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AurorraMelody live! sex cams for YOU!


AurorraMelody Public Chat Channel

Date: October 8, 2022

62 thoughts on “AurorraMelody live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Honestly, you should look into therapy. Also, think about how he reacted to you seeing those pictures, he asked you to delete them, and if it wasn’t out of frustration then know he doesn’t care about those girls. He’s with you for a reason and didn’t care that they are gone, but with you for a reason. Remember just because some girls may look “perfect “ so to speak, that may not be what he wants.

  2. Tell your husband that you can’t online like this and he needs to do whatever he needs to do to get a grip. You cannot be walking on eggshells begging to go out every once in awhile with your friends. You can’t be worried about telling him banal stories about work. You can’t be worried he is going to force you to leave your home in the middle of the night. You can’t be downplaying insulting comments all the time. It’s NOT sustainable, and it is abusive. If this is stemming from real mental problems he has, he needs to go sort those out, or he is not ready to be in a relationship.

  3. Just because you were abused, doesn't mean I am the same as your abuser 🙂

    But i understand its fun to have a scapegoat. Thats fine.

  4. My theory is as good as your absurd explanation. Manipulating her to do what? Be confused and leave him? Good grief, you're the one that needs to get over yourself. And don't tell me anything about dealing with abortion, you have no idea of my life.

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  6. When I first met my wife, she’d never had alcohol before. I gave her the first drink she’d ever had. It hit her naked, she’s tiny, 98lbs (probably 95 at the time). She was pretty buzzed. We had a good laugh, I got her sobered up, and made sure that she got home safe.

    If you’re not enjoying your time together, making the best of every moment, you’re not doing it right. Find someone who will laugh with you, avoid those quick to criticize.

  7. I’d say the majority of people are saying let the relationship go because of OPs reaction.

    OP hasn’t said if he threw the cat off as we’ve all done with cats, or if he threw the cat on the ground as an attempt to harm it.

    Given OPs wild reaction I’m sure her bf isn’t coming back.

  8. Well the elephant in the room is money.

    Just how well off are you and Allie? Will you also be giving her an engagement ring? Do you know what she prefers and are you able to give her that?

    Even lab grown diamonds are expensive and you are two fairly young people. Do you own a home? Do you have ample savings and good 401Ks?

    Using a stone she already owns is a practical choice.

  9. people say that to be happy you should go with a less attractive woman

    Not really. What that means is don't go for looks alone as that's just the surface and won't last: look at all aspects of the person and especially the things that do last.

  10. Treating people like shit then expecting them to “come around” after they cool off is not good relationship advice.

  11. I believe couples should have the same core values in order to last long term. My husband and I value loyalty and have been happily married for decades, but if he came to and suddenly changed his mind about that I don’t know if I’d ever see him the same way.

  12. Well considering you “decided” there were too many trash men out there that you decided to be child free it sounds like you may have something against men in general.

  13. We established pretty early on within the talking stage that we are both not interested in anything sexual with one another.

  14. End it. You will never get over this. Your partner has betrayed you in an unforgivable way. She cheated. And she lied about it.

  15. End it. You will never get over this. Your partner has betrayed you in an unforgivable way. She cheated. And she lied about it.

  16. Yeah as a way to mask guilt. You have proof, right? So you know he's getting defensive in an attempt to railroad you into dropping it. Seen this a fair few times with cheating exes myself, unfortunately. You're very young, don't waste these years trying to fix losers.

  17. Yeah as a way to mask guilt. You have proof, right? So you know he's getting defensive in an attempt to railroad you into dropping it. Seen this a fair few times with cheating exes myself, unfortunately. You're very young, don't waste these years trying to fix losers.

  18. It easy to have a good relationship when everything is going well. His immature and thoughtless reaction to his partner being sick lacks empathy and caring and speaks volumes about who he is at his core and how he’s going to act in other stressful situations

  19. You are not being unreasonable. Why doesn’t she work? Is that something that you both agreed to? Does she do the majority of the chores at home? All of this matters. How did it come to be that only you work but money you earn is hers too? Kids?

  20. Get some sexual tension out by going to a sex worker but don't take it out on her. Then stop.trying to be someone else (expensive clothes don't change anything, you're just uncomfortable in threads you over paid for} It's corny but it's true, learn to enjoy your own company and other people will begin to enjoy it too. It's awesome you have the insight to see you feel bitter and frustrated, maybe some therapy will help you find solutions to your loneliness that fit with who you are and not make you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to be something you're not.

    From experience, you'll only attract the wrong people trying to fit expectations of others. Get to know yourself so well you know your worth.

  21. Even if therapy can help why would you want to be with someone who has done this multiple times and lied about it. This is a him problem and his family can help him. I couldn’t be with someone capable of being a predator

  22. Well, with the way you’ve described the dynamic between the two of you I can only imagine dishonesty creeping back in soon enough, hope that isn’t the case but all signs point in that direction. Good luck.

  23. For what’s it worth, friend I had a one time thing with is a more apt description than “lover”. I hope you didn’t actually use that term when describing your status to your girlfriend.

  24. Not sure if changing your password automatically logs you out of all devices.

    But if she had your account logged in on the iPad for iMessage, there is a chance that changing your password won't have any affect on the tablet.

    You can turn off iMessage on your phone and use generic texting to combat this.

    Also, you should be talking to your wife to stop invading your privacy.

    And consider doing a complete overhaul on your password managers. You will be shocked how accessible your PWs can be if you know how to find them.

  25. You might consider having him follow the Pence Rule.

    Even though most redditors will say to knock this guy to the curb, in fact, most couples decide to stay together after an episode of cheating, and most move past it.

  26. You got to comfortable with taking advantage of her. It may suck, but you may have to just call a draw on this one and find another meal ticket.

    I know that sounds harsh but the reality is, you have been using her and more likely than not, your fear is probably based in the reality that you are losing her support and not really in that you are losing her. You should respect her for once and leave her alone.

  27. When she said they need to stop talking that was 2017. I deployed 2019 . That’s when They would hang out and text each other

  28. OP. I get what you are saying, but alot of people are in your exact situation. You yourself are going to meet women with children at your age. How would you feel if you started talking with someone who did not tell you they had a child? If you think about that you already have your answer. Plus. Please don’t introduce your child to anyone that you wind up casually seeing.

  29. When we don't like how out partners behave we communicate it, if thinks do not change we leave, we do not act like we own them and they are our dolls or property to “grab” and take away from a place they went to voluntarialy.

    She might not respect your feelings and boundaries but you have no right to act in such a controlling way. You don't like how she acts, you leave her.

  30. Thank you. I needed this. And I do blame myself for pacifying it for so long. I told them that I am out of back and forth and today they just said “I am not fighting about video games again” so I very really have to accept that I am at my breaking point. I feel like I just have to “play the part” that all is good for the next few weeks for them to either step up and have this be worked on or to be disappointed again and be done.

    I struggle with divorce because if I am saying it, it’s not a threat and there will be no going back. My husband will not be able to save the marriage if I go there and while I am glad it worked for you, I can’t see myself threatening divorce. Either this gets fixed with a mutual commitment or they will be served papers.

    We are both in individual therapy and tried premarital counseling. We both have agreed to going back to counseling as marriage counseling but I have not seen any effort and struggle to find my own effort in finding one. Maybe that can be my effort in trying is finding a few couples therapists. Thank you

  31. If he loves you he knows you. Tell him, he might say something, but he'll understand. After all, no one died, it's still an object in the end

  32. Does your friend really have the character you want in a friend?

    Your should ponder the question.

    If he’s proudly dishonourable then what type of friend is he really?

    You don’t have to end a friendship but you may want to decide how much of a friend he really is.

  33. This sounds like the male equivalent of wearing a wedding dress to a wedding. Either make it clear he will be kicked out, or enjoy all the judgemental looks he’ll get. I have second hand embarrassment just picturing it.

  34. I think you should go see a divorce lawyer and forensic accountant to get a very clear picture of what your finances look like. Then you can legally separate and stay in the same house and figure out next steps. It sounds like you don’t have very much control of family money. Time to change that. Maybe a postnuptial agreement is in order.

    That puts the burden on him to change things if he wants to stay married.

  35. Had something similar-y. When I broke up with my ex, he had told me he was thinking of doing all the things that I’d been asking him to do more or at all- going down on me, visiting my family and coming to family events with me. This was after 6.5 years of dating. He’d gone down on me 2x, and a small handful of visits to my parents and only once to thanksgiving. I didn’t want him to do these either cuz I was leaving him, or that I’d been away for a month, (cuz of the pandemic) I wanted him to do these things without me asking for the most part. Saying you’d do x thing because they’re breaking up with you is…. Eh

  36. I'm assuming you DIDNT hook up with him. I'm gonna call it as it is. He's a chad. If you DID, then well… You know what happened. He doesn't want a relationship. I admit, he should've been more direct. I typically am.

    But he's not relationship material. How do Ik he's a chad? Other thank being a semi chad, I'm saying chad alot, i can see he's giving you constant uncertainty. You don't know where you stand with him. You claim to want the security of a relationship. But here you are running back to Mark because he's got your emotions involved first and how he has you on a string. You “hate” the uncertainty, but you're drawn to it. Else, you would've already left. That's just how it works, really.

    If you wanted to just have fun, fine, play alone. But you want a relationship. So, cut the line. Let him go. Find someone who isn't a chad, 4head. He's not a boyfriend guy. And don't do that thing where people tell you he's not relationship material and you dont listen and get ghosted.

  37. Yea, I'm all for women's day, but I don't expect people let alone my man to tell me, “Happys women's day,” lol

    This is a red flag.

  38. ???He’s emotionally blackmailing you with the dog. Why on earth would you chose to be with someone like this? Tell him you’ll either take the dog as yours and pay for it’s vet or he’ll have to figure it out himself. Actually, I’d just take the dog. And then…I’d leave him. Immediately. And if you don’t take the dog with you, report him to animal welfare as soon as you leave. Both you and the dog deserve much better.

  39. It would depend. You aren't married to him now or have any kids with him, so imo you aren't entitled to anything. If you were pregnant or married, it'd be different.

  40. YTA.

    I will list your options, it can also help with your next relationship. I am a bit sad for her since you ended the relationship without doing the full research and condering the options that you can take, not just her.

    I understand that you might feel helpless condering there are more options targeted towards women, hopefully the following list helps you to have more options:

    Do in depth research about safety and costs. I used cycle tracking + discharge observations as my main method for years, it has a pearl-index of 0.4, similar to the pill (!). For this method, you don't have penetrative sex on the fertile days. If you add a condom and don't come in her (finish outside), you are as close to 100% safe as you can get.

    You could also consider non piv sex (oral, roleplay, all kinds of touching etc) if you are that terrified even after adding cycle tracking + a condom. A copper iud is also great, if you are willing offer to pay, drive her etc. It has a similar safety to the pill or the temperature + discharge tracking, but you don't have to do anything. It can have some side effects and requires medical checksups to insure placement. But everything you ask is a effort or medical burden on any woman you are with, so please condider other options (non piv, coming outside+condom) if you are the one that requires that extra layer of safety. A good tip is also to avoid penetrative sex in the roughly 7 days around ovulation, these are the very fertile ones. Or make it a policy to not come into rhe condoms on these days, come outside.

  41. If he wants to get involved he can start by paying for the children he foisted on you then abandoned. He wants time? Time is money, bub.

    He can send his family to harass you online or do it himself, but he's asking for a world of hurt. Either he wants a custody arrangement and will have both boots in court to get hit with back child support, or emotional dad is on paper as real dad and he has literally no legal recourse, except to put his butt on the line for child support.

  42. I’m so glad that your son and dil are cutting you out of their lives. You’re horrible.


    A daughter who cut her piece of shit father out of her life when he tried the same crap ✌?

  43. Yeah look I would have cut and run too. Advice would be to either distance yourself from your family (if that's what you want) or ask them to rein it in a bit with new people.

  44. End the relationship.

    While it was probably therapeutic for her to write it down, she should have destroyed it afterwards, the fact she didn’t means that it isn’t all poetic license, and she likely is hoping to spot him again – and that means she is having an emotional affair.

    And no, her getting onto some random guy’s shoulders at a rave is not normal for someone in a relationship, best case scenario is it shows that she has a lack of situational awareness, and is likely to put herself in compromising or dangerous situations in the future.

  45. This is not about her. This is not about her body. This is not about you. This is not about your body. Or your qualities. Or even your relationship before last month. This is about the fact that you found your partner was engaging in online behavior that made you uncomfortable. And when you spoke with him about it? He agreed to desist.

    And then the minute he imagined your back was turned? He resumed. Where is your trust level now? Trust in a long term relationship? Is everything.

    Your move my lovely. Please be brave. You deserve everything. It is out there for you. As much as you might adore this guy? How are you going to ever believe him again?

  46. Yeah. For dating an insecure person in a straight relationship, often any meaningful relationships with the opposite sex are out the window.

    But if you're bisexual now NO relationship is safe.

    You're young. People are more insecure at this age, but I'd say cut your losses and run. No relationship you can ever have will be okay if everything else stays the same.

    Find someone who trusts you, and respects you.

    Even if I were insecure, the fact that someone else gave you a flower would still never be seen as something you did. I'd maybe say it makes me feel uncomfortable and can you explain that to this friend etc.

    But idk, me and the gf grab coffee with recent ex fuck buddies, see long term exs, etc and have no issues. I did nine years with an insecure person and it only ever got worse until nothing I did was safe. Granted she was insecure in her mid thirties so changing was of the menu. He's young, maybe he'll grow up

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