My(32F) Best friend (37F) brings up that I take prescription Adderall in conversation constantly.

I’d like to start by saying that I’m acutely aware of the stigma surrounding adderall use. I understand that it is often abused and can become habit forming, but it works for me and my needs and I feel like it has helped me immensely.

I was officially diagnosed with ADHD about two years ago. The diagnosis opened my eyes to a lot of problems I had faced throughout my life in both school and social situations. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could finally connect the dots as to why certain situations that seemed to be easy for other people (I.e staying on task, remembering things, following a routine, maintaining friendships), seemed completely unattainable for me.

After careful consideration and a lot of conversations with my doctor, we decided together that adderall could be a good way to help me manage these issues. I started taking prescription adderall daily and I cannot begin to explain the ways in which my life has improved. That’s not to say it’s been without it’s hiccups. Finding the correct dose for me and managing the side effects has been a struggle but I believe the benefits outweigh it all.

I, like a lot of people with adhd, struggle with over sharing and even so I likely would have confided in my best friend anyway. We have been friends for nearly a decade and are very close. I am pretty open with the fact that I am on adderall because I’m not ashamed of it in the least bit. It has changed my life in so many ways I can’t even count. All that to say that my best friend has been aware of the fact that I take it since the start.

After starting on the medication, I finally felt capable of managing everything in my life. With the help of my doctor I learned ways to stay organized and pursue the goals and aspirations I had for myself.

Before I started taking adderall I was eating terribly, never worked out and had to stay constantly busy to feel validated. Adderall has allowed me to take control of my life in ways I didn’t know possible. I started caring about the food I put in my body, making time for exercise and learned the value of giving myself necessary time to rest and relax.

The problem I have is that my friend seems to constantly bring up the fact that I take adderall, often it seems as a way to discredit it the hot fought for progress I have made. I lost weight and got fit, by finally following a sustainable diet plan focused on meeting nutritional needs before indulgences. I started working out and have seen changed in my body that were beyond my wildest expectations. For the first time in my life I am happy with my body and feel confident in the way I look.

Adderall has also helped me professionally, as the focus I gained from my use of the medication allowed me to finally obtain a great job that i love in a stem field. When I look back at the person I was 2 years ago, I am so incredibly proud of the person I am today and the progress I have made.

My question for y’all is how do I broach this topic with my friend and let her know that I dont appreciate her comments on the subject? If someone compliments my body she is quick to say that adderall is the reason I lost weight. If I talk about how my coworkers like the way I present myself at work she says it’s only because of the adderall.

Ever since I realized her habit of doing this I have noticed it in every conversation and interaction we have. I just left lunch with her and her husband where she made a comment once again and I decided it was time to say something. I point blank said “please stop bringing up the medicine I take . It makes me uncomfortable” she proceeded to roll her eyes and her husband (who by the way is ALSO prescribed adderall) comforted her and the general air of the moment was that I was the one in the wrong (which unfortunately usually tends to be the dynamic since I spend a lot of time with her and her husband).

Could anyone offer some advice as to how I could navigate this delicate situation? I am proud of my progress and, while I admit adderall been immensely helpful to me, I know that my nude work and dedication to improving myself has been the driving force behind these changes. Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Blue-Danube
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