Quick Reddit – Girlfriend (32F) asked me (28M) to wake her up in an hour to head home. But she’s sleeping so peacefully – should I?

So my girlfriend is sleeping at my place right now. She has work early in the morning (wakes up at 5 AM). Before she slept, she said for me to wake her up in an hour so she could head home, get more sleep, and then go to work. Problem is, her work is in 6 hours and she’s sleeping peacefully at my place. She has her work uniform in a bag over here by the way. Should I wake her up so she could head home (like she asked me to drowsily), or let her sleep peacefully and wake her up at 5 AM with an alarm? Strange question I know, but time is of the essence and I’m at an impasse.

Help Reddit!

Update: Thanks reddit’ I woke her up. Asked her if she wanted to head home. She paused – she was thinking. I said, “well I’d like for you to stay if you want.” She said yeah. I carried her to my bed (she was sleeping on my couch). Now we’re lying in bed. I got a hundred alarms on the standby for that early morning wake up. I’m about to pass out. Thanks again reddit!

submitted by /u/danishruyu1
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