Boyfriend 28/M, refuses to propose to me 26/F until I lose 30lbs

I’ve read whatever I could find on this subject and everyone says to dump the boyfriend who demands weight loss in exchange for a proposal. I want a verdict on my situation. I’m 26, 5’6 and 165 pounds. I have a muscular build but I do have some weight in my midsection. I’ve been going to the gym since I was 18, when I previously had weighed around 190 pounds. When boyfriend and I first started dating, I was 175 but not as muscular. So I’ve dropped 10 pounds and I’m more lean since we started dating. Next month is our 2.5 year anniversary. We’ve already discussed that we want to get married and have kids in the near future but no proposal yet. This past year I’ve told him I’m growing tired of waiting because we already online together and I’m cooking and cleaning for him and I’m tired of doing all that without a ring on my finger.

This conversation has come up many times and this last time he said he plans on proposing soon but today he said he won’t propose to me until I lose weight. He said he wants me to have a thigh gap. He’s been making comments about my weight our entire relationship and always saying he wishes I had a thigh gap. He says everything else about me is perfect except for my weight. He says he doesn’t want to marry me unless I’m skinny because he doesn’t want to be trapped and stuck with a fat woman. I told him I’ve been losing weight and I plan on being 145 by the end of the year. I told him if I have a wedding date to look forward to I can be excited to shed the weight quickly but he won’t even give me any shred of compromise here. This conversation ended by him going to sleep. No resolution for me. Im just hurt.

I feel like after waiting all this time for him to propose and doing everything for him at home just to have him say this to me is so hurtful. I’m a very healthy individual but have some fat but mostly muscular. He is 5’11 220lb with a big belly and expects me to have a thigh gap. He also said he doesn’t show his affection to me in public because he’s not proud to show me off. Im a beautiful and loving woman and I’m so hurt to have my boyfriend of 2.5 years tell me he won’t marry me unless I lose 30 pounds. What do I do? Do I stay and lose the weight then be unhappy with a proposal from a man who only loves me conditionally? Do I leave him? I don’t want to break up with him and before this I was so sure about him but now I think to myself : why should I be with a man who I have to lose weight for and a man who I have to beg to propose to me?

TLDR; boyfriend of 2.5 yrs won’t propose to me unless I lose a significant amount of weight although I’m not even fat…

submitted by /u/Rosewave
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