You obviously left out some important details like the part where you were so drunk that Brock had to help you out of your muddy clothes, wash you down in the shower, before thoroughly eating you out and then finally giving you some of his dry clothes to wear. No wonder your bf is upset.
I’m not saying she’s a gold digger.
Call the cops and only talk to these people with police or judge present.
Why are you putting up with this?
Please watch Jigsaw by Daniel Sloss on Netflix. He's a comedian with very insightful thoughts on relationships and when they need to end.
Personally I don’t think I would let him know
But that’s just me, I sure as shit would make sure I don’t facilitate any possibility of alone time between them
Could just be a crush, a little time and distance could be what’s needed
For the love of god.
Does nobody know what an imbalance of power is, anymore?
I could just puke.
You obviously left out some important details like the part where you were so drunk that Brock had to help you out of your muddy clothes, wash you down in the shower, before thoroughly eating you out and then finally giving you some of his dry clothes to wear. No wonder your bf is upset.