My (32f) partner (37m) slept with over 100 women. But doesn’t trust me for sleeping with under 10

What do you do when a partner triggers you on purpose to call you crazy? He's done it twice and I was caught so off guard that I spiraled and blew his phone up. Now he's saying I have to abide by his rules and boundaries since I'm too crazy to be trusted. But he purposely started fights about small things and then said I lied about how many men i slept with in the past out the blue. Then hangs up and ignores me until I'm begging to just agree with whatever he says just so he'll talk to me.

I've never lied to him. I've told him I've only been with 8 people (including him) and everytime he's grilled me about the story I've never changed. But he's insanely insecure although he admits to sleeping with 100 women before me. He'll purposely ignore me or say weird stuff to trigger an emotional reaction from me. I told him this is gaslighting and abusive but he keeps saying I'm crazy so nothing he does is wrong even though I'm reacting towards how he treats me. Am I literally losing it or am I being emotionally abused?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAway670
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