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baddie022live sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “baddie022live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I've left a couple remarks in your feed. Definitely want to know how this ends. I've had a shit day and you post is possibly the most beautiful thing I've seen or reacted to in days. I really need to know how this ends. Warm fuzzy I hope. Good luck dad!!

  2. You're dating a broke dude with commitment issues who lives with his parents.

    What advise would you give a friend in such a situation? I think you know the answer and want Reddit to confirm it for you.

    P.S. please use punctuation in your sentences. It makes them a lot easier to read.

  3. This is over. I would have loved to see that therapist his face. If she slept with one it would have been tough to get over. But 30? You deserve better.

  4. I did give you some options 1. Talk to her about how your feeling & how important this is for you 2. Get her to educate herself. There is a ton of research online about how detrimental it is for men to hold their emotions in & the impact of gender stereotypes.

    It can be really very hot to see the negative in someone when you love them, I get it. But you are the only person who can put yourself first & you should. You will regret it down the road if you don’t. You deserve love & respect, you should talk to someone about why you are allowing to be treated so poorly.

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