I(33m) caught my wife (32f) of 7 years cheating on me at a park and ride

I(33m) caught my wife (32f) of 7 years cheating on me at a park and ride

Ok so this happened on father's day and its been a shit ride since then.

My wife did not come home from work on father's day, I became worried and began looking for her as she usually texts me if she will be late from work. I called her work about 2 hours after she usually comes home and they told me she was not there.

So I got in my car and drove the route to her work, looking to see if she had crashed or something crazy had happened. Her car was not at her work so I drove the other route she could take home. I called the hospital, police, had her family involved because she was basically missing at this point to me.

About 4 hours after she would usually be home I got a text "I'm alive". I called her and she picks up and tells me she is "working late" which clearly was a lie.

She also sent a Snapchat message to a group I'm in with her sister that she was alive…. This updated her location on the snap map – at a park and ride about 15 min from our house. So I drove there, and there she was in the back of her co-workers car. Once she noticed me we talked and the other man just hid in his car. I asked if she loved him, she said yes, I asked if she was planning to leave me and she also said yes.

From this point she has been living with him and only came back to our apartment the Weds after. We talked, seemed amicable, said she would respond to my texts and agreed to some bills we have. She did send me car payments, but that's the last I've heard from her since Monday – I'm basically being ignored now.

So I'm living in this apartment we have lived in for like 8 years slowly trying to dig out of all our shit. Im really just struggling, it's been a really naked experience for me. I just wanted to share this story to get others perspective on what my next moves should be?

I know divorce is obvious but I'm not really sure how to move forward from this point. Any advice would be welcome, I know she did me dirty and I should just be mad but I miss her and hope she is ok.

submitted by /u/R3tr0revival
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