My (25m) girlfriend (26f) who I on-line with told me she thinks I might not be good enough for her

So this just happened, we were watching a movie, and after we finished, she said, "I wonder if you're good enough for me" (kinda what the movie was about). At first, I thought she was joking, but she was dead serious.

For more context, she basically told me she doesn't think I have a future because I wasn't able to save enough money till now. I've been working a white collar job for a little over 2 years now, and I don't have a lot saved up as I had other expenses. I'm honestly shocked and don't really know what to think. This feels humiliating as I know my career is moving in the right direction, I'm even thinking about taking a mortgage soon, so it feels weird for her to say that.

We've been together for about 2 years and living together for 6 months. We've never had any major fights, but this might be the first time I'm actually upset with her. We always split the bills/rent, so I don't know where that came from, and I don't know what to think about this. Thoughts?

TLDR: My girlfriend said she wonders if I'm not good enough for her and I don't know what to think.

Edit: it's now morning, and I thought I would do a quick update. Thanks for all your thoughts. Despite the vast majority of you saying I should break up, life is not so black and white, and I was not willing to throw away a relationship we had for almost 2 years over a single conversation without talking it out first. She apologised to me first thing in the morning and said she didn't want it to come out like this. She stands by the fact I don't know how to save money, but she doesn't think im not good enough. I told her how it made me feel and asked if, given the chance, she would want to pursue a relationship with someone wealthier, to which she immediately declined. I know her long enough to know she felt really bad for what happened last night, but none of this changes the fact that what she said really hurt. In the past 2 years, we've never had a similar situation or any other argument over money, so I do believe she didn't mean it that way. Some of you might think I'm dumb for staying in this relationship, but the past 2 years are the happiest I've ever been.

submitted by /u/GbKremo
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