My (37f) husband (37m) is angry I need surgery

As the title says. My husband and I have been together 15 years, house, kids the whole lot. I need a surgery to repair some nerve and artery damage to my arm or else I'm going to lose the use of that arm and my husband is not happy about it.

It's not even about money (public healthcare) or that he's scared/worried, no he's pissed because I will need time off work (we own a company together as equals) and he will need to adjust his days to work around our school aged kids while I recover.

He's stomping around and slamming doors like a child all pissy that his schedule will be affected and won't even talk to me about the surgery. I'm so stressed about his reaction and all the things I'll have to do at home instead of recovery because he said he won't "pick up my slack" that I'm just thinking stuff it, no surgery and just wait till I can't use my arm anymore and at least I'll get funded home help for the housework and kids when that happens and try to adjust to a new lifestyle. But you would think after this long and building a life together he would have some ability to show me a bit of support. It's not like I'm doing this on purpose just to ruin his plans or something, I'd prefer not to have surgery too but I have kinda grown fond of having 2 functional arms.

So good people of Reddit, what advice do you have? I think my husband is being a complete C U Next Tuesday about this, but should I try to be more understanding of the stress he would be under?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAocelot23
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