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Date: October 16, 2022

38 thoughts on “BlondeRiderxx live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I will say as a woman this is very normal to do. Think about how often her best friend has seen her hot. It's not sexual even if her friend is gay. It's normal for women to share nudes. Woman can appreciate the female figure in some ways men can't.

  2. This is a great idea! The husband seems like he got caught between a rock and a very hot place and genuinely didn't know how to react. It can't happen again if they don't socialize. The other guy 's wife sounds like a piece of work SMH.

  3. Why don't you just let other people do what they want with their homes? I'd be interested in learning what was so offensive about the halloween decorations, flags, statue, etc. Seems to me like you need to mind the business that pays you and leave her alone

  4. He is not the sweet, sexy, funny, loving, gosh darn greatest man in the world. If you want to know the true nature of a man, just look at how he treats the weakest creature in his care… ie the animals. THAT is his true nature. Everything else is just a mask. A mask that is slipping, by the way.

    He intentionally sabotaged the introduction of the cat with the new kitten. He is trying to force you to give up the cat he doesn’t like so he can have a cat he thinks will “treat him better” and “not be such a little bitch”. But he is refusing to even try to build a bond with the kitten he brought into the home.

    He dumped all responsibility onto your shoulders and does nothing but bitch and whine about both animals now.

    When someone shows you their true nature, believe them the first time.

    I just read a Reddit post about a woman who’s husband killed their dog. She intentionally ignored all of the signs from her husband and from the dog that husband was abusing the dog when she wasn’t there… and then she came home to a dead dog and him killing the poor thing on their security cameras. That’s going to be these cats one day if you don’t regime them for their own safety or ditch this all around “great wonderful man”. Which is more important to you? The animals safety and welfare or your narcissistic self absorbed boyfriend’s d**k?

  5. I agree with you, I have been in a relationsship a few years ago with a guy who abused me and we were at the same age.

    But I also get that many relationsships with an age gap are toxic/abusvie. With that said, not all of them are and I have never felt so safe and happy i a relationship earlier.

  6. This isn’t something you address kindly.

    You’ve brought this up before, you’ve left hints, and you’ve done everything except confront him directly.

    At this point he’s a fully grown adult man who should be taking care of this himself. He shouldn’t need a girlfriend to tell him what is and isn’t proper hygiene. If you’re trying to stay with him and not leave then you unfortunately need to step up and tell him, otherwise just leave him because he’s not going to change under his own power.

  7. You have a child together. Is she a SAHM or does she work, but still does most of the housework and emotional care? Sex was just another chore for me as my now ex helped very little. Thought he was man of the year for bathing them once a week and taking our son to Saturday soccer. I threw him out when I discovered him cheating, although we were having sex 2 times a week, but I don’t think I put too much effort in as I was absolutely exhausted.

    If you are co-parenting and doing half the housework, go see a therapist. Else start being her partner and step up. If my ex would have helped clean the kitchen 2-3 nights a week, I would have been much more inclined to be in the mood.

  8. Leave that girl right now.

    Unless you want to spend countless hours lost in panicked thoughts of “what she is up to”.

    People can work through but I honestly don’t personally know anyone who has successfully gotten thru it.

    You do you. Good luck and all the best!

  9. Of course your not perfect. But nothing you have asked for is unreasonable at all. He sounds very selfish.

  10. Boundaries are enforced by oneself for oneself. They are not a cudgel for weak, jealous people to use to crap on their supposed loved ones. She’s horribly out of line.

  11. Boundaries are enforced by oneself for oneself. They are not a cudgel for weak, jealous people to use to crap on their supposed loved ones. She’s horribly out of line.

  12. Maybe he's legit not that bright. In any case you have enough on your plate with a toddler, no need to add a helpless doofus to the mix.

  13. Yeah I have a mix of straight and gay friends and these kinds of “boundaries” always make me laugh. I showed my bf this post and he just shook his head.

  14. Personally, I say no and I say this as someone who got involved with a man who had 20K in credit card debt.

    Seeing as he's been honest about his debt, I'd give it more time. Find out what he's currently doing to pay that debt down. If he's not, big yikes. You are living comfortably, and as tempting as it is to move in together so you could save some money I wouldn't do it. In all honesty, he is likely interested in living together as it would help take off some of the financial burdens for him. I did that and in the end got burned.

  15. Argh, yeah I was starting to get that feeling but didn't want to be dramatic about it ? I think I'm going to text her that they need to sit down and communicate exactly what they want and come to an agreement and if they decide to move forward with me they will need to agree to some groud rules or else it will become a mess for all involved.

  16. Girl edit 2 still sucks…. why are yall going Dutch after you spent all this time paying for him. Throw the man away…

  17. Sounds like depression, you should have real talk with him and work from there. With no improvement choose for the high road

  18. right? start with a conversation about his views on sw first…

    not everything is everyone's business, aside from what society thinks

    you think men tell us about every gross sexual thing they've done that might bother us? no? so why are we expected to disclose something so personal.

  19. on a gap year from it which I have chosen not to work

    And you think your husband is going to find that in any way attractive?

  20. Dating is not easy.

    For what it's worth I was in my late 20s when I started dating my (now) wife. I got super lucky and I know it.

    I wish I could tell early to mid 20s me that the tough times will end up working out for the best.

  21. Little more information on the coworker. How old is she? Is she your assistant or your colleague? Does your wife know?

  22. I didn't let him and I'm a dude. If you actually read my post you'll see that I literally say I wasn't raped or assaulted etc. Genuinely never said I was raped or anything of the sort

  23. Yeah, that’s something you keep in your back pocket. LOL

    Seriously, if my partner does something dumb dumb like leaves his laundry in the wash til it stinks after 3 days, I might walk out to the living room and be all “first middle lastname WTF with your laundry dude?” And we laugh. It’s not really a big deal at all but it’s kind of a teasing thing.

    As a kid though? If I heard first middle last I was in deep doo doo. ??

  24. i don’t know where this idea that people can’t change comes from, but it’s not healthy. people can and do change over the course of their lives for the better and for the worse. you don’t have to be patient while waiting for the former or tolerant of the latter, though.

  25. Op sorry about this,I think it is not a good situation for you. Find out why he chose this friend. There are so many Women to do this to. Why someone you both know?Good luck

  26. I don't see an easy fix seeing as you're both very young parents and neither of you are responsible. Also, he's not very emotionally available or conscious. Babies don't suddenly make bad partners better people, it isn't a reason to create an entire human life. & i'm honestly unsure if he's just being a young person and not being able to handle things well, or if he's entirely narcissistic. But because he talked you in to having it in the first place.. i'm going with the ladder.

    I know its not really my place to tell to people with a child to split, I do however think its the better option moving forward. A baby may be permanent, but a split still gives you opportunity to live a more self respecting life away from him. If you have the option, I think its worth staying with parents with baby and getting help until you're more financially stable.

  27. His entire reaction gives me the shudders.

    He's trying to make you responsible for his mental health and to help him work through the “mistake” he made.

  28. I think he is stupid and easily influenced by his brother.

    Logically,it doesn’t make sense.

    Try one more time to explain it,and if he doesn’t get it then,you should take a break,so you can think things through.

  29. It comes from people who are selfishly concerned with their own pleasure and view the other person as more an object than a willing participant.

  30. You gave him the choice, and so he made one. If you truly aren't going to be happy with that decision, you shouldn't have said you would be to begin with.

  31. You say you are 33. How about you actually talk to him about these issues?

    You have been together for 7 years. That's a commitment. You have been living together for 4 years. That's a commitment. You also bought a dog together. Another commitment.

    You said you haven't really talked about marriage. Well, maybe he doesn't believe in marriage. Lots of people couldn't care any less about a useless piece of paper.

    And about the kids. He's not ready for kids. Period. You having kids together right now will only destroy your relationship.

    It's time to grow up here. Get off reddit. And talk to your boyfriend about this. Not random people live who doesn't know anything about your relationship.

  32. Me and my husband are 30 years apart at first it was super uncomfortable in public like the first 3 years or so but now I’m on the opposite team I personally tell people age gap relationships arnt what they are cracked up to be 12 years in and I’m ready for divorce but I have seen many other age gap couples that make everything work so I honestly just think it’s the same cause I could have married someone my age and be ready for divorce after 12 years who knows.

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