My (37f) husband (39m) is cheating, but won’t admit it, even though I met his girlfriend

I don't use reddit, but I honestly have no idea what to do here and I figured I might as well ask. (reposted with allowed username)

Two days ago, I was at home on my day off watching tv on the couch when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and a young woman (looked early 20s) was standing outside. I asked what she wanted and she, very confidently, said she was my husband's girlfriend, and that she was here to see him, saying 'I didn't know he had a maid'. I told her that I was not his maid but his wife, but she didn't believe me and argued with me that he was single before I got so angry that I just slammed the door in her face. I called my husband immediately to tell him that his 'girlfriend' had shown up at our house and that he was now not allowed at home anymore, but he kept insisting that he didn't have a girlfriend, that he wasn't cheating, ect. After his workday ended he showed up at home to try to talk to me, but I just ignored him. He keeps trying to convince me that he has no girlfriend, despite the fact that I literally met her and talked to her. He won't admit anything. Im scared to tell my family because I don't want them to take his side and think Im some crazy wife making up stories to defame him, since he insists he's innocent no matter what. How can I explain the situation to my family without the risk of sounding like Im making it all up?

tldr: my husbands gf shows up at our house, he refuses to admit that he even has a girlfriend, I don't know how to tell my family in a way that they'll believe me

submitted by /u/ThrowRA6827
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