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BettyAneslive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live sex video chat BettyAnes

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 2003-06-20

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: October 24, 2022

60 thoughts on “BettyAneslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I already responded to this, but I just thought of this. If his friend goes there all the time, why was he worried about him and have to babysit him this time? Obviously he's safe there None of this is adding up.

  2. For some guys feet pics are for “taking care of business”. It’s a sexual fetish.

    It seems like he did not answer your question as to why he collects the pics. It sends like he’s not being honest with you as in lying to you

  3. Gender doesn't really have anything to do with it. First Christmas after the split I told the boyfriend pretty much what this guy told his girlfriend. Gunna crash on the couch and be there for the kids. Esp when they're young and believe in Santa. Boyfriend spent Christmas morning with his fam/friends and we met up later. It's not exactly fodder for WWIII nor based on gender.

  4. It’s the secrecy itself that’s concerning. My husband and I both have friends of the opposite sex but they’re not like secret private friends. I’m sorry my husband is not allowed to have friends that he cannot be open and honest about. You’re not in the wrong here, transparency is everything. Your partner in life is allowed to have privacy, but you’re allowed to have boundaries too.

  5. I know it’s hard – but please tell him immediately. He deserves to know. Then he has a choice to sign away his parental rights, or pay you child support, and co parent.

  6. it should be for him as well, if he cares about her health the way a new father of a child should. and think of it this way: wouldn’t he want an enthusiastic partner who looks forward to having sex? he’s not going to achieve that by prioritizing/complaining about sex over her well-being.

  7. No they really aren't. My own fiancée was in her 2nd year when we got together. We've not been together for almost 7 years and are getting married.

    I knew reddit could be a bit fucking crazy but going as far as saying that two university students being in a relationship is “creepy” has to be the single most stupid thing yet.

    God you Americans are batshot crazy sometimes.

  8. Yes this story lacks a lot of details, my post is long enough as it is. I don’t want to go into detail on every single point you made but I do want to say my husband knew well in advance what day I would be coming home, and the reason I tend to be away around Christmastime is because my husband moved us out of the state where my family lives. He was lucky enough that his family (mother and sister) decided to follow him too. My family is in Texas, I see them about twice a year whereas my husband can see his family any day of the week.

  9. The father sounds like he was well-intentioned with love for the child, but did not really understand what it takes to raise one. And lots of dual parent families also find that to be true. he is the one for asking for this, so you don’t need to pick up the slack, but please just have compassion on the situation he is in if you truly believe that, he was well intentioned.

  10. I apologize for the lack of info but they use Reddit and it would make it too obvious if they saw this possibly

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’m stupid I know… but I need advice

    So… I’ve known this girl for a year and a half now, and we’ve been “dating” for about a year and two months. Over the summer she met another guy and had a fling with him somewhat behind my back. Against my better judgement I took her back Becuase I still loved her. After we sorted everything out in November, things were going really well. But I had to go home for Christmas to where she dropped me off at the airport, said our goodbyes and blah blah blah. I got back January 8th and things were just where we left off, which was really good. I was finally starting to feel secure in our relationship again. I wanted to see if things were on the up and up while we were away so I went through her texts on her computer and did some keyword searches and found out she had drunkenly hooked up with a coworker the day I left. I am now here in shambles and do not know what to do. She swears it was a mistake and she was too inebriated to know what she was doing, but I don’t buy it. She’s putting in 200% effort now in the few interactions we had but I feel completely numb and stuck. Please advise Reddit…

  12. I'm just wondering why he's worth her having a screaming fit over. Why is his presence important enough that she's willing to overlook the grooms comfort level? Doesn't sit right with me.

  13. As a woman, I don't like dating younger guys. At all. Even a couple days younger is a turn off for me. I am sure for some guys it's the reverse as well for them.

  14. I think the larger question is whether you want this baby yourself. Obviously that's entirely your choice, but I wouldn't tell him unless you're sure that it's 100% going to happen.

    After that, I personally would tell him (not that I'd ever be in your position, I'm a guy) and say that you're fine with him not being involved if that's the path he choses

  15. Thank you, I hope to god you're wrong and she does want to spend time together. But I do see rekindling as unrealistic as well. I was being optimistic.

  16. I sure hope this is a troll post. You're 29 not 16. Of course you shouldn't marry him and of course you should stop the relationship.

    You marry someone because you are in love and you think they're the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Not because of emotional blackmail. And 1 year is nowhere near long enough to know someone and decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with them. So absolutely take your time in your next relationship.

    But as far as this one goes? 1 year has been long enough to know what the rest of your life with this man will be like. Every time he doesn't get his way he will manipulate and emotionally blackmail you.

  17. this sounds like a really toxic pattern of behaviour and hugely outsized reaction to an innocuous joke. call his bluff and break up with him imo

  18. He can change. This whole thing is subjective though, based on what you view as flirting. Make sure it really is crossing a boundary and not jealousy issues or anything else.

    If it is, talk to him about how seriously important this is for you, and how the relationship may not be able to continue on if he doesn't take your concerns seriously.

    My bf was a serial flirter when we got together. People in the office told me. His last relationship ended because a guy in the office told her that he was flirting with other people when she wasn't there. I thought he was a big flirt when I met him, always sitting on women's desks sitting chatting to them in a bit more than just friendly way… but never on the guys desks. His friends told me “he just flirts with everyone.”

    He was absolutely convinced he wasn't doing it. He said he was just being nice and treated everyone the same way.

    But then when I came into his group of friends and suddenly the girls were all acting differently and possessively over him… he thought it was just weird and didn't get it. When they made my life difficult, he thought they were just being women and a pain, and we'd all get on eventually. When I 'mind read' and guessed who he'd slept with 10 years ago and that he was her first, because of how overly flirty they were and how attached she was to him… he had to start reassessing.

    Then when I was standing beside him at a party talking to a girl, and I could tell he'd gone off in that way again I was basically just rolling my eyes… until he totally forgot I was standing beside him and started repeatedly touching her on the hips. And that was the final straw for me.

    I've never seen someone so confused. Like he didn't even want her, or want to be with her or really fancy her… he couldn't really get over the fact he'd started just touching her without thinking about it. His problem was he liked the attention, it made him feel good when someone was obviously interested in him and laughing at his jokes… and started just automatically reacting back to it without realising. Because he had no intentions at the start of the conversation… he assumed he was just being nice. I'd always assumed this was the case, but it was pretty much confirmed when he was shocked at himself for starting to touch her.

    He recognises it now and is mega mega aware of it. More than anything he realises that even if he doesn't want anything, they don't always take it as 'just being friendly' because they also like the attention. He's stopped doing it and we've had no issues ever since. But if it had of continued I'd of been out a few years ago now. Because even that first year was total he'll of ups and downs watching the person I was hormonally attached to, flirt and deny he was doing it. I hated it.

    So to you I say, the ups and downs will not go away until either: 1. He stops it, 2. You leave, 3. You stay and lose interest in him sexually anyway.

    Pick which one you're going for, where your final boundary is and follow through with what you want to do when it gets there. Life is way way too short to be constantly miserable because of a partner, when there's millions of people living around you that would probably just make you happy. Don't fall for the sunk fallacy 'we're married' thing. Just set an final point and goals for him. If he doesn't do them or you're still miserable after x months or whatever… leave and go be happy instead. Stress reduces your life expectancy and puts you at a higher risk for tons of horrible things later in life, like dementia etc. Just don't on-line in it for too long.

  19. I think when I said breather, I meant more along the lines off, I spent a long time with her family consistently and missed playing a game or two with friends, to the point where they got worried I was pulling away from them. Something is definitely draining, but it may not be our relationship and could just be something going on in my life.

    Thank you for your advice, I’ll have a good sleep on it and start fresh tomorrow, thank you again stranger!

  20. Question – have you ever gone on a fishing trip the two of you planned?

    I can understand but wanting to have you join guy time, it might not even be about you. They may have a girl in the group that always wants to come, they may use the time to talk about really personal things. Or they may just be sexist idiots.

    However, if your bf knows you like fishing and won't even go just the two of you on your own trip then he has a problem with women doing “guy stuff” and he doesn't sound that great.

  21. Kick this man out.

    If you aren't ready for that, then at least set down some rules for yourself, starting with, there are no “wife things” that ANYONE is “required” to do.

    If he wants a partner who will function like an old school wife, well then he should be an old school husband and financially support you. Oh he doesn't want to do that? Of course he doesn't, but then why would you cook and clean for him?

    Please, set some boundaries:

    ALL bills need to be split 50/50, if he won't pay them directly, then he needs to give you X at the beginning of each month for internet, electric, and groceries. He has to do 50% of the chores, end of story. If he won't do the dishes, then don't cook for him

    You deserve better than he is treating you, not just on Valentine's Day, but every day. So start by being honest and calm with him that he needs to step up and be an equal partner, and no, you are not required to do “wife things” for any man, especially one that isn't pulling his “husband things.”

  22. Did you plan anything for your anniversary? At any point did you tell her that you expected her home to celebrate with you rather than going out with another man.

    Her behavior is wrong but you’re so passive and are not setting boundaries or saying what you want. She might have more respect for you if you advocate for what you want and set expectations.

  23. Give it time. She choose someone else over you. Knowingly. She showed you, your worth to her. Don’t make her show you again. Work on yourself, relax, enjoy your dream job. Time will heal. She wasn’t the one, but I promise you, if you give her a second chance, she will cheat again because you showed her, you are okay with it.

  24. I didn’t bleed either, it didn’t hurt as much as it was uncomfortable really. No one believed me either when I said I didn’t bleed or cry from pain. My hymen broke when I was 7 cause I was always riding bikes.

  25. Walk away – you where probably his 154 th lover . I doubt he’s ever been faithful. Telling the wife – are you telling her through your own morals or through revenge? Remember, she’s hearing this for the first time and her world will fall apart . I for one , would walk away and let it be. Not your circus or monkey . It’s not about him ‘getting away with it ‘ it’s about you walking away and getting on with your life. He’s a cheater and a lier and his Mrs probably has an idea he’s not faithful.

  26. Ok, firstly. Breathe… slow down… you will be OK!

    When you go to the Health Centre tomorrow, ask to speak to someone about all of your options. That should include someone like a counsellor who can help you work through your emotions/thoughts so that you can decide what you want to do.

    Until you have made the decision, don’t reach out to your ex. Work out what you want to do, without his influence. At the end of the day, whatever happens will happen to your body. So give yourself the time & space to work it out on your own.

    If you decide to go ahead with it, then you can tell him if you like. But if you decide against it, don’t tell him. If you two are broken up, then he doesn’t need to know.

    And this isn’t a black stain on your life, your life is not ruined. You have made it this far, you can get through this too!

  27. Go to your graduation then go to the reception. Anyone has a problem tell them to fuck off and mind their own business

  28. At the end of the day, it just seems like you aren't compatible. She requires her partner to be a virgin and you aren't. It's sad and it sucks because you were falling for her, but you'll feel a lot better with some time between this moment. She knew her wants for a partner and opened up about them early in the relationship so she wasn't wasting her time or your own. Take some time to feel sad for yourself, then get back out there. You'll find people who don't care about your sexual history.

    I know a lot of people don't put a ton into their first time, but for her to assume you didn't wait for someone special is pretty bold unless you said otherwise. I haven't been with the person I first had sex with in almost 2 decades, but he WAS special to me and I'd be offended if someone said he wasn't just because we never married and aren't together.

  29. Former long-distance runner here:

    Surely you have a general idea of how long it takes you to run a half marathon, yes? Why can't you ask your husband to show up around 30 minutes prior to your estimated completion? All you would need to do is communicate where the finish line of the race is, and what time he needs to be there. Then you would know he will be there and you will get the support that you want, without him having to wait around for multiple hours doing nothing.

    I definitely understand being hurt by his lack of support, but I have to say that running is one of the most boring sports possible for a spectator. It's one big moment at the beginning, and one big moment hours later at the end. Everything in between is just killing time, or walking to different areas where you will briefly see the person that you're supporting fly by you. For the person who is participating in the sport, it is incredibly engaging, but for a spectator it just isn't. Maybe having him come just at the end could give you a feeling of support without him needing to sacrifice hours of time doing something that he doesn't find enjoyable or engaging?

  30. Just because it’s not an “office” doesn’t mean y’all shouldn’t still behave in a professional manner.

  31. Yeah like I will text in the morning like one time and then it’ll say delivered until after midnight but yet he posts on his story during the day. But the weird thing is I’m on his private story. So idk why I’m on that

  32. You’ve only been with him a month? Dump him. Stepping far out of line and being manipulative towards you, calling you insecure, gaslighting you, etc.. BOY, BYE.

  33. This has, “relationship broken, just add people” written all over it. He has been insecure, and accusatory for TWO FREAKING YEARS?! How is that a good relationship for you? How is that even tolerable for you?

    Look- I believe in open and polyamourous relationships. (I'd better, my two live-in partners would probably be dismayed if I suddenly went monogamous…) They can be good and solid and wonderful. But each of your relationships have to be sutainable and supportive -, independent of the others – otherwise all your doing is adding other complications to an already broken relationship. And from everything I've seen without your core relationships being stable- things go down in flames really, really quickly. Especially if all parties are not 100% on board with the relationship structure.

    Same yourself the drama and discomfort OP – and find someone who's not an insecure jerk.

  34. Late reply, but to answer, she chooses her b-day dinners as do I for my b-day. She likes fancy restaurants, especially for birthdays. As stated in my OP, we eat out every weekend — $100 is right around average for our weekends out (anywhere between $60 – $100 depending where we go). I planned the year's V-day dinner and yes, chose the place for the both of us and she loved it from what I could tell. Part of the reasoning I picked this place is because I knew she'd like it.

    We've been together for 12 years. Going on 13 in 2023. Trust me, I'm not picking these expensive places just because I think she'd like it, but because I know she would. Dunno if that makes sense.

  35. Maybe ditch the idea of planning? It's a good idea if someone has high sex drive but if not then it looks like a chore. There isn't a reason in her mind to want it because she doesn't see the reason besides you wanting it and that doesn't make her horny yk.

    If you come to her and only insist on how much you want it it's gonna get on her nerves. Buy her something, take her somewhere, ask her what's on her mind lately, be there for her. Im sure after having a kid her mind went to just chores and nothing else. Her body changed, her hormones changed. She probably has some mental block, it's not an easy nor pretty job to pop a whole baby from down there. Ask her about it, see what she thinks, how she feels. This way it's just you and her and nothing to connects you in between.

  36. It's not worth trying to dig deeper. It just gets you burned. He's given you every reason to wash your hands of this relationship. The impulsivity, thrill-seeking, living lavishly is all for himself. It's all quite self centered, and he's shown you that he has no interest in curbing any of those behaviors regardless of how you feel about them or how they may harm you now or in the future. Then you have the lying and deceit. It all comes down to a fundamental lack of respect. None of this will change. If you stay, and especially if you tie yourself to this person, they will drag you down with them. It's a long climb back out, speaking from experience. Get out now. If you want a family and children,this guy ain't the one to have that with. Leave now instead of wasting time. Look into the sunk cost fallacy if you're hesitating.

  37. Has the conversation even been had with Brother about borrowing the money? Is Brother even agreeable that it's even an option to consider?

  38. You’re right, she just confuses me because we do literally everything you can think of like a couple. Which if you weren’t interested why are you doing it then? You know I like you, yet here we are.

    But you’re right, I should let it go.

  39. I'm not in a position to leave right now, unfortunately… I'd really prefer to figure out a constructive way to talk to him about all of this in a manner that he will understand and not feel attacked or anything, if that makes sense

  40. You must agree because you have stayed for 2 years instead of noping out of the relationship, as soon as you discovered it.

    You don’t need to debate anything. You know it’s not right. Get out. Why did you need 2 years to figure that out?

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