Girlfriend’s (F22) parents won’t allow us (M22) to go on a trip for our 1 year anniversary

My girlfriend (22) and I (M22) have been together for almost a year and we planned to go to an island nearby through ferry this weekend to celebrate. We are serious and committed although we do not plan to have a baby or get married anytime soon as we both want to build our careers and be more stable.

Her parents are religious they do not allow us to have sleepovers, trips, or even be in her bedroom together. They also believe in saving it until after marriage. We have already done it many times and had sleepovers at her birthday party and did one weekend overnight trip previously together (which they were not too happy about but said yes to anyway because my cousin was going as well).

Her mom just texted me saying they do not approve the trip nor us sleeping together and is disappointed in us. She also told me not to let my girlfriend know that she texted me.

What should I do? And how do we proceed from this moving forward?

submitted by /u/dm0411
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