman and save yourself, your child and the dog.

  23. So you’re still continuing to shame me even though I have no other resources for myself and am prioritizing my dog before myself

  24. Yeah, it sounds like you feel like he doesn’t pay attention to you or value you the same way he does his friends. That’s the core issue here and something worth bringing up to him.

  25. When my ex and I first got together, we were getting it in several times per day. I’m old enough to be your father. I told her time is catching up to me, but I’d always do my best to accommodate. So there were times, we’d get it in, I’d get her off, and then I’d tap out. I made it clear that for me an orgasm wasn’t necessary, and that I mostly value the personal connection of intimacy. She was cool with that.

  26. I mean if you're going to ask him to let you keep the car on your days off that means you have to accept the responsibilities of being the only person with a car during that time. So when your partner depends on you to transport them or things for you, you're supposed to be willing to help them. Otherwise, don't ask to keep the car on your days off.

    I don't want to be rude because I enjoy relaxing on my off days too, but you have all day to do your hair and he doesn't have all day to be able to eat. Granted he should make sure his lunch is packed as he's an adult, but making him wait when he only has a small window in his shift to eat was not the right move in my opinion. Especially when you were just doing your hair.

  27. I assumed it was a few. I didn’t know at that time it was only a couple. I don’t think I knew that until right now. I have not read every post on this thread.

  28. And she doesn’t want to make it public knowledge as it will “upset his family”.

    His family bloody deserve to be upset. Honestly, how his family would react isn't your GF's problem. The guy literally admitted that he had every intention of raping her. That's not a friend; that's a sexual predator, and he really needs to be brought to justice.

    It sounds like she's trying to minimise the incident. I don't profess to be a mental health expert at all, but on one hand, one might argue she's doing that as a method of coping with the incident, rather than accepting she's been the victim of a rather nasty sexual assault and wanting justice for herself.

    The other possibility, I'm sorry to say, is that perhaps things didn't go down entirely as you've been told.

  29. Again, we are not talking about a two parent household. We are talking about the choice of having a child under the current circumstances. The choice is hers.

  30. She stole from him, paying him back doesn’t change that. OP doesn’t even think she can pay him back. Makes it even worse

  31. You've entered into a long term serious monogamous relationship with a 21year old. That's heavy. She's probably torn between her love for you and wanting to be free and experience young, untethered life to the fullest.

    Hence, the choices she's made.

    You may not know the full extent of her involvement in the incident for many years, maybe never. But regardless, it sounds as though she's just not ready to settle down.

  32. Stop being afraid for yourself. Be excited and know that you have experiences and things coming your way that will feel even worse than this. He’s not everything, and if he is- he will come back. If you wait and drive yourself crazy the entire year, I promise you. It will not work out. So let it be, talk to a therapist if you have to. But just know you’ll be okay. Sending you strength and love.

  33. I'd say unless you actually find something to tie this feeling to (an action, or something he says) you could probably chalk these up as intrusive thoughts that aren't necessarily reflective of reality.

    It's human nature to focus on the negative, and it's up to ourselves to use logic and determine whether those feelings have merit or not.

  34. Get gone,, I don't like the idea of your pets being left uncared for, but I wouldn't put u with that shit. Perhaps you could put your pets in kennels whilst you are away?

  35. “we all just laughed” “WE had a sense of humor” you do realize that them making jokes and you not defending him, plus admitting to us that you found him below average while dating him, means that it’s also YOUR fault and you should have apologized to him for not standing up for him for so long???

    and no, you giving him the privilege of dating you was not standing up for him. I literally had a boyfriend whose friends made fun of me and he never defended me from them until I asked, but at that point it was too late. I held resentment that he just naturally didn’t think to do that for me, someone he supposedly likes.

    Break up with him and reflect on why it is that you let him get bullied to the point of him gathering misogynist views. I’m not defending who he is now but you sound so dumb thinking that this was an overnight switch.

    Nevermind the fact that there will be a point where he breaks up with YOU because he thinks he will get better. Don’t act like you’re the exception.

  36. “I don’t even really care a whole lot somebody hit on her, which seems to be an indication that I’m kinda done with the marriage anyway” You just answered your own question.

    Personally, if it were me (and I am not advocating for this in the least) I would pull the guy aside, tell him he has broken my trust and stabbed me in the back as a friend, and, if he ever did it again I would slap the shit out of him, and we would have no further connection after that.

  37. Your going to get her a new ring and then in a year from now she will want another one. She picked the one she has now and now doesn’t like it. Also you sleep on the couch 5 days a week because she doesn’t like your snoring. You prepared to sleep like that the rest of your life?

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