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Bella the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Bella, 20 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Bella

Bella live! sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

38 thoughts on “Bella the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You never explained what the reason was for your medical issue. Is this some condition your partner is already aware of? It's naked to give advice, without knowing if you were actually having a medical emergency or what. Why didn't you have the pub call an ambulance to get you medical care? I'm confused.

  2. He’s dating someone 10 years younger than him because women his age know their worth and what they want out of a relationship. Meaning you’re easy to serve the shit end of the stick to and he knows you’ll stick around hoping for him to “do better”

  3. I see. Seems to me Fred should have gone with you previously to Matt’s parents house. I would still sit down and talk this out if you still want to give it another go.

  4. Always better to do it before- its a minor inconvenience to return presents and both of you are better off not faking it for family and just going your separate ways for Xmas

  5. To make sure he faces no legal repercussions. In many places the mother's husband is legally considered the father unless proven otherwise; this will protect him from further shenanigans.

  6. She sounds horrible. I'm sure there's stuff you've missed out or whatever but based off what you've said this isn't the kind of person you should be with

  7. I don't think the mom justified what BF did, she just told her daughter (correctly) that screaming insults and whipping shit at the guy as he tries to flee the apartment is not an appropriate way to handle things.

  8. Do not fall for the sunken cost fallacy. You're young and have every right to your own way of life. You will find someone again if you do end it and won't make you change your way of life to suit her newfound beliefs.

  9. So it’s ok for him to get ready but when you’re offered help from your mother so you can too that’s not ok? Maybe he should have taken your child for half an hour so you could shower first.

    He sounds incredibly selfish.

  10. We never went into the dinner. And she’s agreed to the idea of me being a sole provider, she tells me how much she wants to be a stay at home mom soon course I want to do that be able to take care of my family.

  11. This is more of a you problem more than a him problem. Your insecurities and discomfort with porn does not mean that he shouldn’t be ‘allowed’ to watch it on his own time (and tbh, he almost certainly does already).

    That said, he should still be respectful of your feelings and not watch it in front of you etc… just be careful with a don’t ask, don’t tell approach, as that will only facilitate your insecurities even further.

  12. You might be right and that’s naked to do. I just think at some point she will want to have the same beliefs as I do as in wanting to settle down. I personally think it’s a phase that she wants to travel. A few months ago she just wanted to be back home and with her family now all of a sudden she wants to move away. Thank you for your response ?

  13. The age gap doesn’t phase me. I met her when I was 25 and there was nothing to it. Kinda just happened and I fell face first

  14. I would suggest you go NC with him. Block him if you have to. This sounds to me like he wants to keep you on the hook just in case he changes his mind or nothing better comes up. Don't settle for being second choice or a back up.

  15. I do have proof that I loaned the money to her on my bank statements and I even sent that to her mum so she could see that I’m not lying.

    I don’t know whether I send a message to her mum or through another platform directly to the girl?

    Yeah I have definitely learnt my lesson!

  16. No. Separate your finances. You aren’t married and he’s already trying to control you financially. At best I’d agree to a joint account for household purposes only. Or separate entirely and decide who pays how much each month out of your individual accounts. This way your money can be spent at your discretion without having to explain to anyone what your spending your money on. Just because he makes slightly more than you doesn’t mean he gets to decide if and when you can spend your money.

  17. You assume a lot huh?

    “Husband knows” You don't know that.

    “Has been cheating for the last decade” You don't know that either.

  18. Therapy (personal not couples because he’s literally done nothing wrong and you’re just projecting your own problems on to him) or divorce because that’s not jealousy- it’s resentment mixed with denial about said resentment . Adults are allowed to have friends of the opposite sex- the fact that you’re controlling and assume everyone is a cheater is a you problem, not his.

  19. We all know where this is going. Even if she doesn't sleep with someone, she will likely cross a boundary. You need to explain to her that her going on this trip and being around her ex will cause problems in the relationship. She can decide what to do then.

  20. Spitting on someone is common assault in the UK. Plus a very degrading thing for anyone to do. Why would you want to be with someone like this, I hope you can leave the relationship sooner rather than later in order to keep your dignity and not waste any more time with this person.

  21. This is unfortunately quite simple; you've agreed to marry someone who's literally told you that he doesn't give a shit about you.

    He's also shown you that through every example you've provided, and I can only assume there's more.

    If you're here thinking essentially that once you get married he'll respect you, you're making a monumental mistake. The person you know now is the person you're marrying.

  22. You have been together just 3 months. You might be sexually incompatible, so I would just leave if I was you. Plenty of fish in the sea.

  23. Hey everyone, thanks for all of your input.

    We knew from the beginning that we function very differently and that it would make communication difficult and even more necessary. We're figuring it out as we go and this was not a fun stop, but had a constructive resolution.

    I got some good advice and some mean comments and some that are both simultaneously. Still very grateful for the perspective and context you guys gave us. Many people reacted like him, it was a very natural and normal way to take my words. Some people understood me after all my explanations as well, and I'm glad he is among them. Thanks for the tips and showing how some of the other people out there make it work better. ?

  24. again, this doesn't seem healthy. If he doesn't trust you, why would he agree to move in together and sleep in the same bed? Did you have problems with cheating in this relationship?

    I see it like this from your side: he goes out as he pleases, you can't do the same though you could before living with him, you can't even have sex that often. You also seem to be walking on eggshells a lot. This could be a wild assumption on my end, but the relationship is starting to seem controlling, but maybe you need to clarify.

  25. unfortunately you can’t have it all. if you want skin contact here, one person will always be suffering. this seems like the only viable option.

  26. I think a lot of people no matter how far removed they were from the ex would be really curious what they wanted to say 4 years later.

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