Over the last few weeks several male friends have said they're disappointed (one even said "hurt") that I didn't have sex with them before we became friends. I'll admit, I'm pretty sexually open, and have had sex with possibly more than my fair share of strangers, but as a survivor of sexual violence in the past the idea that these men that I trust are still thinking of me in a sexual way really weirds me out.
The worst part is when I approached a third friend to talk about how uncomfortable this had made me, he said he was also pretty surprised we didn't have sex, and that he'd still love to.
How should I move forward from this? What's the right response? I have quite a lot of male friends that I don't see in a sexual light at all, and the idea that they're all upset I won't shag them makes me feel so weird!!
Thanks for any advice you have.
submitted by /u/MeganMoses
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