My brother says my BIL drunkenly admitted to being attracted to me…but my friend thinks he might be lying in order to get me to nanny for him (22f, 35m, 29m)

I’m 22f. I just graduated college and I currently nanny for my sisters two kids (4 y/o twins), she’s 32f, and her husband is 35m. I also have a brother, 29m. Him and his wife (28f) had a baby who is three months old now, and they’re looking for someone to watch her while my sister in law goes back to work. They found a daycare that they liked, but it’s expensive, and a somewhat far away. They asked me if I could also nanny their daughter, and I told them that honestly, I didn’t know if I could handle watching both the twins and a baby who’s only a few months old. It just seemed like too much, plus the summer is coming up and I had a lot of things planned to do with the twins that would be made harder with the baby needing to nap, eat, and need constant supervision. It was clear my brother really wanted it to happen-he said his wife had a lot of anxiety over leaving the baby with strangers, but I still told them I just didn’t think it was possible. They ended up taking it well and after that the situation was dropped.

On Friday, we had a family bbq at my sister’s house, everyone was there. The next day (yesterday) my brother shows up at my apartment and says he needs to talk to me. He said at one point last night he was outside talking with my sister’s husband. He said that they had both been drinking, but my sister’s husband was way more drunk than my brother was. My brother says that my sister’s husband said things about me, he didn’t say exactly what because he said it was vulgar but he said basically he’s attracted to me and my brother really kept pushing that he didn’t think I should be left alone with him.

The thing is…my brother in law has never been anything but sweet and respectful to me. I’ve known him for so long I look at him like he’s actually my brother. He’s a great dad and really sweet to my sister. We’ve never been in a situation where he’s been creepy or weird. So I was talking to my best friend about all of this because obviously I was really alarmed by this all. And she pointed out that my brother knows that I’m alone with my brother in law every morning when I watch the twins. He knows that I would have to quit nannying their kids if what he’s saying is true. My friend thinks my brother might be lying to me to get me to quit so I can nanny his baby. My brother isn’t a bad person, but he definitely has done questionable things and then justified them in his own head in the past. I asked him if he was going to tell our sister about this and he said he would ‘at the right time’ which also seems suspicious to me. I don’t know what to think, either way either my BIL is secretly a creep or my brother is lying to me to get his own way. Do I quit nannying over this?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAjenam
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