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Room for on-line sex video chat BlossomTilda
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Languages: en
Birth Date: 1997-12-02
Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorGrey
Subculture: subcultureNone
Date: October 27, 2022
I don't have any issues with money I do take care of all the bill and food and give her 200 a week just for her
You don’t have to handle that at all. He needs to seek help for his issues. you need to figure out why you think it’s ok for him to say things like that to you and why you want to deal with someone like that.
maybe seeing a relationship therapist could work?
you need to respect her privacy and there may be an underlying reason as to why he hates physical touch. maybe you should try to subtly bring the topic up and see if there’s any ulterior reason as to why she’s against it.
the two bedroom thing is relatable. sometimes it’s just knowing that you have your own personal space makes you comfortable
Agreed. I would implore this guy to break it off right now, this is literally insane.
But out of self-respect, fight back, stand up for yourself. Then break up.
As I seen the her leaning forward, mouth open, I’d push that fork down her throat, push so nude my husband hand might follow too ?
Surely bring up any concerns but i wouldn't be too worried about this personally. Porn is just porn
Sorry, but her problems are HER problems. Find someone who will fulfill your needs. She's for sure manipulating you emotionally and VERY MUCH in control.
Let me guess – that friend is single.
You're fine. Ignore your friend.
Thank you for this advice. Will try to talk here again later when we wake up.
Wow OP you are way too decent for that commenter.
What he said was awful and insensitive. People diagnosed with MS go through a lot of depressive states (my aunt was diagnosed 5 years ago in her 30s, she hosts groups for people with MS that go through the same stages she did) and telling someone they are a burden to their true love is criminal. Like “about i give you a gun and watch you pull the trigger”.
I am very sorry for tht douche.
I hope you are doing okay and that the flare ups aren't too bad!
Some of them are titanium now
Yes. It does not make sense I know.
Unfortunately, he already has had access to the information for long enough that it’s too late to really stop him just by getting him fired. OP needs to also get his GF to report this to the police and get a restraining order. It is going to get worse and could easily become dangerous.
Report him ASAP. To his employer, and to police!!!
I’m not doing anything character assassination I’m just trying to understand why you have this weird point of view. And the comment you were saying you wish your girlfriend was like? It wasn’t just someone who would give head. It was someone who wants everyone’s dick and would be offended at you masturbating almost like it’s the main thing she cares about. You want a girlfriend obsessed with dick.
Very controlling….making you feel bad for having friends….isolation you. Like it's all your fault. This relationship is not good at all.
You’ve only known this girl for 1 mo and only long distance. You don’t really know her. It sounds like she is a bit unstable and looking for an escape since she is trying to move everything so quickly. Be careful and don’t ignore all the red flags.
Can you really blame people for not wanting to room with Charlie the Titty Biter?
late 20's. Socially awkward with some people skills. Fast food career path. Have had multiple jobs before, on and off and have been here longer than most jobs.
I would miss him. Or at least who he used to be. I also worry that if I'm not there to be able to make sure he keeps his drinking in check or to call him out on his mistreatment of our kids what would he do if it was just him and them? I have had to play damage control so often I just don't know what I would do if he said something cruel and I wasn't there to tell him off and reassure my kids.
Looks like his true red flag self is coming out to play. Run.
Did you leave that partner because of the accusations?
Maybe record him next time he acts like this. There is nothing worse than seeing yourself acting like a fool while intoxicated. Have you actually said the words,” I’m embarrassed by you.”?
If you want a guys opinion, don't do it. Birth control messes with your body and isn't 100% effective. It's up to you, but I wouldn't jump into using it this early into your relationship. It's your body and the decision is up to you, but don't get pressured into it.
She told me she goes for older men generally and that I'm not even the oldest person she's been with.
This girl has issues. Don't be with her. It won't work out well in the future.
Why should you get over it? Time to end this “complicated history” and move on…. this will always be between you and he's so nonchalant about it that would piss me off. He's gaslighting you like a pro. Get out of this merry-go-round toxic cycle.
There’s a lot here…you really haven’t given enough reason to keep his name off the birth certificate. Just from what you’ve written, you sound more like the unstable one here. He has rights, even if you don’t want him to. You have no idea what type of father he will be, and neither does he until he’s given the chance. You’ve given general vague reasons, not well thought out specifics. And as for the police and equal rights? It’s got a lot of do with what’s best for the child, regardless of what parent that may be. If you’ve got concrete reasons, please, change my mind. Also, why would you get pregnant if you didn’t trust him? Why are you still even with him?
They were taken and shared without consent. Try pressing charges!
Be on the lookout OP. Some people start hiding affairs by being extra with the spouse.
It seems he was already having an emotional affair with her and got more involved recently.
I would further inspect this change and not believe a single word out of his mouth.
He might even try to baby trap you.
It doesn't have to be the truth for the kids to believe it! If their mother starts telling lies to her children about their dad's new wife they are going to be inclined to believe it. Such as “after they're married *OP won't want you around.” Or something. Making inferences is enough for the kids to have doubt and feel uncertain especially with their parents new partners .
And I'm sorry there are shitty people who keep good parents from their kids. My partner has two and his ex has been pretty shitty in the past. My comment was to only say don't jump to conclusions, cause it goes both ways.
Is he looking for a LAT relationship? That's what I want these days
His w makes it more difficult for real victims
She definitely is, and she is finally so happy and I am so happy for her!
Yeah no. You will just get hurt. Leave her she can have her “frienship” with her sex friend as much as she wants, but you should have nothing to do with it. For your own good.
he doesn't have insecurities. He has a desire to control his wife's actions.
I am cracking up at that last sentence hahaha. After all the comments I think I have some new goals to get to. Hey man life is crazy, I probably will end up sitting around the firebtelling my kids about the hash slinging dingus lmaoo
In my experience, “I have a porn addiction” is a classic go to excuse for manipulative, narcissistic abuse. That is not a reason. That is not an excuse. That is not good enough, don't accept it!!
If anything like that happens again, either get up and leave or call the police as she is acting dangerously disturbed. Do not ever sit and let someone, anyone, scream at you. And sure as hell not for a half-hour.
I don't believe anything OP says especially after reading some of her comments.
Like, on the couch in a platonic way, like in a way that you’d be comfortable with a guy friend comforting your wife? Or your wife comforting a guy friend of yours? Or was this pants off spooning in bed with more touching than is generally considered platonic?
My wife cheated on my 20 years ago and I still love her. She's been my x-wife for 19 years btw.
If you TRULY love someone? I don't think it ever goes away even if you move on. I know without a shadow of doubt, I'll never get back with her… but I still love her.
I'm an idiot… welcome to the club.
Amazing, I had the same age gap with my ex and a good relationship but I'm too pragmatic and could see that even if the relationship seemed perfect there were some flaws.
Just enjoy your decision and don't care about what people say. Just make sure to understand what are the consequences of marrying someone with such a difference.
Just play Dr. house and fake your death OP, move on from this groomer bitch lol
Thanks I think you may be right about that, the only issue I have is that I live quite far away from any big cities, the closest city to me is Newcastle which is about 20 mins away but I can still make it work out I’m sure.
The reason I rated myself low isn’t because I don’t have confidence, it’s because I know I can always improve in some way.
Right now I have a workout routine and I’m exfoliating and trying to hollow my face cheeks by chewing gum, do you know if there’s anything else I can do to improve?
As you well should be!
I hope you have a magnificent weekend, friend!
Thanks for the reply. I definitely get where you are coming from. I think my fear really stems from the fact that my partner could be cheating and I wouldn’t see any signs. I don’t want to be naive in a relationship to where my partner is cheating for months and I would never know it. It’s also long distance so that doesn’t help me any
Please go to therapy before you make any decisions.
yea, really interesting that Op is only focused on his mom here and not his dad as well. I wonder why 🙂
Uh, you don't have to discuss taking someone else to “mask” something if there isn't something to mask. He's clearly into her and I'd just toss him to the curb.
+1 for Sideways doggie
No. She gets to set boundaries with her friends! She didnt go up to her brother and say “dont date my friend what the fuck thats so gross you arent allowed to” she said “hey, if you date my brother we will not be friends” shes not saying its wrong or taboo or gross. honestly im a little confused as to why out of the 8 billion people on earth, she chose her bestfriends brother… knowing that the bestfriend wouldnt stick around. theres probably a reason. no one just says that without a reason. for me, i have never had to affirm to my friends to not date my siblings, we all agreed that it was incredibly odd. shes not sitting there and sabotaging and talking shit and stirring the pot, she literally just drew a line and OP crossed it. you dont get to determine how people react to things, thats life.
Talking for 4 hours on a beach, meeting up later to talk for 4 more hours, confessing they felt a strong connection between each other, sharing an extended embrace, then staying in touch when you come home isn’t just “chatting for a few hours”. That’s leaning way into the feelings you have for someone that isn’t your partner
This guy is super gross. Don’t let him gaslight you into thinking you are wrong to be offended by his crassness. Also, advise that he feels like he’s “not enough” because he is not.
I would step back from the mental breakdown and ask yourself what kind of person brings home 4 cats to sell and then says they want to sell the kittens and then never takes car of them in any kind or caring way. I think he is mentally ill.
If you were to re-home the cats, what would he do? I would tell him that as there have been no kittens, he does not take care of them and they are neglected, you will be finding other homes for them.
Question: there are female and male cats and none of them are neutered? Is there even a possibility of kittens?
Wait is this a vote for putting up cameras?
No you weren't I'm the wrong. It's time for you to use that divorce word and to put some power back behind the word.
He's creating drama. He's not being respectful. He's a hypocrite.
As a worst worst I can drive a few towns away to my friend who would have me there in an instant. My partner doesn’t know this address.
It really seems like she's saying everything literally. Maybe her English isn't that good?
Like “yeah of course I'd rather have a steady, well-paying job instead of being a sex worker.” It's like she is missing the subtext of the phrasing of that sentence.
It actually reminded me of this good bit of standup comedy I really like. The comedian is working the audience, asks one guy what he does for a living, guy replies that he's a mechanic. He asks his friend next to him, “Are you also a mechanic?” Dude goes “You could say that.” Comedian goes ” Well are you a mechanic? Dude goes “Yeah that's what I said.”
Don't know why that bit popped into my head, but it's reminiscent of this thread.
No matter the amount of people tell you how bad he is, you’re not gonna listen anyway. You don’t need advice to help staying with your bf. You’re gonna stay with him regardless of his lying, regardless of his past crimes, regardless of everything that’s a red flag.
Smh. Reading is my favorite hobby and I don’t know how I didn’t catch that. Thank you!
Fuck Bob. Who cares. He’s a big boy and if he isn’t going it’s not your problem.
It’s really simple.
You are attempting to set the terms that you cook and he does the dishes. However, it seems like you are still cooking without him doing dishes. Clearly he feels that dealing with a bit of nagging is ok since he doesn’t have to clean this way.
Stop cooking for him until you and him reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Neither me nor this guy need help for watching porn.
There it is. This ain't about you, and also you shouldn't be allowed around teenage girls.
Yeah, there are 40 year old women with small, underdeveloped breasts too
Is it going to change your mind about marrying him?
Even telling her that you might get a peace bond is, at this point, giving her attention – it is what she wants. It is past time to never speak to her again in any way on any platform and to seek protection for yourself.
what really changed?
you were/are in love with the mrs. her loving her bff didn't change her love for you. you've been happy remaining in the dark. so, what changed is you feel insulted by them going behind your back. get over-it. if you love your wife then you recognize that she needs something that you aren't and haven't been able to provide to a bisexual woman. don't stand in the way of your partner being happy.
you said the focus of the 3-some was on you. if their focus is on making you the center of their lives then pursue it. i'd say 'listen, i will offer a 3-month trial. at the end of 3 months we have a family council and everyone lays out their evaluation. if any of us has problems with it at any point then the test is over. i am making a big consolation to my life and i expect some sincere appreciation. any degradation in my primary relationship and i pull the plug'
exactly. people like OP reek of insecurity. a little bit of it at the start of a relationship if understandable, but you gotta nip it in the bud quick.
No? If an adult can’t have an important albeit uncomfortable convo with their spouse, they are failing their duties as a partner. Just because she doesn’t like it does not mean she can refuse to discuss things or ever have disagreements.
How would you feel if your partner avoided any disagreement by immediately being ill and ignored your concerns?
That’s quite a lie. There’s nothing to be done except ask him what else he’s lying about.
you need to draw your line in the sand.
and you have. you don’t want her to be around those unhealthful folks.
but you also acknowledge that her behaviour make you uncomfortable.
if she won’t respect that discomfort she is inducing, the ball is in your court.
the best solution would be to part ways, say fare thee well, and cry a little, because if you do not do so now, later on when you’ve sunk more metaphorical, and possibly literal, costs into this relationship, the crying will take a lot longer.
or you can hope that she will change, though the only one that can control whether she changes is your girlfriend.
but i can’t tell you what to do.
He’s not going to leave you alone or give up unless he’s shamed into it. Let your friends (male and female) know what’s going on. Frame it as you blocked him, but he won’t stop harassing you and sending you unwanted d pics
I think he's being naive by saying no no no, keep talking with him. This woman is literally telling you “I need to be away from him or I don't think I can control myself” and he's just like, “nah, it'll be fine.”
SMH ??♂️
You are spot on with black and white thinking. She told me about this but I just brushed it off as something that I can live with and did not give too much thought about it up until recent events.
I didn't think of her BPD this way and your way of explaining made it easy to digest. I love her and my patience for her was seemingly infinite. I look back on how much she said she loved me and that I was the most important person in the world for her and that her living conditions would be so bad without me and that she would do anything for me. Then suddenly, after a mistake, no matter how small, she proceeds to tell me that she is not important, I don't love her, and that made me feel like a bad and worthless partner.
I'm not going to justify or dismiss the mistakes I made. I was wrong, and I admit it, and I want to improve myself. Through friends and family, I know now that I gave her what she needed and more, I gave her all the love and care that I have, all the patience in the world, and still I am not treated the way I want to be treated. Though I wish things could have turned out differently, it is what it is, and now I know that I am moving in the right direction.
Thank you for your insight and for taking the time to read my post, to write a such a detailed response, and for helping a brother out. Wishing you all the best!
It doesn't matter for a divorce. Judges don't care because it isn't illegal.
Fuck that guy. The fact that he wasn't furious with his asshole buddies invading your privacy shows his character. You weren't his girlfriend that night, you were their entertainment.
Dump his ass and never look back. He obviously does not respect you.
You're literally a Grammer Nazi in a relationship advice subreddit. Eat shit bud
How long have y'all been together for him to bring her up so many times?
I do not think this is about his accident and instead he has lost full interest in you. I do not know what happened to the accident that changed his mind but this relationship is a lost cause.
Don't cheat. Tell the truth that this relationship is not going anywhere and now you are showing interests with other people.
Time for you to move on as his desires for you are gone. Don't stay in a dead relationship. Don't cheat, tell the truth, break up, and move on.
This is 100% abuse and it is not normal. Is there a citizen's advice bureau or something similar where you are? I get that you wouldn't want to leave your house.
I don't know how you could get him out of there in a way that's safe for you, Is there anyone you could stay with short term?
I would guess that if she’s using favors you’ve done for her as reasons she doesn’t want you to go, that you’re leaving out how you acted. It doesn’t make sense for her to say “you walked my dog and bailed my friend out of jail so I don’t like you.” It does make sense to say “I needed your help and you guilted me/yelled at me/made fun of me even while helping me.”
Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense for those to be reasons. Anyway all of this sounds like a mess.
Handing it is different.
Where to begin? He was looking for other partners, before breaking up with you, like a decent person would do first. He has lied to you. He has ghosted this “friend” instead of giving her explanation, and apology first.
This is not someone you can trust, this is not who you want to spend your life with.
Yes then the bf is passive aggressive about it, instead of communicating with her he texts his idiot friend to talk behind her back. What a little bitch he is.
You don’t. Exes are exes for a reason. How many people do you know who break up and make up and are happy? Just my opinion.
No one on one with another female seems tough as there’s situations that you can’t avoid. She has to trust you. I think she’s too jealous sounding with this one. Having no female friends seems reasonable as I doubt you would want her to have guy “friends” around either. Maybe you can have mutual guy/girl friends though. And I applaud the financial frugality. It’s much better than her spending everything.