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Bell and Misa the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Bell and Misa, 18 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Bell and Misa

Bell and Misa live! sex chat

Date: January 6, 2023

2 thoughts on “Bell and Misa the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Getting your parental rights termed post childbirth is almost impossible. You're looking at most likely paying child support until he finds a wife. Pretty much No judge will grant you terming your rights until he's got a spouse willing to adopt the kid. I'm sorry that you got burned like this. It sucks, but there's no way to duck your financial obligations to the kid but the courts can't force visitation atleast.

  2. Honey, I’m not trying to be nasty but you lost the right to say “I don’t want things to change” when you threw an emotional grenade into the middle of your relationship with these people, not to mention their marriage.

    You seem to think there’s some version of the future where your friendship with Clark goes back to how it was before. It never will. Not ever. You need to let go of that idea. You will never have that closeness again, you will likely never be trusted by either of them to be alone with him again. The fact that they’re even considering continuing to be friends with you at all is extremely generous, especially where Shay is concerned. I think crushes on friends is a very normal and natural thing, but this goes beyond that – you seem to have developed a degree of emotional dependency on Clark that is akin to him being your primary partner, your “person”. And he’s not. He’s Shay’s person, and he always was. The only reason you’ve been able to take up so much space in his life is because they were under the impression that you were there as a friend, not as someone with a sexual/romantic interest. Now they know that isn’t the case, you can’t possible hope to have things go back to the way they were.

    If you really want to maintain a friendship with these people, you must recognise that a) it will have to be with BOTH of them equally and b) you will not get to set the terms. Like, at all. They will tell you what they’re comfortable with and ask if you’re on board. If you’re not that’s ok and you can be honest and part ways respectfully, but you don’t get to push back and tell them how much you need Clark in your life and how desperate you are for support from him, because honestly that’s not their problem. It’s on you to develop other sources of fulfillment and support in your life; they’re already being gracious by staying in touch and offering friendship, they don’t have to further compromise their marriage because you’re lonely without them. Again, I don’t mean that to sound harsh but you need some real talk here, and pandering to the illusion that they’ll somehow forgive and forget all this is not helpful. You really fucked up, and this isn’t something that just happened – you made choices. Now you have to handle the fallout.

    Give them space. Find yourself a therapist. Seek out a support group – see if your GP or therapist can direct you to an appropriate group. Take up hobbies, offer your time generously to others. Go out into nature, plan a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. In essence, act as though you’re getting on with your life even if it feels like shit, because it’s the only thing you can do. This is a kind of breakup – treat it as such. You’ve lost the person you would normally go to support for in a hot time, and you’re not getting him back. You have to find ways to move forward as an individual, because nobody is coming to save you from this pain. That’s just how breakups go.

    You did a bad and shitty thing. It doesn’t make you a bad and shitty person. You can redeem yourself in your own eyes, and the eyes of these friends, with how you handle yourself now. Stand on your own two feet, accept responsibility for your choices and work towards a future where you can be honest and emotionally healthy with your friends. Don’t grovel and beg and insist on how lost and helpless you are without Clark; you’re not. You’re just used to having him around. Time to build a life for yourself that isn’t enmeshed with people who are already in a marriage of their own.

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