My boyfriend (m28) made a “joke” at my (f27) birthday and now I don’t know what to do.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 11 years. We celebrated my birthday in a different country that he paid for as we had never celebrated my birthday throughout our entire relationship (I have always wanted to celebrate my birthday but he never planned anything or wanted to do anything for it so we never did and I brought this up recently which I think made him feel bad so he booked this trip away which I'm thankful for). At the restaurant, we were being served by a lovely waitress, who was very very pretty. My boyfriend tried to make her smile by cracking jokes which I laughed along to and I kept noticing him checking her out which didn't really get to me. He asked "where do you think she's from because her accent isn't from around here?" I lent forward and held his hand laughing and replied "why don't you ask her?" He responded "i want to ask her for a threesome if youre down?" I was STUNNED. He was NOT joking until he saw my face had dropped, he quickly began laughing and said "you brought it up!" I asked him " what did I bring up?" He said "about a threesome" I said "no I didn't" He said "you told me to ask her." I said "ask her where she's from not to fuck her!" All night he then tried to play it off as if I'm being dramatic and that I brought up the threesome first- which I didn't! She's just a waitress doing her job and he thinks of asking her for a threesome?!!

submitted by /u/Friendly-Storage-575
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