Someone just seemingly outed my fiancee(F31) in a really humiliating way for cheating on me(M32) last summer but now everyones backtracking.

We've been together for 4 years.

My fiancees best friend got married last summer but it was a Thursday wedding so I couldn't get the time off work to go. The friends husband recently added me to his golf whatsapp group which all his friends are in. I don't know his friends but we were all chatting about organising going out to play. One of them brought up the place where the wedding was last summer because he was going to another wedding there in a few weeks and it has a nice golf course there. They then started talking about the wedding my fiancee was at last summer.

Basically to cut to the chase one of the guys made a comment that the best man missed most of the day two of the wedding because he was fucking in a giant copper bath tub which a lot of the others had a good laugh about. This is important because the place where the wedding was is split into the castle and the lodge. Most of the guests stay in the lodge but the wedding parties and families stay in the castle. The castle doesn't have many rooms and each room is different with different unique features. Guess what one of the unique features in my fiancees room? A big copper bath tub. No other room has a copper tub.

I told my fiancee what was said and she obviously denied it and now everyone else involved including the guy who this supposedly happened with is saying it he thought it was a copper tub but it must not have been. He did sleep with one of the bridesmaids but I don't know all of them so I can't confirm. I know this all sounds ridiculous but you can look at the hotels website and pictures of all the rooms and a lot of them have bath tubs but the room my fiancee had has a very distinct large copper bath tub which I don't believe you can mistake.

Even though I've always trusted my partner but I feel like a complete asshole for buying this story and I'm looking for outside perspective because everyone around me is saying it was obviously a mistake.

TLDR: I was humiliated by someone seemingly outing my fiancee for cheating on me in a group whatsapp but everyone says it was a mistake.

EDIT: Thanks everybody for responding. There has been so many I haven't been able to keep up but I will read all of them. A lot of the comments are saying am I sure there is only one copper tub and yes I am 100 percent certain there is only one room with a copper tub. Other types of tubs in other rooms obviously but only one copper. The other thing is about the photos which is what I'm going to do now. The day two was a lot more casual so there wont be any official photos of the groomsmen or bridesmaids but there still should be a lot of photos anyway. Thanks

submitted by /u/throwracam12
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