Update: my (23f) cousin (27f) told me that she was having sex with my boyfriend (25m)( he died last year)

Few days ago, i posted about my cousin telling ( during an argument), that she was having sex ( for three months), with my boyfriend, while we were together. My boyfriend died almost a year ago. We had such a beautiful relationship and even though , I didn’t believe her ( she has mental health issues), it still fucked me up and put some doubts in my head. You can see my previous post on my profile, for more details.

Since I posted, I waited 2 days, to see if she would contact me to apologise, but I didn’t hear from her. So, as many people suggested, I blocked her. I decided that I was completely done with her and I cut her off. I won’t be able to forgive her, because what she did was very vile and cruel. She was not worth it anyways.

I talked about it to my mother, brothers and my late boyfriend’s friends ( few of them). And everyone told me, that I shouldn’t believe her. His friends told me that they never saw any signs. They never heard that he was cheating with her or anyone. They also told me that every time he was taking about me, it was in positive. It reassures me and but that made me sad, because, it made me miss him even more.

Now, I’ll try to only keep the good memories that I had with him and I will try to forget about what she said. I want to honour his memory, because he was the man I loved.

I know the path is going to be long, and I know that depression probably isn’t too far. I have some bad days and better ones. My cousin made things worst. But thankfully, I have a great mother and brothers, best friend, few friends. However, sometimes I still feel very alone and lost. I hope for better days. And to the people who told me they lost someone in the comments, I feel your pain and I’m sorry. Also, thanks to the ones who show me support, I appreciate it.

Every time I had an issue or a problem, my bf used to tell me: we’ll make it together. Now I’m alone, but I’ll fight for you and your memory ?

submitted by /u/ThrowRacousinandbf
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