My boyfriend (27M) is turned off by my (23F) boobs because they’re not natural

I really don't even understand this whole thing. He used to love my boobs, then when I admitted to getting them done he looked at me as if I was the biggest deceiver to walk this planet, I wish I was just being dramatic. He claims to find it unattractive cause he loves and prefers women with "natural bodies", yeah the type the women he follows on social media totally have, lol /s. The implants I have in aren't that huge or stiff, they look and feel pretty natural, he wouldn't have even known they were done if I didn't share that with him, which I really regret now since he never even suspected it.

Guys I’ve been with before him knew about me getting them done and never found it bothersome at all so I was fairly shocked and surprised by his strong reaction. The actual problem now is that he's turned off by my boobs because they're fake? It's funny and strange I know, but it really does hurt my feelings a lot. To be honest, this whole thing has been having a negative effect on our sex life and our relationship lately. Any advice on how to deal with this situation? And what could possibly be the reason behind him having such reaction? I really do understand having preferences but it's a bit crazy to stop seeing something you thought was attractive as so after finding out a minor detail about it, what does that even change?

Edit; to answer a few repeated questions; *Why did you tell him? Under what context did it happen?** It was very very casual, we were viewing stuff on my memories laughing about some old videos then I showed him one of me five years ago under anesthesia, he was like when tf did you even get surgery and what was it for, I told him all about it and that it was for my breasts, his reaction shocked me, he thought I was joking then got pissed. How long have you two been dating for? it’s almost been a year but we’ve known each other through friends for three, I was dating my ex-boyfriend during that time so nothing even happened between us.*

Edit2; could y’all stop with the comments saying “you’ve posted this a thousand times before”, lmao I only did *once** and it was on a different community, my post was taken down before I even managed to see most responds.*

submitted by /u/ThrowRAnooouser
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