My bf (M24) didn’t get me (F23) a birthday present but got his co-worker (F21) a birthday present. He wants to make it up to me but when should I forgive him?

My bf of 5 years didn't get me a birthday present when I turned 23 in December. He said my present was coming in late. It has been 5 months since and I convinced myself it was taking a while to be delivered. I asked him about it today and he said he didn't actually end up getting me one and he had forgotten about it till now. We were also shopping today when he bought a $100 present for his female co-worker for her birthday. Now that I have mentioned that he never got me anything for my last birthday he said he will make it up to me. I am just upset because I know that if I never brought it up nothing would have changed and he never would have got me something. We do celebrate birthday and just last week I gifted him for his bd with a $400 wallet, took him to dinners and activities. It is not about the price of the present, he does pay for alot of our outings and special occasions, but I wished he had gotten me something when it was my birthday and not now as an afterthought. I don't know to do about this or what to say to him. I love him heaps but I just got the yuckiest feeling from this.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAaccb
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