Well you all were right. My (32f) now ex(34m) tried to kill me last night

I posted here before about the emotional abuse I was enduring from the man I've been with for a year (now deleted). Over 1000 of you told me it was going to escalate into physical abuse. Well it did.

After blocking him and ending the relationship he came to my home unannounced and snuck up on me while I was getting out of my garage. After a heated discussion he forced his way up into my apartment and I didn't put up enough fight to stop him. We continued the conversation and I called him out on a huge lie. This led to a big fight where he choked me and told me I was going to "d1e tonight".

I got away and he stopped chasing and threatening me after I promised I wouldn't frequent my favorite hangout spots and let him have them since he went to them before me. He also told me he still " wanted to fall in love with me" and will talk to me in a week or two. I told him it's indefinitely over and he agreed and left.

I don't want to go back to this. My family is urging me to contact the authorities but he already had a dv charge on his record and has children. Is there a possibility of him returning to try and do this again? Or am I safe in believing it's over?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAway670
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