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47 thoughts on “asianvalentinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That is weird, you are worried you are going to ruin this rich family's Xmas budget? They will be fine. Tell them you need to go spend Xmas with people who aren't charging you for it.

  2. This is the dumbest idea.

    She can tell you whatever she thinks you want to hear, then absolutely come after you for child support if she wanted.

    And, you're only 24. 10-15 years from now you could be married to the love of your life and planning a real family. I doubt potential future wife is gonna appreciate some random kid in the picture because you have some biological urge to spread your seed. And yeah, that's what I am gonna call it because you don't even care about raising the kid. You just want some of your DNA walking around.

  3. Honestly would have to see the pictures and how you were sitting together. Cheating isnt just sex and you can cheat on your S/O in other ways even with a gay person.

    That being said, it seems strange he's never had issues with you having male friends and only after this one time he's had an issue so far hes accused you of cheating.

    What was different about this time than others?

  4. INFO: I gotta ask, do you go down on her? Because this is an uphill battle for sure if you won’t either. But all in all, no one should be forced to perform any sex act that they don’t want to do. But for the same token, if you need your partner to be able to do that then it’s your own prerogative to breakup and find someone you’re more compatible with. You don’t actually need a reason to break up, you can do it at any time and for no reason at all. If you want to break up with her because she won’t give you head then by all means do it. Truth be told, I wouldn’t be with someone who refused to go down on me. But for the same token, sexual compatibility is huge for me and I’ll go diving for clams at a moments notice. So if someone’s not willing to reciprocate then I’m out.

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  6. u/idk20240201, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. I’m so sorry. I’ve been cheated on by my spouse, and it is a deep pain. Take time to figure things out. You need to find out your son’s paternity asap. If he’s yours, that will help ease some of your torment. Try to breathe deep and maybe see if you can stay with your brother for awhile. After the dust settles, then start figuring out what your next steps are. I can’t imagine that your marriage can survive this. 3/4 times a week for 2 2/2 years is significant. I mean, once is enough to destroy everything, but this is not a mistake. She’s been doing this for too long. You can make it through this. Just breathe and get support. I highly recommend going to counseling. It helps you heal. Hang in there. .

  8. Couples therapy definitely sounds like a good idea. But I guess I'm wondering what trigger this? Is there any you can pinpoint behind the change in his behavior?

  9. To a monogamous person the words “open our relationship” normally destroy that “solid foundation” almost immediately.

    He did it to keep you happy cause he loved you. Don't go trying to get him to change stuff while you do nothing just cause you don't like the consequences of your own choices. You two don't sound compatible as you think.

  10. I read your comments.

    Learn from the very first time…you mentioned that you've had your nudes leaked before…but you chose to gift more nudes with your face attached to them to this guy whom you claim as vengeful.

    Of course, you can threaten him and report him to the police. Hecc, contact his mom and tell her what's going on and how you're frightened of your ex's threat.

    Keep all the proof if he threatened you via text. You can report him, whether or not it's effective, we don't know.

    Perhaps learn from this moment on, to be super careful with your nudes when you're giving them to your romantic interests. Try to not have your face on it, for example. Try to get an angle when that won't feature your personal mark/distinction (i.e. tattoo, etc). Be more careful. You're young enough so you will meet more of these types of guys you just dated here.

  11. Yes well I hope that keeps you warm at night in prison or in your pine box because that’s where you’re headed.

    Also, an “incident” has already happened. You’re shoving your head in the sand and trying to minimize it but she did come at you with a knife and then proceeded to set the stage to have you arrested for DV.

  12. Absolutely this. I'm the exact same, pro-abortion, never want kids ever, and this is still an unbelievably huge red flag for me. No one gets to make demands about what I do with my body.

  13. You're in an abusive relationship, or at least a very unequal one. This is why age gaps are a problem – you're not mature enough for this relationship and she's taking advantage of you. GTFO.

  14. This honestly seems pretty likely to me. The issue is that it's kind of a dick move when the event people are in town for is a party. Inviting her to one activity or meal that she may or may not be able to make it to would be a pretty easy way to keep their friendship at status quo

    This is the kind of thing that breaks casual or currently distant friendships no matter how carefully it's handled. When one party clearly states that the other is not only not needed, but also not wanted, it makes sense for that person to reevaluate their relationship and potentially sever it

  15. “Hey man” haha. The me equivalent of a woman saying “I love you like a brother,” or “let's just be friends.” Ooof.

  16. It's so foul. And that it's not just in the private bathroom. And guests see and deal with it. JFC. He's a disgusting monster.

  17. I get it, but he made a decision to be with her. It's not fair to you or her if he sees you on the side, even if it's just emotionally. Cheating is cheating. Don't do that to yourself.

  18. You two are clearly not compatible. He cannot be around pets. You do not want to give up your pets. There isn’t a compromise.

  19. I don't know your life, but it does sound like you're kind of in denial and are just looking for reasons to not have to make a significant life change. Which is understandable – nobody enjoys ending relationships.

    But, take this:

    I’m so stressed sometimes I get physically sick.

    This isn't happening for no reason. You need to learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, and its telling you that this isn't right.

    You aren't just feeling this way for no reason.

  20. If she's asking people she barely knows over you, I'd be upset.

    Is she normally very shallow and materialistic?

  21. And also the late twenties are a pretty pivotal time for getting your long term established. Being ready for marriage at 29 and not at 26 is not unreasonable.

  22. Well, you left all of that stuff out in your initial post so that would’ve been a lot more information to make a decision about. In that case, if you were browbeaten into it and made to do things, it is molestation. However, I doubt the courts would see it that way only because your age was so close. But it seems like you’d already made the decision about what you thought about it then came on Reddit ask for advice when you already knew what you were going to do so that’s a little weird to. But I would amend your post an ad all the information that you told me because you didn’t have that in there I just re-look at it.

  23. You made bad decisions, these are the consequences. Yes, keep the debt on, it has to be paid and of course he should help with it but I doubt he will, he sounds a right asshole. Look at getting some advice on managing it going forwards.

  24. I guarantee if you break things off with this guy your friend will either be on his roster or will be dating him.

    This person isn't your friend.

    This guy is just caught in the crossfire. If you're not in a committed relationship with him, he's just kind of a bystander in the situation your friend created that is now being used to hurt you and leverage herself into a relationship with him.

    If you didn't want him to have sex with other people, you've got to communicate. That's not on him.

  25. true but also seems like the ex is a horn dog with all his instagram follows, he was gonna cheat anyways

  26. And she's been begging for a baby since month 2! OP, she didn't really know you at all at that point. The level of disregard for her children here is a serious issue. As others have said, get confirmation of her pregnancy and paternity before you make any further decisions.

  27. What are you even talking about… do you think I stay up until 4 am to make up stuff on Reddit… no I’m so hurt by his actions and your comment is worthless

  28. This is an emotional affair whether you want to admit it or not, and when it comes down to it—you were disloyal to your wife. Period.

    You know it.

    Your ‘friend’ knows it.

    Your wife knows it.

    We all fucking know it.

    You chose to spend a lot of time with another woman. A woman who is not your wife, even though, you knew it was wrong.

    And now you’re here with a whole, woe-is-me martyr attitude about how losing this ‘friend’ will be devastating—totally ignoring how devastating this is for your wife.

    Your excuse for withholding information from your wife, is lazy at best, desperate at worst to justify what you have done. This isn’t about something you ate, and don’t want to tell your wife about it. You were literally with another woman.

    Is she worth losing your wife over?

  29. While differences can sometimes be worked through and accepted, his comment says so much more about him. I know I could not be with someone who thought like that.. what if your kid is lgbtq?

  30. It's funny how they always make it out to seem that NOT cheating is like, impossible.

    No it isn't Becky, you just lack tact and morals ?

  31. She’s violating the order, your bf should discuss with a lawyer what to do so the court knows. He is going to have issues with the restraining order in his record so he should make sure the courts see what she is doing so he can have the order tossed

  32. If I'm being truly honest, it sounds like she is beginning the process of grooming Emma. Too much communication, cyberstalking, the girl just happens to be at the cusp of 18, etc. Your partner also sets off some red flags research has identified to be correlated with grooming (gift giving is a major one for unrelated adults).

  33. I'm glad he is perfect for you. It's really easy to key in on the little things that don't work. But just try to think about all the things that do. And you've got to try to uncouple the idea that him not texting you back right away has anything to do with your importance to him. Because he doesn't like to text. It's not about you. It's not. You have to apply that. And then things will be easier. And focus on what works. And don't necessarily come up with bottomless topics. Just let him go sometimes. When he's with you he's with you. Correct? Check in and don't torture him. That's just my two cents.

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