My(35f) husband (43m) just walked off to gym, without saying anything to me when I asked him to look after the 2 yr old while I can have my dinner for 10 mins. I don’t know where to go and cry

Tldr; my 2 yr old was very tired today and was crying a lot so I asked my husband a few times to take care if her while I finish my dinner. He simply left for gym without saying a word to me. I’m very sad but I can’t cry infront of kids or the friend at home.

My husband goes to gym every evening for 2-3 hours. Mostly the 2 yr old is playful till I get her to sleep. Today she was very tired and crying whole evening. Thankfully I had prepared dinner before she came home.

After she was fed, I started having my dinner but she was crying a lot so I nicely asked my husband to look after her while I have dinner. He didn’t respond so I had to ask a fee times. Then I saw he was wearing his gym shoes and in my mind I thought oh he is on his way out. But he didn’t say anything so I thought that was taking his shoes off to look after her for like 10-15 mins (time I needed to finish my dinner).

I waited for like 5 mins before asking the older one to check in the next room if he was ready to pick up the younger one. But he was gone. Just like that. Not a single word and slipped out of home. While I knew to expect that still, I feel very sad. I want to cry hysterically but there is no shoulder to lean onto. I don’t want to cry infront of my kids or the visiting friend either. What other options do I have?

submitted by /u/TheCrooner
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