My (27M) girlfriend (26F) called me and said she fucked up, got drunk and sucked someone else

I have been on healthy relationship for the past 2 months with this girl,

She has been in her hometown for the past week to see her family and friends,

When we started the relationship she asked me if I would be ok if she saw other guys and if I wanted to have an open relationship. I declined by saying I won't be interested on doing that either with other girls, so I would appreciate if she didn't either. She kinda agreed, I guess.

A couple of days ago she called me to chat, but she also told me she got very drunk and high during a night at her hometown and that she didn't fuck a friend she knows for 10 years, but she sucked his dick. I appreciated the honesty of saying it, but I didn't agree to her excuses of saying she was drunk, and that she didn't know what she was doing. I can feel the guiltiness on her, and the regret.

She comes back to my city on Wednesday, and where I want to have a conversation with her in person.

I have strong feelings for her, and she does too towards me, she talks about me to his friends and everyone, whyyy did she do this! I would love to keep knowing her and stay with her, but I feel betrayed af.

What is the move here?

submitted by /u/circumferential
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