(UPDATE) I caught my wife(F34) not being honest with me(M34) about something and now for the first time in our relationship and I don’t think I trust her.

Hey everybody, just wanted to start by saying thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to me and sorry if I haven't written back but the amount of responses have been overwhelming and I have a lot on my mind as you can probably understand.

I sat on everyones advice for a few days but decided all the cloak and dagger stuff wasn't for me and I just sat her down and confronted her on it again. She maintained her version of events and we weren't really getting anywhere so we agreed that she would go and stay with her parents which is were she has been for just over a week now. She is coming home this weekend to try and finally resolve this. What she doesn't know yet(or at least what I hope she doesn't know yet) is that probably against my better judgement I contacted him and it went as well as I should have expected it to go. It resulted in him telling me they did have a sexual relationship but it's over now. I asked him for proof which he didn't provide other than two pieces of twisted partial evidence which aren't concrete but if true are horrific. I'm hoping that the fact he didn't provide actual proof and that if he did have a relationship with my wife he would have told her we had spoken and I would have heard from her about it is a positive sign. Also I want to add that after speaking to him again he's still the horrible and probably sociopathic prick he showed himself to be back then and I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying to me.

I'm going to say to her in person what he told me when she comes home this weekend.

submitted by /u/throwraaghj
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