I (M27) just witnessed my GF (F27) throw a tantrum over pizza

I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 2 1/2 years. Through the past couple years, I know that she gets stressed out and anxious very easily, but nothing to the extent of what I saw today.

She is having friends over for a get together and stressing out because she got off work a little late and didn’t have everything ready. Literally everything went wrong for today at work and after work one thing after another, just couldn’t go her way. I offered to help and went and picked up some things so she had time to finish everything up at home get to her house and she is trying to get a hold of her local pizza place to order pizza. Being a Friday evening it is very busy and no one is answering the phone, and it keeps giving the busy tone. She eventually breaks down starts throwing things around her apartment and slamming doors. I start calling other pizza places to find a solution and she starts getting mad at me and cussing me out. I offered to go pick up pizza and just order in person and once again she starts getting mad. Eventually I just leave and go pick up the pizza so things don’t escalate more. But I have never seen someone act in the way that she’s acted, like she reverted back to a child.

I am so conflicted because I know she’s stressed and a lot of things are on her mind, but acting like that and treating me the way she did is so off putting and not a way someone should act/treat their loved ones.

TLDR: my girlfriend flipped out over plans that weren’t working out the way that she wanted and things going wrong and took it out on me and threw a tantrum like a child

submitted by /u/throwra_scaryswimmer
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