My (24F) boyfriend (25M) slapped me.

1 (24F) got slapped by my boyfriend (25M) yesterday. I'd like to give some background for clarification, l've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and a half and he is a very sweet and logical person. He does everything in his power to make me happy and spoil me. And he has never been aggressive towards me or anybody else while intoxicated ever. This is definitely out of character for him. Last night we were out with a group of our close friends and we were dancing i had only had a shot so l wasn't drunk at all but he had drank substantially more than I did. We were dancing together when he suddenly held my face with both eyes and looked directly into my eyes with a glare and said "you're mine" and lightly tapped my cheek and ear with his palm. I was uncomfortable with the situation so I tried to pull back and I said his name. He then held my head even tighter and pulled me closer and slapped me on my cheek and eye very nude to the point where i felt my ear was blocked and my jaw was aching i then pulled away from him quickly and sat on a chair my best friend and her boyfriend came quickly to me as i had my hand on my cheek from the pain they asked what happened and i said he hit me and my eyes started tearing up my best friend said "of course he didn't mean it" i stayed silent and was shocked. He tried to come talk to me but i pushed him away. Later on i kept getting reassured by my friend that he didn't mean it and so I continued my night although i felt very off. I later confronted him about it and at first he denied and said that he had only shouted at me, I kept saying that he did hit me and at the end said "I apologise if i did".

Extra info that is relevant is that we had sex for the first time a couple weeks ago and he has been acting very possessive ever since.

Is this okay?

Edit: not sure if all commenters will see this but i feel it might be relevant to the context and in no way am i trying to defend him. We would previously get intimate before our first time but with no penetration, during one of those times he slapped me mid sex because he had previously told me that he’s into it and i told him I wouldn’t mind trying. When he did that it caught me by surprise and i did not like it as it felt humiliating to me, I directly told him no to do that and he apologised. After we were done i opened the subject again and expressed that I wasn’t into that and he respected my decision, that was 6 months ago. It hadn’t happened since until last night when he did it again while we were dancing. While we were dancing before the slap he was telling me how much he wanted me and how horny he was, so now while I’m reading the comments I’m thinking, what if the slap was in the dominant horny way that he tried 6 months ago and the alcohol disinhibited the boundary i had previously set?

submitted by /u/ThrowRA177363718
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