(F25) My (M24) Boyfriend’s Female Assistant said she wanted to be “his Pepper Potts”

I’ve always had my suspicions about my boyfriend’s female assistant liking him.

They’ve always had a close relationship before I stepped into the picture. Because they are “friends” she feels very comfortable messaging him in an unprofessional manner.

I know with confidence that my boyfriend sees her as a friend and would never cross that boundary because he respects me and our relationship. BUT, I feel like she’s just a lioness in waiting..

She knows he is in a relationship with me and she comes off “supportive” of our relationship to him. Personally I just feel like she’s trying to stay in his good graces while he thinks nothing of it.

Recently she messaged him saying she wanted to be his Pepper Potts.. which made me really upset because Pepper Potts is not only known for being a really good assistant but also Tony Stark’s (aka Iron Man) love interest.

There are little things she does that really catches me off guard like: • sending him pictures of herself (nothing sexual more like instagram pics) • using nicknames • jump hugging him (aka legs wrapped around his waist) • getting excited whenever he comes over her apartment for work

I’m just seeking a little clarity because am I crazy for being over analytical?!? Or would you be suspicious too…

submitted by /u/ThrowRAbunni
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