My gf (f27) is mad at me (m27) for not talking to het about a job interview immediately

Today I had a very important job interview. It was online. As soon as I finished, I went to the bedroom to find my gf and tell her about it. She was in the bathroom, playing a time sensitive game of chess. I started talking about the interview, but she couldn’t respond, and I asked if she wanted to finished first, and she said "yeah if I can". So I went back and decided to call my agent quickly, because I needed to let him know how it went anyway, and also because I was extatic and wanted to share, since it went really well. To be fair, the games she plays usually last 2 minutes. The call took me 7. I finished, went to the bedroom and started saying that Im sorry it took so long but he was chatting, to which she said coldly that she is not interested anymore in what I have to say about the interview. I was shocked and asked what happened, to which she said she is hurt I called my "friend" at the agenct first, and that I should leave. I apologised and said that yeah, maybe I could wait but said that I feel like she is severely over-reacting with the ice cold treatment, since she only had to wait around 2 minutes and I did go to her first, she just wasn’t available. Again, we both waited so long for me to get this interview. Never in the past has she not been the first person I call about everything. She completely popped my balloon, she is very hurt and I have no idea who is in the wrong. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/ThrowRA16525
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