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aya_hitakayamalive sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “aya_hitakayamalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I thought it was a spam to but it was under a username he always uses for signing up :/ I thank you for your knowledge and insight

  2. Depends on your goal, can you have a long term relationship that you desire with someone who holds your love for them hostage? If you can come to terms with it, cool, but understand When you’re not and when you’re breaking.

    While perhaps unintentional If you’re staying just so they don’t kill themself then you’re being manipulated or coerced. If it’s a building pressure Then You are not helping but multiplying the problem onto yourself. Whether it’s a real threat or not doesn’t dictate the Manipulation as Compassion is freely given.

  3. Honestly, the way you talk to him sounds like you’re talking to a child. Is that something you impose that seems condescending and frustrating to him, or is that because he acts like a child and that’s the tone you need to use to get through to him? My two cents are on both.

    His behavior is unacceptable, but if he’s going to learn how to handle that, he needs to understand where those emotions come from and how to communicate effectively before those emotions turn into rage. Like every single post on this sub, a little therapy will go a long way.

  4. Somewhat reminds me of my husband. When we first started dating he played so hard to get, it was really quite terrible.

    It seemed like with every step forward he’d take two steps back.

    But I kept at it, at the beginning he shared that he had trust issues due to his ex and other experiences.

    So after all of that we’ve been together for 12 years, we have 3 beautiful kids, a beautiful home and a very loving relationship. It was all worth it, I appreciate him and he dotes on me in every way.

    Sometimes, if they’ve been hurt, abandoned they will try and ruin something great from the beginning. But it seems like your husband appreciates and loves you for showing that you genuinely cared and loved him. Don’t overthink it, you don’t want someone to choose you only by your looks, attraction is always a part of finding a partner, he seems to love you for a deeper connection.

  5. it seems as though you like words of affirmation and maybe he can’t deliver that? maybe you can try talking to him and say that you feel unwanted or insecure when he doesn’t compliment you and tell him it would make you feel appreciated if he did. I think porn is fine in a relationship but not when it overrides the intimacy of the partner. does he have a porn addiction or something else stressing him out in life? any problems in the relationship?

  6. You're prescribing a meaning to valid that most people don't use.

    Person A: My wife doesn't need friends. She should be focused on our household and my needs.

    Person B: That's valid!

    Person A: My wife doesn't need a job. As the man, I should control the money in our relationship.

    Person B: That's a valid point!

    Person A: My wife will leave me if she has other options.

    Person B: Your feelings are valid, I think a lot of people worry about that. Has she given you any indication that she would leave?

    The first two not only legitimize the emotion, but have implied endorsement of the emotion — and if you don't think people will read endorsement into that, you don't know much about how people interact. The third has “valid” shoehorned in and feels like the person is trying to act like a therapist. And it absolutely sounds like endorsement still, unless the person is a therapist.

    I understand you're trying to spin some nonsense about actually caring about social change, but instead, I'd like to ask why you feel the need to use manipulative language to talk to people about issues you disagree on.

  7. So let me get this straight

    She has an affair

    Lies about how many times they had sex , no one believes once in 7 weeks plse.

    Wants to keep your money around but doesn't want you around ( presume so the affair can keep going )

    Doesn't want a divorce as a favour for you , because who knows if you wait for her for a few years she may come back.

    And you still want to be with her

    Best of luck

  8. In future maybe don't ask to see videos of your gf banging other dudes if you're not a fan of the reality.

    However it isn't a competition because she's your gf, not that other guys.

  9. I suggest you try to use 'I statements' because it can help you express YOUR feelings without putting the other person on the defensive.

    'We can't have sex anymore because it makes you sad.'


    'I feel really bad when I worry that our sexual relationship is causing pain. I want to make sure that my partner feels safe and cared for. I'd feel a lot more comfortable going forward if I understood where the emotion is coming from. I care about you so much. I don't want to hurt you. I'm here for you whenever you are ready to talk.'

    It's a low pressure way to explain that you care about your friend and let him know that his crying is making you feel upset because you don't really understand what is causing it.

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