I[23F] threw my engagement ring out the car window after my partner[24M] grabbed me

We've been dating for 4 years, and got engaged recently. Two days ago, we were going to the beach but had a minor argument that morning, so we were barely talking to each other. He was driving, I was in the passenger seat. He asked me to put on some music and I was mad at him so I said no. We continued in silence. I was honestly really stressed out because of the situation, and I tend to scratch my arms when I'm stressed.

He noticed me doing this and with one hand still on the wheel, grabbed my face by the mouth/chin area and pushed me to the side, kind of slamming me into my door and told me to stop doing that. Something like this hasn't happened before, and I was already stressed so I kind of just burst into tears and panicking, I took off my engagement ring, rolled down the window, and tossed it out there. We were on the freeway so there was no chance of stopping and getting it. This was such a gut reaction and I immediately regretted doing it but my fiancee was furious with me, and still is.

For the record, I bought both rings on Etsy. They were about 24 dollars for both of them and custom made. I could get a replacement easily if I wanted to. But my partner is extremely angry and although he apologizes for pushing me, he says that I overreacted way too strongly. I'm starting to think I did. Idk though. I'm a bit scared of him now and honestly doubting whether I should continue to be with him. Thoughts?

TL;DR: After my fiancee grabbed and pushed me, I threw my engagement ring out the window as a gut reaction, fiancee is furious, and idk what to do now.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-Size-6186
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