I 29F found out my husband 33M was trying to meet sex workers

Last night he had a work event and was out late, no red flags there, but he came home by subway and instead of coming to the house he stopped at the atm close by and took the car out, and was gone for about an hour, got into a fender bender. And wouldn't talk about why he was driving other than "to clear his head" we have street parking. No one drives at 2 am to clear their head to risk not having a parking spot when they get back. I admit I stayed awake until he passed out and did some snooping. He called like 10 different numbers around 1:30 which is about when he took out $400 cash from the atm. now around 5am one of those numbers started texting him, asking for money for sexual services. I could see the destination he put in his gps and know for a fact he went there. When I confronted he came clean and admitted to calling different numbers from a shady "escort" website. And going to the address on his phone but chickening out once he walked through the door. All the cash is accounted for, the amount of time between when he would have been at the place and when the car accident happened was about 15 minutes so I believe that, but I'm so angry that he's trying act like that's the part I should focus on like he did something honorable by backing out. I'm livid, I feel disrespected, disgusted, and heart broken. The icing on the cake is he is now getting death threats from the sex workers pimp who has managed to get a list of all of our family names. I'm a mess. I've booked marriage counseling to start next week. But I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what advice I need I've thought I'd be in this situation.

submitted by /u/Danialrene
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