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ashleyOnFirelive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “ashleyOnFirelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That's true. Idk her story even tho I am acquaintances with the girl. She went back to her country for the time being so people don't know her side with details.

    And yes. I think it becomes a very grey area when parties are intoxicated.

  2. it’s too bad you couldn’t meet in the middle here. One can’t really reschedule things like Xmas parties, bday parties. It totally sucks that you were sick but on the other hand what if you said I get that we can’t reschedule and I am really bummed to miss it and chalk it up to the bad luck of getting sick? I mean she could have canceled it entirely and not had a party this year. That was the other option I guess. Would you have preferred that?

  3. It was clear IMO.

    Honestly I think you’re willing to compromise but your wife isn’t.

    It should either be an addition to your daughter’s name, or all 4 of you change your last names to Agassi-smith. She’s being unreasonable.

    Is it possible she’s suffering from PPD and this is how it’s manifesting?

  4. I appreciate that. I feel like I know it was the right one but it was just so nude because everything else was fine. Of course I initiated the convo too after feeling really anxious about it; so I am just worried it’s just a self destruction type thing. If she was 50/50 it would be different but I could tell from our convo she was more like 90/10, plus paired with the timeline I could just envision the convo again in like two years except this time it would be much harder than a 4 month breakup. 🙁

  5. The one thing I'd be very worried about if I was in your shoes is that he is just going to blame anything he does wrong now and in the future on the cancer. He's already brushing the last two years under the rug

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